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Generic Name: Fanapt (iloperidone)

Fanapt Reviews

For Psychosis "This medication has changed my life. It helps me with my psychosis, depression, and anxiety, with virtually no side effects. It made me tired initially, but that didn't last longer than a week. I also lost a few pounds, which is great because I had gained lots of weight on other medicines. I LOVE Fanapt! I'm a new person on this medication, and for the first time in my life, I am doing well in school."

For Bipolar Disorder "Fanapt was the third medication I tried to treat mood swings associated with bipolar disorder. It has worked wonders for me! It decreased my emotional reactivity so that I am able to perform well at work. I have less anxiety, and my hypomanic episodes are not only fewer, but also less intense. I really wish that it was less expensive, though. My insurance will not cover it, and even if it did, it is so expensive that it would consume more than half of my annual benefit allotment. I hope I can find a way to continue taking it. It has made such a difference for me."

For Schizophrenia "Fanapt is the first medicine we've tried where I can function because of the medicine. I can hold a job now, the paranoia is way down, and I only get a few hallucinations throughout the day. My mind isn't quite as sharp, and the dry throat gets pretty bad, but other than that, this drug has saved my life. I've been on it for 8 months now."

"I take Fanapt for bipolar disorder and anxiety. Have been on Fanapt for several months and have had great results with it. I missed 2 doses and could see a huge difference in myself. I would recommend it to anyone. I haven't had any side effects from it. It's been great."

For Psychosis "I've been on this medicine since March 28, 2014, and it's currently 3/28/2017. Very effective medicine with no weight gain, but it takes away my ability to ejaculate, which I sometimes miss. I've really been waiting on the injection version to be available, as this is the best medicine we've found for me for depression and psychosis, and I'd like to try the shot. Our insurance, Aetna and Medicaid, covers the co-pay entirely. This medicine is great for anyone suffering from schizophrenia, depression, autism, or bipolar. I've been diagnosed with all four. Other medicines I've tried are Latuda, which gave me the need to constantly move, akathisia. I've been on nearly every medicine, and I'd recommend this one the highest. I also take clonidine to sleep."

For Schizophrenia "I've taken Fanapt for about a month, and it feels as though I'm taking nothing for my mental illness. Plus, I'm achy all over, have heart palpitations, and feel agitated all the time. I'm going back to Zyprexa."

For Psychosis "I was put on Fanapt for my bipolar a little over a year ago. I also take other medicines, but this one really did the trick for me and got me on track. I do struggle with the drowsiness and take it early in the evening in order to get up the next morning, but it is worth it to me."

For Bipolar Disorder "At first, I thought it was helpful because I want to remain open and optimistic. I do think the medication helped with some anxiety. The side effects for me were so negative. It became very clear once off the Fanapt how the side effects were adversely impacting me. I had severe joint and muscle pain as a result of taking Fanapt. I can deal with a little anxiety. My other medications take care of that: Lamictal and Topamax. Fanapt side effects outweigh the benefits for me. Yoga and breathing exercises and mindful meditation. Also, the restlessness and dry nasal passageways, and feeling that I had to constantly move and shuffle my feet, as well as the long-term possible tardive dyskinesia."

For Schizophrenia "I was on 24mg of Fanapt for about 2.5 years. Prior to that I had tried probably every antipsychotic and the only ones that worked were Seroquel and Zyprexa but I gained 60lbs on them. I finally came to the realization that Fanapt wasn't actually doing much for me. I still had hallucinations and delusions and was acting crazy so I decided to come off it because I didn't see the point in taking it anymore. I do have to say it had the least side effects compared to others I've taken. The only thing it helped was my daily cycling of bipolar disorder but I'd rather not take anything than take an antipsychotic. After quitting Fanapt I've lost all the weight."

For Schizophrenia "I have been taking 12 mg Fanapt for more than a year. My symptoms have become tolerable but the side effects are annoying. I am tired all the time and my whole body is sore. I don't think the benefits out way the side effects so I'm going to move on to the next medicine."

For Psychosis "I've been on this for a month. The symptoms I was put on this medicine to control are under control. It's worked great for that. The problem lies with the side effects. I'm sleepy constantly. I went from sleeping less than 4 hours a night to sleeping more than 12 hours a day. I'm exhausted. I've put on weight, and I have a stuffy nose, head cold symptoms all the time. If I miss a dose, the cold-like symptoms let up, but when I take the next dose, it's back in full force. I have been 'sick' for the last month. No medicine that I've been put on for the 'cold/allergies' helps. It has to be the Fanapt causing it. I'm miserable. I stopped taking it 2 days ago, and the cold just magically went away. Imagine that!"

For Psychosis "I was put on this a few days ago. It does seem to level out my mood and it seems to make me "spin out" a lot less. Sleeping better after stressful situations and am bouncing back from emotional setbacks much better. Only problem so far is I am unable to ejaculate. Hoping they find something that will allow me a sex life though. I am dizzy and groggy on it too. But I will definitely use this if no other treatment gives me the peace that Fanapt does."

For Schizophrenia "I have been taking the medicine for 3 years now, It helps to take away the bad thoughts, It has some side effects, a little bit of weight gain but it can be controlled by a diet. Compare to other medicines, it causes less motorization problems and less muscle pain. All over, it is a good medicine"

"Hi I just started taking like 5 days ago. I feel like I’m high as a kite. My eyes look like I’m high also, very weird. My Dr cut my dose down. It has helped with anxiety but having hard time functioning. Hoping gets better with time"

For Schizophrenia "Been on Fanapt since 2016 until I stopped taking it, and got myself in trouble. We then started trying different medications including Latuda, Abilify and Invega. I got back on in 2018 and it seems like this is the only one that keeps me stable, lessens the hallucinations, delusions and anger, along with keeping me out of trouble and from doing crazy things. The Latuda caused tardive dyskinesia and caused me to not sit still. It also caused nerve damage in my body which later I had to be treated for. The Invega made me very tired and I was unable to work full-time. However, unfortunately the side effects are really bad. I’m unable to ejaculate and enjoy having sex with my wife. I also am frequently tired and am restless throughout the day. The other terrible side effect included is the massive weight gain."

For Psychosis "So far nothing but the worst dry mouth I ever experienced. It hasn't even been a week and I am not sure if I can do this. HORRIBLE THIRST! I even wake up in my sleep to drink water and it doesn't help. I have temporal lobe epilepsy and my seizure activity causes schizophrenia like complications. I REALLY WANT THIS TO WORK! I'm worried about diabetes. I wonder if I am having a reaction with my other medications. So far no seizures though."

For Schizophrenia "Started fanapt after trying a few different medications, which either didn’t work or had side effects. Fanapt works great for hallucinations and paranoia. However, like others have said, men cannot ejaculate. Personally fanapt has been the best so far."

For Schizophrenia "So I just started on Fanapt yesterday my auditory hallucinations are meh. But now I have issues with not being able to orgasm even after an hour (I'm a guy). So I realized this drug might be great for my mental health condition, but if you want a sex life and your 25 like me don't take the drug side effects are not what you want!"

For Schizophrenia "I have only been taking Fanapt for a couple of months now and am happy to say it really works well and has fewer side effects than my previous medicines."

For Schizophrenia "I have shizoaffective bipolar type 1 and it is severe, Fanapt is the best prescription med I've ever taken. Absolutely no side effects."

For Schizophrenia "Amazing medicine, side effects minimal and results fast. Hallucinations, visual and auditory, gone completely within days of starting this medication, also seemed to improve overall mood."

For Schizophrenia "This medicine has saved my life. I take it along with other medicines, of course, but I can really tell the difference in my level of anxiety. Would recommend anyone with unrelenting anxiety to try."

For Schizophrenia "My son, who is 27, has only been on this for 2 days, and he says he is socializing. Spoke to people, played ping pong."

For Schizophrenia "This is a miracle med its helped with the hallucinations and the paranoia"

For Schizophrenia "My daughter had great symptom control, but developed urinary and fecal incontinence after being on it for over a year. Back to looking for the next best medication."

More about Fanapt (iloperidone)

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  • Side effects
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  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: atypical antipsychotics
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Fanapt drug information
  • Fanapt Titration Pack (Advanced Reading)
  • Fanapt Titration Pack

Professional resources

  • Fanapt prescribing information
  • Iloperidone (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Psychosis
  • Schizophrenia