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Generic Name: Fenofibrate for Hyperlipoproteinemia (fenofibrate)

Fenofibrate for Hyperlipoproteinemia Reviews

"I took fenofibrate for four months and thought this is finally a drug I could take with no side effects. However, the fourth month, I had such leg pain I could hardly walk. My thighs and calves felt like I had blood clots. My husband suggested it might be the fenofibrate, so I stopped taking it immediately. The third day, I could walk again with no pain. I then realized other side effects were a runny nose, headaches, and other muscle pain. I saw my doctor today after stopping the medication three weeks ago and told him how much better I felt. He was not happy I quit the medication and suggested the side effects are all in my mind. Needless to say, I'm looking for a new doctor."

TriCor (fenofibrate) "I don't know exactly when I started using TriCor 145 mg tablets, but I suspect it was approximately in 2004. I have obtained this drug monthly from Rite Aid drugstore, and the medication is made by Abbott Labs. Anyways, in November 2007 I suffered my first occurrence of acute pancreatitis. I underwent many hospital tests, CT scans, MRIs, X-rays, ultrasounds, of my pancreas, but none of those tests revealed a cause of the acute pancreatitis. Since that first occurrence of acute pancreatitis, I suffered 2 other cases of pancreatitis, which put me back in the hospital, and 1 other case where I dealt with it at home. Reading the TriCor warnings, it states that in rare cases, it may cause pancreatitis. I stopped TriCor, problem solved."

"I started it almost 3 weeks ago. I am a 60-year-old female. I cannot tolerate statins, and I cannot tolerate this. My shoulders and up between them started hurting soon after I started taking it. I was very agitated all the time, and my hair started coming out by the handfuls. I am going to the health store to get natural supplements. Quite frankly, I think the prescription meds for lowering cholesterol are like ingesting poison."

"Yow! This drug has started causing (after 2 months) shoulder pain, becoming a 10, very intense. I stopped using it and two months later it has wrecked my shoulder muscle, feels like a war with muscle and nerves, most horrible pain I ever endured. Every morning is like Groundhog Day, the same, the same, the same. It has now moved to my wrists and into my hands... swelling and intense pain, intense. My shoulder pain would make putting on a t-shirt next to impossible. Dressing has been a long and painful experience, daily. I pray for this to stop someday, it has made my life horrible. I am 70 and was in good shape before this. Now I would consider death relaxing."

"I was placed on fenofibrate 160 mg a day for elevated cholesterol (238). I took the medicine without any problems. After 3 months, my doctor ordered follow-up lab work that showed my cholesterol level was now 156, but my kidney function, which was never a problem, was now moderately decreased. I stopped taking the fenofibrate, and in 2 weeks my lab work showed my kidney function was almost normal. This medicine can lower cholesterol levels, but make sure your doctor does follow-up labs to determine if other problems are occurring."

"Caused a steady increase in creatinine level over a 3-month period, and my PCP thought I was developing kidney disease. Very scary. I was the one to suggest stopping it rather than going to a nephrologist, which is what my doctor advised. My creatinine levels went back to normal after stopping it."

"I was on 45 mg, and it wasn't doing the trick, so my doctor upped me to the 145 mg pills. A few days later, I started having chest pains, difficulty breathing, headaches, dizziness, lightheadedness, and a racing heartbeat. Two trips to the ER within 3 days for heart attack symptoms (all tests were normal both times). I stopped taking this yesterday and already feel much better. I have a follow-up appointment soon, and we'll have to find another drug for cholesterol because this one doesn't agree with me."

"I am taking this medicine for the last three weeks, and I had to stop it because of extreme fatigue, dizziness, imbalance, can't concentrate on work, vertigo, excessive bloating and gas, indigestion. Even right now, I can't concentrate properly, and it feels like I am floating in the water. I was taking Rosuvastatin 5, then my doctor suggested increasing from 5 to 10 and added Fenofibrate. Since Rosuvastatin didn't create any problem, and actually I feel better every day, I think Fenofibrate doesn't suit me."

"Well after blood work up revealed extremely high cholesterol I've been taking fenofibrate 54 mg for a month now and I'm a diabetic with a overly enlarged heart, and in renal kidney failure. After reading this anyone experiencing my serious health issues SHOULD NOT BE TAKING THIS STUFF. It could be fatal not to mention the side effects I'm dealing with loss of appetite, nausea bad, severe muscle n joint cramps, pain, weakness, always dizzy, lightheaded, the most irritating itching rash like you can't believe. I feel like things are crawling all over me. I literally have scars from scratching myself raw. Uugghh screw this I'm stopping immediately high cholesterol or not I can't take the shoulder pain and the dang rash, itching.Why this type of medication is being used with these type of severe side effects completely baffles me"

"Was put on Fenafibrate by my Dr and 12 days later I had to stop due to extreme fatigue, rash on hands and arms, pain in upper right chest, felt tired all the time. It did not seem to agree with me, so I'm back to square one"

"I have been taking this med for appr 3 months after trying statins, which I was unable to tolerate. My total cholesterol dropped to almost normal, and my HDL, LDL, and triglycerides were all down to acceptable levels. This has worked fantastic with almost no side effects. The only effect that may be from this med (and could be from one of my other meds) is occasional headaches."

TriCor (fenofibrate) "The side effects were intolerable. It caused esophageal reflux and melena."

TriCor (fenofibrate) "Diarrhea is a side effect."

"Lowered triglycerides dramatically."

"This medication with vascepa , brought my triglyceride level from 500 to 150, with congested nose every night as side effect, along with back pain and sensitivity to light, not a bad trade ill say."

More about fenofibrate

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  • Reviews (68)
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  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • Patient tips
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: fibric acid derivatives
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Fenofibrate drug information
  • Fenofibrate and Derivatives Capsules
  • Fenofibrate and Derivatives Tablets

Other brands

TriCor, Lofibra, Triglide, Antara, ... +2 more

Professional resources

  • Fenofibric Acid/Fenofibrate monograph
  • Fenofibrate Capsules (FDA)
  • Fenofibrate Tablets (FDA)

Other brands

TriCor, Lofibra, Triglide, Antara, ... +2 more

Related treatment guides

  • Hypertriglyceridemia
  • High Cholesterol
  • Hyperlipoproteinemia Type IIa, Elevated LDL
  • Hyperlipoproteinemia