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Generic Name: Glimepiride for Diabetes, Type 2 (glimepiride)

Glimepiride for Diabetes, Type 2 Reviews

Amaryl (glimepiride) "Bif's comments are true. This medicine will drop your sugar levels quickly, but it works too well. Thirty minutes after taking 2mg, I can feel my sugar levels getting low. I don't have the shakes (meaning my sugar levels are in the low 60s), but I probably would in a matter of minutes. After eating breakfast, I must eat again about 2 hours later or I'll get the shakes. I must be conscious of my sugar levels for the first 4 hours after taking a dose. Overall, my fasting sugar level has dropped from 140 to 110, simply by taking 2mg each morning. However, I find I am gaining weight and overeating too."

Amaryl (glimepiride) "I have been taking it for 2 years now. It will drop your blood sugar levels quickly, so you need to eat within 10 minutes of taking it. If I exercise a lot, that will further drop my blood sugar levels. Be careful at first. I take a soda in the car with me just in case or carry glucose tablets until you see how it affects you. You may need to eat more than you are used to. I have not had any side effects."

Amaryl (glimepiride) "After a year and a half of working hard at exercise and diet while taking Metformin and Actos, I was not able to get my blood sugar down below 140, and it was more often between 170 and 200. I was changed to metformin and Amaryl just this last weekend, and after just two doses, my sugars have been between 80 and 108, something I had started to lose hope could happen for me. I am so thrilled."

Amaryl (glimepiride) "This medication works almost too well. When you start this medicine, be aware of what low blood sugar symptoms are. I have experienced several episodes of blood sugar down to 52. Heed the warning to carry glucose tablets with you at all times."

Amaryl (glimepiride) "I was on Lantus Solostar and Metformin twice daily maximum dosage. Sugar counts were still 300 and 200. I was so frustrated because the insulin and supplies are extremely expensive with my HSA plan. Basically, my problem did not improve and I was broke. I ran out of insulin and did not have the money to refill. My doctor's appointment was three weeks later. I explained my low funds situation and promised to fill the prescription as soon as I received my next paycheck. She said, 'Let's try a cheaper option for you.' I said, 'Woo hoo! Let's!' She prescribed Glimepiride. I took a half pill for days 1 and 2. No change. I took the entire pill on days 3 and 4...better...but not much. I take two pills daily now, and I see IMPROVEMENT! WOO HOO!"

Amaryl (glimepiride) "My physician prescribed Amaryl 4 mg 19 years ago. We went to 4 mg twice daily after 8 1/2 years. Results have always been very good. Fasting blood glucose has averaged in the 90s with a seldom reading over 110 or below 80. Eat right, exercise, rest, and drink lots of water. About 2 hours after the morning dose, I usually need a snack. I always keep soft peppermint if needed. Very happy with Amaryl and the generic Glimepiride."

"I just began taking glimepiride 2 mg recently (with metformin), and I love it. I have never seen my numbers so nice, in the normal range. It's working great. I woke up this morning, and my BG was 97. This inspires me to really watch everything I eat; I watch every morsel. And now I gently exercise. So fun to see normalcy."

"I've been taking Glimepiride for almost a year. Then, a new doctor changed me to Metformin. I see a difference between the two medications in my blood sugar levels. I was doing better with the Glimepiride. My sugar levels were lower with Glimepiride compared to Metformin. I'm going to ask to be put back on Glimepiride."

Amaryl (glimepiride) "After 3 months of 2 mg four times a day, with no change in glucose levels, my doctor and I sat down for a talk. When asked if there was a ceiling for the dosages, he said we have plenty of room to adjust (there actually is no recorded max dose I could find in the literature). The typical patient uses about 4 mg four times a day. I have found that I have had to increase as much as 16 mg four times a day to see adequate glucose changes. Its ease of use and small size make it easier to take than some, but I have yet to find its stable dosage for me."

"Walgreens filled my Rx renewal with a different glimepiride. The pill was nothing like previous glimepiride pills, so I looked it up online. I found the new pill is made offshore. Walgreens never advised this change, so I'm going back to the pharmacy tomorrow to request they take these back and give me one made in the USA. Also, I read the manufacturer of this pill had a problem getting its Indian factory approved by the FDA in 2017. Why is Walgreens selling such suspect drugs? I know... they're cheaper for them. PLUS the Rx was for 180, but they only gave me 80 pills. I'm not enamored with Walgreens any longer."

Amaryl (glimepiride) "This is a preliminary assessment after one month on Amaryl. I have always had an active lifestyle, but over the last two years, I have been disappointed not to be able to maintain an average morning blood sugar reading much below 140 since being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Unlike most reviewers, I did not see an immediate reduction in blood sugar level until the last week when my average dropped from the high 130s to five straight days between 101 and 108. This drop also corresponded to an extremely active week, playing tennis for six straight days, bowling once, and jogging a three-mile course twice. My appetite is great, so I must watch my weight. No adverse effects so far, even with almost daily use of Aleve as well. I will report back after longer usage."

"After being on Janumet 50/1000 twice daily, my sugar never seemed to drop at all, running very high 200. A1c got over 12%. My GP added glimepiride 4mg twice daily with meals, and wow, what a difference. I've never had to worry about low blood sugar until now. My A1c after 2 months is now 7%, sugar runs around 90 in the mornings now. I couldn't be happier with this medication. Some have commented on eating right after you take this, and I agree. It will drop your sugar fast, be careful. I also keep glucose tabs in my car now just in case."

"I went to the ER with an infected finger and found out I was type 2 diabetic. Blood glucose at 640 when tested. Spent 3 days in the hospital. Used insulin shots to bring it down, then glimepiride to maintain it. I've been home 2 days. 1st day morning test 119. 2nd day 88. The doctor told me if it drops under 70 to cut the pill in half. So far, so good."

"This drug was perfect for me. I was on it for 15 years, and my A1C was down to 5.8. I never had any problems. A new doctor came into the group and put me on Januvia, which I cannot tolerate and has driven my A1C and fasting levels higher than ever. I am trying to get back on glimepiride."

"I have been on several non-insulin drugs, and nothing lowered my blood sugar until I started glimepiride. At first, I took one pill in the morning and one at dinner. I was still eating a large dinner and junk food. My sugar levels would go down but were all over the place. When my A1C increased significantly in three months, I knew I had to make a change. I now take double the dose of glimepiride in the evening. However, when I got serious about my diabetes, I changed the way I eat. Smaller meals more often is best on this medication in order to not have dips and spikes. A good breakfast and a mid-morning snack work well. A moderate lunch with an afternoon snack makes good sense. A low-carb, high-lean protein dinner. The med works well."

Amaryl (glimepiride) "I have been taking Amaryl for 3 weeks and it has lowered my blood sugars by 70 points. I do have stomach problems since taking this medication. I do find that I have to watch my sugars as, after about 2 hours, my sugar level drops."

"I take glimepiride with metformin. The morning I took my first dose, my blood sugar was 169. Two hours later, it was down to 141, and two hours after that, it was down to 107. The next morning, my blood was 120 or so. I reasoned that if I took it again and it brought my blood sugar down 60 points, it would be too low. So I didn't take it. For the next five days, I took only my metformin because my levels were in a very reasonable range. On the fifth or sixth day, my level went above 150. I took glimepiride, and for the next five days, my sugar levels were low enough not only to not take the glimepiride but also to cut back on my metformin."

Amaryl (glimepiride) "My doctor put me on Amaryl, and it quickly lowered my readings. My problem is that I have a sulfa allergy, and now I'm broken out in a horrible rash, and the doctor doesn't think it might be the Amaryl."

"My doctor switched me to glimepiride because Metformin was causing me problems. I've been taking two per day for about 3 weeks, and it isn't lowering my blood sugar at all. It hasn't been below 224 since I started taking glimepiride. This morning, my fasting count was 255. I ate an omelet with lots of vegetables and cubes of ham, then 2 hours after taking my meds, my blood sugar level was 268. I had nothing to drink but water."

"I have been on this drug for 6 months, still having problems maintaining sugar levels. My sugar has dropped to 44, 67, 70, so I eat something before bed time. Some mornings it is at 130, 160, or as high as 235. It seems as though the pill will bring levels down very quickly, causing me to eat late to get them up again, only to have them rebound to high by morning."

"I did not like the diarrhea I had with Metformin, so Dr. put me on glimepiride. My A1C is around 7, but that is not the problem. The constant lows and weakness are getting unbearable. No matter what kind of breakfast I have or if I take a whole pill due to a bigger breakfast or half a pill with a small breakfast, by 4:30 or later, I have crashed to 70 and below. I have even had a 57, and once a 50 with a scary dizzy spell. Once I walk the dogs, do shopping, or anything, I drop like a rock and feel almost too weak to fix something to eat to bring my BS up. I can’t always be eating snacks, I’m out and about and overweight enough to not want to eat just to keep from going too low. I hate this medication, and next Dr. appointment, I guess I’ll have to try Metformin again. I feel this pill is dangerous because of my everyday low readings."

"My A1C hit 7.2, and my doctor put me on glimepiride, 1 mg at my largest meal (usually breakfast). My BS hit 73; fortunately, I now carry glucose tablets with me. It's working well for me and, so far, no side effects. In three weeks, A1C went from 7.2 to 6.2 (estimated). I will see the doctor next week for a professional evaluation. I like this medication."

"Just started this medicine after Januvia made me feel like I had Lyme disease. Have been on glimepiride 1 mg once a day for a month. Works great on lowering sugar levels. My stomach and intestines blow out like a balloon after I eat no matter what it is. Makes me weepy, moody, and have gained 7 lbs in one month. Not going to live like this!"

"Diabetic for 7 years. Started with Metformin only. Then added Starlix with meals. Small improvement with post-prandials. Exchanged the Starlix with glimepiride. Have been on glimepiride for 2 and a half years with meals. Does not prevent my spikes but does pull them down within a short time. The sudden drop makes me feel low when I am just 'dropping' fast into the normal range. The problem is the time it remains in effect will cause me to be low (50s) during the night while sleeping if I take it with the last meal of the day. Without it, I skyrocket after eating and slowly come down. My doctor is taking me off of glimepiride because of the lows while sleeping and will put me on another med. My A1C's have been climbing over the past year."

Amaryl (glimepiride) "Amaryl was my second prescription, as Metformin had too many side effects for me. The medicine was alright, to be generous. I had a lot of trouble with low blood sugar when I was taking Amaryl. I couldn't go three hours without eating. I usually ended up binging on candy or fruit juice to try and drag it back up. I had a few really bad scares. My A1C wasn't that great and any type of "bad" food would completely destroy my sugar. It seemed like I couldn't find a middle ground. I was switched to another medicine when it became clear it wasn't working well enough."

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: sulfonylureas
  • Breastfeeding
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  • Glimepiride monograph
  • Glimepiride (FDA)

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  • Diabetes, Type 2