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Generic Name: Gralise (gabapentin)

Gralise Reviews

For Fibromyalgia "After decades on pain meds, they are working less and less. In addition to fibromyalgia, I have bulging and herniated discs, neuropathy, and (controlled) epilepsy. I have learned to live with constant pain. My doc suggested Gralise (gabapentin) and said that he felt confident I would see good results. I am AMAZED. I saw immediate improvement in my ability to walk and move around. I am experiencing considerably less pain. I am concerned because my insurance will not cover the brand (which is time-released) that I am taking, and it is expensive, but I remain optimistic and I will try the 3 times a day dosages. I have not felt this good in many years."

For Postherpetic Neuralgia "I have nerve damage caused by surgery for removal of a Bartholin's Gland cyst. The nerve damage causes me constant pain, when untreated, from a scale of 8-10. The Gralise (along with Norco) makes it tolerable and in the mornings, sometimes my pain goes all the way down to a 4 (not every morning). The side effects I have are dizziness, inability to find words, blurred vision, and, strangely (because of where my pain is), increased libido. I can't even sit in a chair, yet all I think about all day is sex. The Gralise has helped a lot with my pain, but I only rated it an eight because of all of the potential side effects. As soon as my doctor finds another treatment (like a nerve block), I'm going to get off of it."

For Postherpetic Neuralgia "I've had moderate to severe low back pain for over 20 years due to herniated discs. After years of being handed Percocet (which only worked about an hour for me) and everything up to straight OxyContin, I think I have found something that works! It's only been about a month, but in combination with Percocet, the severe pain has been minimized. I gave it an 8 because I never want to overhype a medication and I've only been on this about a month."

For Postherpetic Neuralgia "I have severe pain from spinal nerve damage in lower back, radiating around my hip area and down my leg. Had multiple injections with minimal relief. Started Gralise in 2014, and it has been a quality of life changer. I take 1800 mg and have no major side effects. I have been able to start exercising again-mostly walking-without the intense pain, and I don't limp anymore. The only negative is the pill size is kind of big, but the shape makes it easier to swallow."

For Postherpetic Neuralgia "I have had this condition for 3.5 years now, and no diagnosis as to why it's happening. Epidurals, narcotics, Tramadol, Lyrica don't seem to work for the 'painful tingles.' Gabapentin helps with that, but my pain is still acute. The numbness over my right rib cage is nearly unbearable. 12 doctors want to ease the pain, but no one wants to find out WHY! Plus, they are not very good at easing the pain. Now they want to put a neural stimulator in me, and if it's anything like a TENS machine, all it will do is irritate me. I will not go off the Gabapentin until my diagnosis. The side effect of not being able to remember words really bothers me."

"Gralise is horrible! 900 mg per day for nerve damage from thoracotomy and several spine surgeries - I have Failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS). I hate gralise! Docs don’t understand/care how diff. it is to stop. They give it to reduce excited nerve impulses to brain & change reactions or dull them. Don’t get on it because it’s almost impossible to discontinue and not worth the side effects! I’m 66 year old who was given Gab 9 years ago, then, on Gralise. I can’t get off it, hate every pill I ingest. Gralise only comes 300mg /600mg & you can’t cut the pills as they are slow release which makes slow withdrawal difficult. They tell you it’s a pain pill but really a brain pill! It changes emotional reaction to pain. It wreaks havoc with my complexion if I try to reduce the 900mg. ( I'm 66 not 16) never had blemishes until I try to reduce the 900 mg. causes weight gain ,fatigue & mental fog. I have a masters degree but been reduced to an idiot. Don’t do it you never know if you will be the lucky ones for whom it works or sorry you took first pill!"

For Postherpetic Neuralgia "My issues are Fibromyalgia, Neuropathy, herniated and bulging disks, spinal stenosis, Tinnitus. I started off on Lyrica about 10 yrs ago from my Neurologist - it didn't help. Finally I was put on Gabapentin for 3 years - still no change. So finally Spine specialist switched me to Gralise 600 mg - 3 with dinner. I couldn't believe it!!! Something that finally worked so wonderfully!!!! It even seems to help the Tinnitus which can drive a person insane!!!!"

For Postherpetic Neuralgia "I have permanent cervical and lumbar spinal cord damage with fusions. I take 1800 mg after dinner every night. It doesn't take away the pain completely, but it makes it tolerable enough to live a normal life. No side effects that I can notice. The only bad thing is the price. It is very expensive. Hopefully a generic form will be on the market soon."

"Gralise was the only med able to minimize the excruciating pain of Trigeminal neuralgia. I have to increase dosage during breakthrough pain , However quite expensive . Finally won the battle with the ins co and now they help pay for it"

For Postherpetic Neuralgia "Had been on regular gabapentin for years, with terrible side effects, for some reason I don't have problems on the Gralise. It isn't perfect, but I do not feel loopy. Not 100% pain relief with either form so I'll do the Gralise thank you very much. (cost is a problem though)."

For Postherpetic Neuralgia "Gralise works wonderfully well if you can afford the $700+ PER 30 DAY SCRIPT... What a joke..."

"Dizziness and highly increased appetite"

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: gamma-aminobutyric acid analogs
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

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  • Gralise drug information

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Neurontin, Gabarone

Professional resources

  • Gralise prescribing information
  • Gabapentin (AHFS Monograph)

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Related treatment guides

  • Postherpetic Neuralgia