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Generic Name: Esbriet (pirfenidone)

Esbriet Reviews

For Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis "Have been taking Esbriet since 2017 so a bit over 5 years. Overall I have been stable with regard to liver panel results. I have lost some 40 pounds during that time and do experience fatigue constantly. I also have arthritic knees so I do experience pain daily but not sure there has been any worsening or correlation to Esbriet. Bathroom habits seem to change all the time…sometimes can hardly get there in time while others it seems a struggle to complete the task. My cough has worsened, getting up in the morning I spend the first hours coughing and trying to clear things out. Cold air will trigger coughing spells so I find I need to wear a mask if out walking the dog or out in the yard. When I was first diagnosed I was told the average mortality was 2-5 years and I am in year 6 and overall still feeling pretty good. My pulmonologist feels the Esbriet has been helpful in slowing down the progress."

For Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis "I was on perfenidone for 6 months. Terrible side effects - sunburn, constipation, loss of taste & smell leading to loss of appetite & weight. Lots of coughing tiredness & generally feeling unwell. One night I could hardly breath because of chest pain so I stopped treatment. Been off it for several weeks now & feel a lot better although still coughing a lot in cold weather. Consultation coming up so let's see the next option is."

For Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis "I was started on OFEV initially and had such horrific side effects. My Dr changed me over to Esbriet. I take 1 dose of 267mg 3 times a day and as long as I take it with my meals, I generally don't have any issues."

For Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis "Started on three, 3 times daily. Had side effects, so my doctor put me on two, 3 times daily. Lost lots of weight. Still find it hard to sleep and meal size is down to a small plate. But scans show medicine working at slowing scarring."

For Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis "I have been on this drug for 6 months, I have not noticed any benefits. I live in the south and enjoy the outdoors but I cannot go out with out completely covering my skin. I break out in a very itchy rash, my skin turns a bright red, I bruise very easy, and my body temp is usually around 99.4"

For Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis "Diagnosed with IPF on 10/03/2018. I had been on Ofev in reducing dosages for about 1.5 years. Side effects were horrendous for me. Mostly lower GI. Constant projectile diarrhea... (sorry for that description but completely accurate). Switched to Esbriet (Pirfenidone) 267mg. Followed weekly increasing dosages: 1 pill 3 times daily, then 2 pills 3 times daily, and finally 3 pills 3 times daily. From the beginning I have had no real side effects. I have been staying out of the sun almost daily since some of my heart meds suggest avoiding sunlight (supplementing daily D3, 2000IU). Keeping a close eye on liver levels. Saw a slight increase which if it remains steady will be of little concern. Seems like I am able to tolerate slightly more activity, at times, with O2 levels in low 90's. That is not always the case. Experiencing weight gain! Where is the weight loss side effect they mentioned? and... I am tired most of the time. This has improved somewhat since changing to Esbriet."

For Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis "Early days for me on this med. I have been feeling nauseous and also have developed an intolerance to shellfish (causes vomiting). I have also noticed more sinus issues. I have never liked taking pills, and I find 3x3xday too much. I’m always tempted to miss the midday dose, which would limit the effectiveness of the drug significantly. I'm also tempted to stop taking the drug completely but am persevering for at least six months to see if the side effects diminish. I have previously taken OFEV but was intolerant (due to gastric issues)."

For Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis "On Esbriet my side effects were constant headaches Runny nose Sneezing Sore throat Constipation Bloating Nausea Not worth the money"

For Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis "It has slowed the progression of the disease. I have experienced body ache, tiredness, occasional diarrhea. I have not lost a significant amount of weight."

For Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis "No side effects doing great cutting dose in half may go off completely if next CT can is great"

For Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis "Taking medication for approximately 3 months. Always taken with food. Very little to no side effects. The only notable side effect is fatigue."

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  • Drug class: miscellaneous uncategorized agents
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Esbriet drug information

Professional resources

  • Esbriet prescribing information
  • Pirfenidone (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis