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Generic Name: Femcon Fe (ethinyl-estradiol-norethindrone)

Femcon Fe Reviews

For Birth Control "This was the first birth control I have ever taken but I was on it for about 5 years. I had no complaints the entire time, normal period, my weight remained the same, no drastic or bad side effects. All of a sudden I got a random period 2 weeks after I had just had one. This period lasted about 2 weeks and was extremely heavy where I was bleeding through anything within 2 hours or less! I thought maybe it was because I missed a dosage but I had tests done for other things and I was completely fine but the bleeding would not stop until finally I discontinued using the pill and the bleeding stopped. It was really weird but for the 5 years I was on this pill I really had no complaints whatsoever."

For Birth Control "This pill was great at first, besides killing my sex drive there were no bad side effects. About 5 months in I got severe nausea after every meal, and it felt like meals from last week were still in my stomach. I got horrible motion sickness in the car. Days later the nausea was 24/7, not just after meals, and I took the pill at night which my doctor suggested to ward off the nausea. I decided to take a break, first day off the pill the nausea subsided and 3 days later I feel the best I've felt in months! Never nauseous anymore, and my sex drive is returning already. I did enjoy that this pill could be used to skip periods, but it lowered my quality of life so much that I think I'd rather just have the period once a month, rather than severe nausea affecting my daily life and jeopardizing my job. Boss was getting tired of my call outs."

For Birth Control "I have been on Femcon FE for 3 years now. I was on Yasmin previously for 6 months and experienced a 20lb weight gain, mood swings, acne, the works. I've had no MAJOR side effects with Femcon (I have noticed a slight decrease in my sex drive) but am starting to look elsewhere for the sheer reason that it costs me $50 a pack. If you can afford it and you've had problems with pills like Yasmin that most people agree with, I highly recommend Femcon."

For Birth Control "I started taking Femcon Fe when I was 18 and took it for 4 years. Within the first year, I gained 20 lbs that I could never lose. My weight would fluctuate by 10 pounds every month and around the time of my period I would have horrible bloating. It did make my periods very regular, short, and light and lessened the severity of my cramps. It also cleared up my skin. My doctor has just switched me to a birth control pill with a lower dose of estrogen after having a baby, to see if the weight gain issues go away."

For Endometriosis "This medication worked really well for a while to control breakthrough bleeding and regulate my periods. I recently started to bleed irregularly and experience more serious cramping. I just found out that my endometriosis has advanced and I have been upgraded to Nortrel 1/35. I'll try that for a while to see if that will help me while I am awaiting hysterectomy."

For Birth Control "This I had been on for like 6 months and had no problems with at all. No real side effects, no change in sex drive, nor mood. Period was regular, heavy but always 4 days and always on time. I'm thinking of going back on it. Ovcon is just as good. "

For Birth Control "I have had issues with birth control pills for about 10 years now. Constantly changing because my body couldn't tolerate the dosage, every side affect you can image I've had. I finally changed doctors since my old one basically gave up on me and she realized the very low dose bc were the root cause of the problem. After putting me on this bc I feel like my normal self again and no side affects at all- literally life changing!!! Hopefully never have to switch again!!!"

For Birth Control "I took Femcon for a total of 6 years it cleared up my acne and I lost weight while taking it. When my husband and I decided to have kids it took 3 months each child for the pill to leave my system. Overall this is a great birth control method to take. The only time I had nauseation was when I missed a pill and needed to take two at a time."

For Birth Control "I was on Ortho Tri cylen for years and years with no issues but a gyno said I should try this instead. I took it for about two years and had to get off. My mood swings were out of control the days before my period. I thought it was work stress it, etc but once I switched back life was chill again. Plus it was $$ bc there was no generic for it at the time."

For Birth Control "In the beginning I had severe headaches and spotting. Now I take the pill in the evenings and have not experienced any side effects."

For Birth Control "I've been on 5 different birth control's, and this was the only one that my body accepted! No spotting after the 2nd month, period only lasts 3 days, it's really great. I just wish it was cheaper."

For Endometriosis "Great sorce of birth contol"

For Birth Control "I had a massive pulmonary embolism with this drug and almost died. I do not recommend if you want to live."

More about Femcon Fe (ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone)

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: contraceptives

Patient resources

  • Femcon FE birth control drug information

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Professional resources

  • Femcon Fe prescribing information

Other brands

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Related treatment guides

  • Birth Control