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Generic Name: Flagyl for Skin or Soft Tissue Infection (metronidazole)

Flagyl for Skin or Soft Tissue Infection Reviews

"Amazing! So, I used this medication many years ago when I was well but needed it for BV. I remembered feeling fatigue etc. and a general yucky feeling. After reading reviews this year before taking it, it freaked me out! There are even groups online dedicated to its damage apparently. Well, after chronic infections and being in and out of the hospital, adding Flagyl to my other medications is what is saving my life. I have been extremely unwell the past 2 years and am on long-term antibiotics for resistant infections, but doing 14 days on Flagyl with a break and then another 5 has given me my life back. I take it in combination with Clarith and an antifungal as I have complex issues, but adding Flagyl was the main medication that gave me the main hope of survival. Just remember it does fatigue you, I had to have an hour nap after every dose, but I have to rest regularly anyway because of my health. But, as soon as you stop, within 2 days you feel totally normal again. You can feel it leave your system."

"Absolutely awful reaction to this drug, Flagyl have never been so sick on any medication. Was prescribed for a puncture wound to avoid infection but honestly cannot say if it worked or not although the infection was prevented. However I was completely dysfunctional with side effects from the flagyl including shocking headache, sore throat, hallucinations, dizziness, sore back, upset stomach, sinus reaction, and extreme fatigue."

"I was put on this drug, intravaneously, following emergency surgery for an anal abcess. When I awoke in the hospital several hours after surgery, the first reaction felt like hot, fluid fire being poured down my throat...burning my mouth, throat, esophagus, and stomach. After that, I immediately began havid horrid hallucinations...saw several dark, death shadows hovering over me and flying across the ceiling and walls. I immediately called the nurse and told her about the symtoms, and insisted that she remove all IVs (she wasn't very symphathetic). I finally slept for a couple of hours, but when I awoke, I had an awful metallic taste in my mouth that lasted for 2 weeks after I was released."

"Further course of the medication needed as infection did not clear up first time around. I experienced no side effects at all."

More about Flagyl (metronidazole)

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  • Reviews (389)
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  • Side effects
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  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • Support group
  • Drug class: amebicides
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Flagyl drug information

Other brands

Likmez, Flagyl ER

Professional resources

  • Flagyl prescribing information
  • Metronidazole (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Likmez, Flagyl ER

Other formulations

  • Flagyl I.V.
  • Flagyl 375 Capsules

Related treatment guides

  • Bacterial Infection
  • Amebiasis
  • Bacteremia
  • Aspiration Pneumonia