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Generic Name: Evolocumab for High Cholesterol, Familial Homozygous (evolocumab)

Evolocumab for High Cholesterol, Familial Homozygous Reviews

Repatha (evolocumab) "I am one of the unlucky individuals who react negatively to statins with elevated liver enzymes, so my cardiologist prescribed Repatha. After jumping through hoops to get it approved by my insurance, I took the first shot. I had some back pain after the first shot but it quickly went away, and I was excited that I didn’t seem to have any of the side effects that others spoke up about. After my second shot, I began to experience pain in my toes and feet the next day. It feels like my toes are frozen and burning simultaneously. It’s like I have frostbite on my toes and feet with constant pain. It’s not pins and needles, but I guess it’s considered peripheral neuropathy. I’ve been taking Tylenol to minimize the pain but it never goes away. My doctor says it’s not a side effect of the drug, but there’s no other reason for this pain to have appeared the day after my second shot. I will be stopping this medication ASAP."

Repatha (evolocumab) "I have been on Repatha for 5 years now. I have tried many statins, but most of all the ones I have tried cause severe joint and muscle pain. When Repatha came out, my doctor thought this was ideal for me, so he prescribed a 140 mg injection every 2 weeks. Repatha has worked for me. It has maintained my cholesterol from 200 to 160-180. The first 2 years, I experienced side effects of persistent runny nose and some hives. I tolerated the side effects because my cholesterol control was more important. However, in the present, the last 6 months, the side effects have escalated to flu-like symptoms, joint pain, and neuropathy issues which make me sick for 10-12 days a month. I have decided to discontinue the medication. It’s no longer working for me, and I’m not going to sacrifice my well-being for these side effects. They can be debilitating. I think it works for a short period of time but not long term. Hopefully these symptoms will disappear soon."

Repatha (evolocumab) "Three months on Repatha. Stopping now as I think my problems are side effects of this medication. Very swollen ankle and calf, extreme itching of leg, (recently) swollen lymph node (walnut size) in my neck, and a general malaise. When I go for a walk, the itching in my leg and neuropathy in my feet cause great discomfort. Yes, my cholesterol saw immediate improvement, and I was hopeful I could tolerate this medication as I cannot tolerate statins. But the side effects are increasing and are intolerable, I'm afraid."

Repatha (evolocumab) "I am a long-term T1 Diabetic, with a familial history of High Cholesterol. I had a triple bypass 5 years ago and was doing really well for about the last 4 years post-op. With continual elevated cholesterol numbers, my Dr put me on Repatha. The first 2 injections were ok, with some minor side effects, such as dizziness and pretty bad back pain. I went to my massage therapist and chiropractor, and was treated for about 3 months with some relief. I also had a back x-ray taken, with no major changes or abnormalities. I must admit, I DID NOT connect Repatha with these symptoms. Now, as far as that is concerned, it certainly did LOWER my bad cholesterol from 289 to 47, but again, at what price??? My major 'new' side effects after taking Repatha for 4 months: Dizziness, Blurry Vision, Excruciating foot, leg, hip and back pain, shortness of breath and a rapid heartbeat, joint and strange bone pain, and a runny nose."

Repatha (evolocumab) "After taking Repatha for 17 months, I quit because of severe flu-like symptoms for days after each shot. I had another heart attack resulting in more stents, kept taking Repatha, my hip flexors were so painful, I had to hobble around for months after stopping the drug. I was told if I didn't take it, I would die, but no way can I tolerate Repatha or statins. I guess I am waiting for the next new drug."