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Generic Name: Euflexxa (sodium-hyaluronate)

Euflexxa Reviews

For Osteoarthritis "Had 3 left knee scopes. Both doctors removed more cartilage and meniscus than they should have. Now have bone on bone and osteoarthritis. Have been getting these Euflexxa shots for more than 5 years. Without the shots I would have had knee replacement 4 years ago. Please don't wait, the sooner the better it will work. The pain of getting the shot is minimal, only a 5-second sharp pain. No side effects for me, all positive. I tell people my knees go from a coffee grinder sound to a cue ball on a pool table sound. Also, since the shots, got back to water skiing and horseback riding. I'm 60 now."

For Osteoarthritis "I'm a 60-year-old male and active tennis player that is almost bone-on-bone in both knees. My orthopedist has recommended replacements. I opted to try Euflexxa. I had both knees injected in April of 2013 and again 7 months later. Both procedures have given me amazing relief. My doc lowered my expectations on the first round, so I didn't have high hopes. I was more than pleasantly surprised! Without these shots, I would be facing immediate surgery. I endorse Euflexxa highly. I did learn a trick: Ice your knee(s) 30 minutes BEFORE the injection! I had close to zero injection pain as a result. Also, ice afterwards to reduce inflammation. Good luck all..."

For Osteoarthritis "I have had 10+ years of increasing right knee pain, and then the other knee started hurting. I had physical therapy, cortisone shots, which stopped working, more therapy, knee scope, max dosage of pain meds... I just coped until the increasing pain prevented me from doing many activities. Last August, I had the 3 shots in both knees with no change after the first shot, better after the 2nd shot, 3rd shot painful but better than when I started. 6 weeks after the last shot, I noticed that 95% of my pain was completely gone! It's been 7 months since the shots, I am sometimes stiff but mostly pain-free. I never take pain meds. I am so glad I did these shots. I'm not cured, my knees are still at 70%, but I delayed knee replacement. I would highly recommend trying the shots."

For Osteoarthritis "I have received knee shots with Euflexxa, Hyalgan, and Synvisc-One. They all worked well for me. I experienced a little discomfort walking the first 10 minutes after the injections. The Euflexxa felt like WD-40 being sprayed into my knees and worked well. It made my knees feel very lubricated with a bit of a bounce. The others seemed to give a bit more cushion within the knees but with less lubrication. I would recommend Euflexxa to anyone that does not have an allergic reaction to it. Six to twelve months of relief. Greatly satisfied with the product and insurance covered all of the price except the doctor's upfront office visit co-pay."

For Osteoarthritis "Started Euflexxa over 5 years ago for bone-on-bone in both knees. I have a series of three weekly injections twice a year. I walk every day and do Zumba twice a week. I have absolutely no pain with the injections (my doctor knows what he is doing) and have been relatively pain-free. I am a 73-year-old female."

For Osteoarthritis "I’m 53 and have bilateral OA. I completed the 3-shot series of Euflexxa and am 3 weeks out from the last injections. I am in worse pain and struggle to walk more now than before I started getting the injections. Daily life has become so different as even grocery shopping is difficult. If I stand or walk longer than 5 minutes, I feel as though my knees are giving out on me completely. At the end of a day, all I want to do is lay down because I can no longer stand to be on my feet causing my knees any more exhaustion. When you are desperate for relief, you will try almost anything to find even 10% relief. After failed cortisone injections, my doctor suggested Euflexxa. He said, “You’re too young for replacement surgery.” At this point, I want to be able to walk. My 72-year-old mother walks and acts younger than I do. Come on already!!! Euflexxa a waste of money, and the extra pain it has caused me is frustrating. Do NOT get this!!"

For Osteoarthritis "I am 55 years old, used to ski moguls and ran long distance races, had bilateral arthroplasties 8 years ago for severe osteoarthritis. I work hard to stay active and have lost 35 pounds in the last year, eliminating dairy and sugar from my diet. Now I weigh in at 128, but knee pain was real! I opted to get Euflexxa injections to see if I could stave off bilateral knee replacements. I just got the 3rd one today. I've had no problems with the injections and would dare say my pain right now is a zero out of 10! I don't know how long this will last, but for right now, I am a big advocate for Euflexxa injections! Everyone is different and you and your surgeon need to find what works for you!"

For Osteoarthritis "After years of increasing pain, I finally decided to try Euflexxa. Why did I wait so long? After the first injection, I had absolutely NO pain, no swelling, no adverse reactions of any kind. I've just completed my third injection and still no pain. I now know what it is like to walk without pain. Relief!"

For Osteoarthritis "I'm about to start my third round of Euflexxa. I tried Synvisc-1 twice with great results but only lasting 4-6 months. My first round of Euflexxa lasted almost 15 months, and I was pain-free most of that time. The second round was almost 18 months! No significant side effects, a little swelling and pain after shots, but not for long. I am very physically active; I teach or take Pilates 6 times a week, take yoga 3 times a week, and do deep water aerobics 3 times a week, in addition to walking my dogs twice a day. This medicine is a godsend. I am hoping to avoid TKR for as long as possible and stay happily active as well."

For Osteoarthritis "Using Euflexxa for about 10 years has extremely helped my bone-on-bone pain. In the beginning, it lasted up to 2 years without pain. I get them every 6 months now, or longer if I have no pain. Better than steroids. I have never had side effects."

For Osteoarthritis "I am a 36-year-old male police officer and avid outdoor enthusiast. I had my 2nd ACL surgery in 2012. I am very active, and having constant knee pain was not an option. My doctor decided to try Orthovisc injections to help with the arthritis. The Orthovisc worked great. Unfortunately, my insurance required my doctor to switch to Euflexxa. After my first injection, I was in incredible pain. The second shot, my knee swelled, and the pain was unbearable. The third shot was even worse. I ran a fever, had nausea, headaches; basic flu-like symptoms. I have read a lot of the reviews on this website. It seems like patients either have good results or results like mine. I want future patients to be aware of the potential risks."

For Osteoarthritis "I am a 62-year-old male who has played soccer up to the age of 44 when my knees stopped me. I have endured the pain from bone-to-bone osteoarthritis for over 16 years. The pain would be moderate sometimes and debilitating at other times. After my first shot of Euflexxa in both knees, 4 weeks ago, I was amazed at how pain-free I was walking around. I have just completed my 3rd shot and am still amazed. I am hoping to stave off TKR for as long as possible. Thanks to Euflexxa, this will be a reality."

For Osteoarthritis "Have had knee pain for going on 10 years. Got to the point I couldn't take it anymore and went to an ortho doc. He said right knee total bone-on-bone osteoarthritis and left knee is following but not completely bone-on-bone yet. He suggested Euflexxa shots, saying the only other treatment would be a partial knee replacement. I figured it wouldn't hurt. I had the shots in December 2012. First shot, no difference. Second shot, seemed to feel better, 3rd shot no change. About a month after getting them, my knees still hurt. Figured it didn't work. But now two months later, I can actually go up and down stairs with minimal pain. I can go shopping and as long as it isn't an all-day affair, I do fine. Didn't take pain away completely, but it's better."

For Osteoarthritis "I'd read several reviews about how bad the injection was, etc., and to be honest, they scared me to death. Today I just had my first injection. It was zero pain, and maybe it's in my head, but my knee already feels better. Typically, on these sites, you only hear from people who've had a bad experience. So far, for me - (fingers crossed) - it's been good."

For Osteoarthritis "I am over a week out from my third shot of Euflexxa in my knee. Pain in knee continues to worsen each day to the point that I can barely walk. I know this is not normal, but the doctor won't listen to my complaints about this drug. Wish I never did the shots. P.S. My doctor recommended Monovisc, but my stupid insurance company would only approve Euflexxa. Not sure where to go from here... hope this disaster isn't permanent."

For Osteoarthritis "I'm 61. Late last year, I began having very painful osteoarthritis in both knees. Dr. said I'm nowhere near bone on bone, but I could hardly move. I got cortisone shots which helped, but I still had pain and could hardly walk. I felt 100 years old. I just completed a series of Euflexxa and I am walking normally again! I have over 40 stairs in my house and I am so far back to normal! This has been a lifesaver. I thought I was permanently disabled but I'm walking with no pain."

For Osteoarthritis "After the first injection, it was very painful. Doctor told me I have to come to the second injection. Now, after the third injection, I can’t walk, terrible pain. What kind of experiment did they do? What do I have to do now?"

For Osteoarthritis "I just got mine today. I am 38 years old. I have some bone-on-bone. I found a great doctor. They marked my knees, sprayed something to numb it. BAM! NO PAIN, I FELT MORE PRESSURE THAN ANYTHING. Walking out, I felt AWESOME. NO CREAKING IN THE KNEES, AND I AM ONLY ON VISIT ONE. CAN'T WAIT."

For Osteoarthritis "I used Euflexxa for the first time in April 2019. Prior to that, I always used Hyalgan, which is the original form for this treatment, and had very good results. I questioned my doctor on why he would want to change, but he said it was a better treatment. Well, that was not the case. It was the worst thing I have ever done to my body. Within three weeks of my final injection, my body went into systemic inflammatory response, I had an allergic reaction, and developed something that is called polymyalgia. There is no question if Euflexxa caused the situation. Two months prior to getting the injections, I had my blood work done, and I was very healthy. One month after using Euflexxa, my inflammatory markers went through the roof. I was in bed for over two months. I have now been on steroids since July 2, and I'm getting better. I would stay away from that stuff."

For Osteoarthritis "Knee, loss of cartilage in both knees. Series of 3 injections 1 week apart. The first lasted 12 months, the second lasted the same period, and now I'm getting the 3rd series. It works excellently. The use of Euflexxa has been excellent and continues to work well without pain for 12 months. This is my third series of injections."

For Osteoarthritis "60-year-old woman with bone-on-bone and need TKR. However, my doctor suggested Euflexxa, saying I was too young for surgery. I am one and a half months out from my third injection. After the first injection, I was able to sleep through the night without my knees locking, which was a huge improvement. My doctor said to take it easy for 48 hours after each injection and to ice four times a day. Right knee responded much better than the left, but I do have some pain relief in both knees. I started Physical Therapy 4 weeks prior to the injections, and the doctor advised to continue as long as my insurance will pay. My doctor advised I will be at my optimum 3 months out from the third injection."

For Osteoarthritis "I am 41 years old and have osteoarthritis in both knees. I have tried everything from steroid injections, medications, and physical therapy without any long-term relief. The steroid injections were really painful and didn't last, so I was very hesitant to try the Euflexxa. My Orthopedic Dr. gave me two choices (lubrication injections or arthroscopy). I knew that I didn't want the arthroscopy, so I went for the Euflexxa. I was terrified but needed some relief. My first injection hurt a little and my knees were sore for a few hours. My second injection hurt a little more and was sore a little longer than the first time. I will have my third injection in 2 days and can't wait. I am so glad that I did it! My knee pain is very minimal."

For Osteoarthritis "This was my first Euflexxa injection out of a series of three. I see a lot of people saying their injections were painful. I'm just wondering, did their doctor use an ultrasound machine and watch through a sonogram while injecting? Because my injection was completely painless, I didn't even feel the needle. He used the machine to watch on the screen first the injected lidocaine, kept the needle in the joint, unscrewed the barrel, and then put the new barrel with Euflexxa on, so I didn't have to be poked twice. Very gentle. But I'm a little concerned now hearing about all of these stories of pain after the injections. I don't feel any after my first one. I'm hoping that this works for me because the clicking and popping from the patella femur arthritis syndrome is so bad, and the stiffness and pain are unbearable."

For Osteoarthritis "Have had good results so far. Am a week out from the third injection on my left knee. Plan to start the series on my right knee next week. Injections were painless except for the last one. Definitely ice the knees after the injections and don't overdo activity for a couple of days. I think that's why the third was more painful. I am 64 with severe osteoarthritis and moderate rheumatoid arthritis. Know replacements are inevitable, but want to enjoy as much as possible until then. Good luck everyone!"

For Osteoarthritis "Had 3 injections of Euflexxa. The ortho used ultrasound to assure placement of injection. This was a year ago I had the first injection. After the 2nd injection, the knee was 50% better, and 3 weeks after the 3rd, the pain was gone. I will do it again if pain returns."

More about Euflexxa (sodium hyaluronate)

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  • Reviews (259)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: viscosupplementation agents
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Euflexxa injection drug information
  • Euflexxa (Hyaluronate sodium Injection) (Advanced Reading)
  • Euflexxa

Other brands

Durolane, Hyalgan, Gelsyn-3, Supartz, Supartz FX

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  • Osteoarthritis