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Generic Name: Euthyrox for Underactive Thyroid (levothyroxine)

Euthyrox for Underactive Thyroid Reviews

"I am a family doctor who just got lab results on a patient taking Euthyrox. 6 months ago her tests were fine while she was on levothyroxine generic. Walmart switched her to Euthyrox, and her labs look like she just stopped taking her thyroid medicine completely. TSH is over 15. I have called her pharmacy and asked them to start an investigation of the Euthyrox, replace her pills with real medicine and will be looking into what else I need to do to protect the public."

"Update: I posted on March 11, 2021, and shared how I switched back to my regular medication from Walgreens, which is just the generic Levothyroxine 88mg and stopped taking this horrible pill from Walmart called Euthyrox, which is their version of the generic brand but with horrible side effects. Today is April 21, 2021, and I feel like a brand new person! I finally feel normal! I prayed for this moment to feel like my old self! The horrible side effects have all subsided!! I just want to share with everyone that there is hope! I’ve been trying my hardest to be patient with my body. I also was taking ibuprofen for the aches and pains in the meantime. But I can finally share with you all that I’m doing great! I pray for everyone else to feel better soon. There is HOPE and light at the end of the tunnel."

"I was taking Levothyroxine 88mg from Walgreens or CVS since I was 18. Now I’m 33. Switched pharmacies to a neighborhood Walmart because it was closer to home back in Sept 2020. They gave me a generic called Euthyrox and said it was the exact same thing, so I trusted them. They just said the packaging was different. They were so wrong! Since September 2020, I’ve been having horrible side effects - muscle aches, pains, and stiffness all the time! Muscle weakness, blurred vision, chest pains, severe acid reflux (GERD-like symptoms). Foggy brain, forgetfulness, and feeling cold all the time. Didn't feel like myself at all! I almost passed out twice last week and had enough! I went to the Dr and she immediately switched me back to my meds from before. Today will be 6 days that I have switched back and my side effects have been subsiding. It was so scary and still is knowing this medication is out there! Please don’t take it. When I almost fainted and had chest pains, that was the scariest part for me."

"In November 2020, I was diagnosed with low thyroid. My doctor put me on levothyroxine 25 mcg. I also went to Walmart and they gave me Euthyrox. I started taking it on the 11th. After taking it for one week, I began having hip pains that radiated into my legs. My joints ached and burned. I had headaches, low energy, dizziness, confusion, and a foggy brain. I didn't want to move as it hurt. I am a retired nurse and knew the recent change was due to medication. I stopped taking it on the 19th of November. I went to the doctor's office and was told to stop taking it. By Thanksgiving, I was feeling better. It took a few weeks to feel normal again. I have been prescribed Synthroid today and going to try it. It is the brand name of levothyroxine. Hopefully, I can use it. They need to inform people about how dangerous this medication is. I will stop using Walmart. They told me I was sick with a virus and treated me like I was delusional or making it up. I hope they never experience the same as I did."

"Was switched to Euthyrox 4 months ago from levothyroxine at Walmart pharmacy. This change was made without my doctor's approval. I was told it was the very same medicine I had been getting before. It is not the same medication. I have begun having extreme dizzy spells, severe anxiety, and shortness of breath. I've been on the same dose of levothyroxine for over 10 years, and now my levels are extremely high. I'm experiencing an overdose of levothyroxine. My doctor has prescribed a lower dose and wanted me to go back to taking the original levothyroxine. I went to Walmart this morning to pick it up, and they filled it again with Euthyrox. They talked me into keeping it. After reading these comments, I am not going to be taking this brand! I will be calling the FDA and Walmart Headquarters on Monday morning!"

"Walmart switched my levothyroxine to Euthyrox. The first day, I had a headache almost at migraine level. Within two weeks, my hair was falling out, insomnia every night. I have been on levothyroxine for 12 years with no issues. Do not take this medication."

"Please don't take Euthyrox if you are switching from Levothyroxine, after taking for a month. My hair were falling like crazy, loose stool and lot more side effects. Please think twice before taking Euthyrox."

"Pharmacy gave me Euthyrox instead of Levothyroxine (generic). I didn't think it would make a difference, so I have been taking it for several months. Kept feeling worse but didn't connect it to the meds. To the point now I can barely function - arms hurt so bad, so tired I can hardly make it through my day, headache, etc. Called pharmacy to see why they switched it. She said, 'That is just what Walmart sends us. Lots of people have been complaining and switching back.' So, so am I! Hope I start feeling better soon. Shame on you, Walmart, for switching people's meds without a doctor's request!"

"Walmart substituted this rubbish Euthyrox today on my refill after I specifically told them not to. I called Corporate and gave them 24 hours to deliver my regular Levothyroxine or I would not only move my scripts, I would file charges for causing harm as this Euthyrox can cause heart attacks."

"My pharmacy changed me to this brand after being on levothyroxine. My hair has been falling out, weight gain, brittle nails, and more side effects. This does not work for your thyroid. Had my TSH done in March, and it was pretty close to the normal range. After that, the pharmacy changed my levothyroxine to this one. My TSH is low, and this is why I am having the issues. I am upset that the pharmacy can just change things without checking with you first. Don't take this brand of medication."

"Began taking in early June when Walmart pharmacy refilled my prescription, saying Euthyrox was their new generic and what I would be getting going forward. Within days of taking the first pill, I began to experience headaches that progressively increased in duration and frequency during the four months of taking Euthyrox. Then began the insomnia, tinnitus, heat intolerance, uncontrollable sweating, swelling in the face and eyelids, diarrhea, neck and shoulder pain, blurred vision, fatigue, occasional dizziness, dry mouth, loss of appetite, and brain fog. Stopped Euthyrox almost two weeks ago, and most symptoms have gone away except for headaches and neck pain. Definitely returning to the prior medication, this one was disabling."

"My pharmacy switched me to Euthyrox instead of levothyroxine. Then, four hours after taking the first one, I had a massive headache, didn't think anything of it. The second day, same thing, only this time it was odd, I rarely get headaches, so it worried me how severe it was. I called my pharmacist and asked if it was related, yes, it is. I couldn't even function, it was so bad. I demanded they switch it back. I then found out today that with my recent heart attack, I shouldn't have even been given this med! HORRIBLE stuff!"

"Horrible drug. Almost landed in ER. Been taking Levothyroxine, generic for Synthroid, for years, a little yellow oval pill with no issues. Called for a refill at Walmart. Arrived home to find boxes of blister packs. Definitely not my normal pills, which came in a pill bottle. Called Walmart and asked about this drug Euthyrox by Merck in Germany. Person who answered the phone said exactly the same, no worries. HE WAS WRONG. Didn't put 2 & 2 together for over 3 weeks as I became sicker, my side effect symptoms were brain fog, strange headache all day, every day, dizzy, heavy pulse in my neck, sudden heatwaves, unsteady on my feet, vision weird, and exhausted. Figured out it was due to changing to this manufacturer. Many reviews from people who experienced the same side effects after Walmart changed to this manufacturer. Walmart should have said something. Doctor gave me a prescription for the old Levo. Immediately stopped taking Euthyrox. Today is the 4th day back on the old pills. 90% better. Called Walmart Corp. & FDA. NOT LIKE OTHER GENERIC LEVOTHYROXINE."

"Been on thyroid replacement therapy for 30+ years. Originally diagnosed by an endocrinologist and followed by this dr yearly for many years. He always insisted on brand (Synthroid); said generics were too inconsistent. For the past 20 years, my thyroid levels have been followed and treated by my primary physician. Slight variances over the years, no notable issues. I'm a VERY compliant patient. Within the last year, Walmart, who I've used since they started offering $4 maintenance drugs, refilled my levothyroxine with a carded medication dispensed in boxes of 30 - Euthyrox. Four months ago, my yearly thyroid lab was slightly out of range - 0.1 on a scale of 0.3 to 5.6. My dose was adjusted from 0.112 to 0.100. My labs went from 0.1 to 41.6 Labs this out of range are typically newly diagnosed patients who have not had their thyroid tested and/or were not on medication! Euthyrox should not be available in the US and Waltmart should not be dispensing."

"Walmart switched my levothyroxine medicine without doctor permission. I started taking Euthyrox in May, started having sharp pain, muscle spasm, headache, dry mouth etc. The pain became unbearable. Went to the doctor and had inflammation, high sodium, kidney function decrease, and pain all over. I couldn’t focus as I had brain fog. This medicine should not be sold. Walmart is trying to save a dollars while putting our lives at risk."

"I've been taking levothyroxine 75 mcg for several years without any problems. I was recently switched to Euthyrox 75 mcg by Walmart Pharmacy. I realized right away that they had given me a different medicine. I talked to the pharmacist right there about it, and he said it was the same as the levothyroxine and that due to the pandemic, they were having a short supply of the levothyroxine. I took this medicine for almost a month before I realized it was causing me to have hives and also swelling in my lip, foot, and hand. It also caused my voice to change. I have been trying to figure out what I was allergic to, thinking it was food allergies or detergent, etc. After reading others' comments, I now realize it's this horrible medicine. I called Walmart 4 days ago and told them about the hives and swelling, and they immediately changed me back to my original medicine. The pharmacist told me it could take a week or longer before the swelling and hives are gone."

"I had my Levothyroxine prescription refilled at Walmart like 3 weeks ago, and they gave me Euthyrox, saying that it was a new presentation. They said they had changed the name, but it was the same medication. I’ve been having lots of headaches, itchy skin, dry mouth, and loss of focus. I thought I had an allergic reaction to something, but I haven’t changed anything—soap, detergent, lotion, anything. My husband told me it could be the new pills, and now that I read all the comments, I realized that is my problem."

"I started taking this medication, Euthyrox, 30 days ago and I am feeling so horrible. I have upper back pain, neck pain, muscle weakness, terrible indigestion, and acid reflux. I even went to get tested for COVID because I thought that was the issue. I tested negative. Do not take this medication. I feel sharp pains in my arms and overall achy in my throat. In the 38 years I have been taking levothyroxine, I've never had these issues. I'm switching immediately to the name brand."

"Very similar to other reviews offered. I was switched by Walmart to Euthyrox from Levothyroxine back in June. I didn't question the change (I should have and researched). I've had three primary side effects, which are sleeplessness, daily headaches, and weight gain (approximately 20 lbs in 5 months). I actually was issued Levothyroxine today as my refill. I had asked to speak with the pharmacist prior to noting the change back, so apparently Walmart got the message. When I got home, I decided to research and was somewhat relieved to read the other reviews. This is by far the worst medication I have ever taken."

"Euthyrox is a horrible medicine! I've been taking levothyroxine for a few years without any problems from Walmart pharmacy. The last time I had my prescription filled, they gave me Euthyrox, and I noticed right away that it was new medicine and talked to the pharmacist about it. He told me they were running a short supply of the levothyroxine and Euthyrox was the same as the levothyroxine. I came home with the new medication and gave it a try. Since starting the new medicine, I have had hives, angioedema, and anxiety now going on a month. I called Walmart, and they immediately filled my levothyroxine, and they told me the two medicines had the same ingredients but different inactive ingredients, and that was probably why I was breaking out with hives/angioedema. I have been off of the Euthyrox for almost a week and still having hives. They are some better, but I'll be so glad when they are gone. I won't be trying new medicine again. I'd rather not take any at all."

"So I have been taking Levothyroxine for the last 14-ish years. I get my script filled by Walmart, and for some reason, I started to get this brand. Since I've been taking it, I have had all the following side effects: irregular heartbeats, shortness of breath, nervousness. I actually went to the doctor, and she lowered my dose since my thyroid levels are now off. My dose was lowered from 125 to 112. I was using my older 112 from an older script and started to feel better within about a week. When I ran out, I started to take this brand at a lower dose, and within 2 days, I am back to the horrible side effects. I will not take this brand anymore... I called the pharmacist, and they are going to see if they can get my old brand back, or I will switch to another pharmacy! I will not take any more of this medication."

"This medication gave me alarming heart palpitations. I quit using it and went back to levothyroxine and it went away. Tried using Euthyrox again with the same side effects happening. Will NEVER again use Euthyrox. Worst medication I have ever taken."

"I have been taking levothyroxine for several years, and my TSH and T4 have remained within normal ranges with zero side effects. Recently, Wal-Mart changed me to Euthyrox, and within a couple of days, I started having chest pain, moody, sleepy, etc. I went to my doctor, and she put me back on levothyroxine. After about 4 days, I started to feel much better. Euthyrox does not work!!!"

"I was switched from my levothyroxine a few months ago. There was a doctor's name associated with it that I have never seen or heard of. I was given Euthyrox, and I also fill my prescription at Walmart. For a while, I have felt awful. More headaches, tired, achy, mood drops, thirsty, and have to pee more. Probably because I drink so much water at work. I am always hot, especially at work. I have been thinking it was because of the mask I have to wear at work. We are not allowed to use indoor fans either, so I get overheated, sweaty, thirsty, and headaches. It's been a vicious circle of not feeling well."

"I was switched from my levothyroxine to Euthyrox a couple of months ago, and the cramping in my muscles was almost unbearable! At the same time, I have gained 10 pounds and my thigh muscles felt like they were frozen or stiff and didn't want to work. I was extremely tired and depressed from all the symptoms. The doctor ran blood tests and upped my dosage from 150 to 175 because it showed low - the only difference in what I was doing was the Euthyrox, and I had quite a time trying to get my doctor to prescribe another brand. The pharmacist said they had enough left of the prior brand to refill this month."

More about Euthyrox (levothyroxine)

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  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • Drug class: thyroid drugs
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Euthyrox drug information

Other brands

Synthroid, Levoxyl, Tirosint, Unithroid, ... +3 more

Professional resources

  • Euthyrox prescribing information
  • Levothyroxine (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Synthroid, Levoxyl, Tirosint, Unithroid, ... +5 more

Related treatment guides

  • Hypothyroidism, After Thyroid Removal
  • Hashimoto's disease
  • TSH Suppression
  • Underactive Thyroid
  • Thyroid Suppression Test
  • Myxedema Coma