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Generic Name: Florinef (fludrocortisone)

Florinef Reviews

For Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome "I have been 'sick' as long as I can remember. I passed out for the first time when I was 14. I've always had the 'I feel like I have the flu, and I'm dying' symptoms. I did not have a good quality of life. I was diagnosed with POTS and NMH (Neurally Mediated Hypotension) in April of 2018 and was immediately put on medicine. The first medicine gave me awful side effects, so I was switched to Fludrocortisone. This medicine has changed my life. I cannot live without feeling like I'm sick all the time. The only times I feel sick now are when I forget my medicine or I go too long between meals. The only negative side effect is that I've gained 14 pounds so far, which sucks, but it's better than the alternative."

For Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome "I started taking Florinef a few months ago, and while I haven't noticed a difference, I believe it is keeping my symptoms from progressing. Before I went on it, my body was on a downward fall, but as soon as I started taking it, everything was stable. It has made me gain about 5-10 pounds of water weight, but it's not too bad. This drug, along with my other medicine, allows me to live my life better."

For Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome "I have been taking fludrocortisone for about 9 years it is helping me a lot. I have episodes about once a every 2 months sometimes once a month, the way to describe how I look is that l look drunk. Once the episode is finished I'm in bed for 2 days I just need to lay down flat."

"When I was in my early 20's I was always sick, weak-fainting-felt like a hangover or morning sickness 24/7 (even taking a shower was a huge event for me)....went through many test and other meds, until I started taking this. Worked great at stabilizing my body allowing me to live a normal life, no side effects really. Tried to wean myself off a few time, (or even if I forgot to take a pill), I would feel very very weak and short of breath, heart palpitation--kind of like a really bad hang over feeling. **side note--I had been on birth control since I was 18. Eventually I decided to stop taking BC (at 28 yrs old), and now have completely stopped taking Florinef...no struggle or signs of weakness/sickness. I am feeling great. It has been 1 mo"

For Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome "I developed a rash and after testing at the NY Medical College and Vanderbilt Center for Dysautonomias, we found my blood volume was not low (often the case with POTS patients) and the mechanism that florinef acts upon."

For Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome "Florinef has helped me out quite a bit. I'm not cured, but am better. I can walk up minor inclines without any problem. I am able to be up and active for longer periods of time."

For Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome "I have taken this medicine along with Toprol-XL for a few years, and it has helped a lot! I think this medicine paired with Toprol-XL is great!"

More about Florinef (fludrocortisone)

  • Check interactions
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  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: mineralocorticoids

Patient resources

Other brands

Florinef Acetate

Professional resources

  • Florinef prescribing information
  • Fludrocortisone (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome
  • Dysautonomia
  • Adrenogenital Syndrome
  • Addison's Disease