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Generic Name: Halaven (eribulin)

Halaven Reviews

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "I've been through 5 cycles (10 infusions) of Halaven, and my PET scan showed that my stage 4 breast cancer is 2/3rds gone. I was on my deathbed, literally, before I started it! Don't know if I'll ever go into remission, but it saved me so far, and I'm hopeful once more that I have some life left."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "My wife is taking this medicine and a recent CT scan showed significant improvements in the lung, liver, bone tumors, and also elimination of lymph node tumors. We are very happy with the results so far. This is the third attempt at chemo during her stage 4 status. Our fingers are crossed, and for the first time, my wife is feeling a little better, and she is well enough to go out to dinner again."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "I have been on Halaven for over three months now. It has been very positive for me. I have been on other medicines before Halaven which did not work. My cancer shrunk by 50 percent from the Halaven. I am happy with the results. This is a positive medicine that can help so many people out there."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "After being on 5 different chemo medicines in the past 5 years, it seems as though this one is working. I am only the 3rd person at my oncologist's office to receive this. I have been on it for 4 months and I feel so much better than I did before."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "I am the first one in the State of New Jersey to take this new medicine. Been on for some time now and I think it's working out for me. It's been a long, hard road to find medicines that work. Hope it keeps on doing its job."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "I have breast cancer that metastasized to both lungs and some lymph nodes, along with lesions on my spine, scapula, and pelvis. With stage 4 status, I've been on 4 different chemo drugs in the past, along with an herbal regimen that had me swallowing literally 30 pills every day with little to no improvement. I have to admit I wasn't very hopeful when my oncologist suggested Halaven. It has been hard finding drug therapy that works, but I'm happy to report that after being on Halaven for 3 months, I'm feeling great! I'm breathing much better, and I'm able to do so much more on a day-to-day basis... My next PET is scheduled for a few weeks from now, and for the 1st time in my 3-year battle, I'm hopeful for a remission."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "My wife has stage 4 estrogen positive, HERS2 negative breast cancer, which has spread to the liver, and bones. She began treatment with Eribulin in July 2017, and except for a short break to calibrate the dosing to control white cell levels, she has been on it for 10 months. She has had an excellent response to the medication with a stable markers. She takes a white cell booster after most treatments. She has minor challenges with neuropathy."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "I have had Stage IV Breast Cancer for 5 and one half years. Spread to my lung. I have been on several chemo treatments as well as hormonal treatments. Next week I start Cycle 17 of the Eribulin which means I have had 32 injections. My doctor reduced the dosage earlier on as I was getting neuropathy in both hands and feet. Overall, I find the treatment tolerable with some days of the cycle worse than others. I am considered stable right now and there is no end in sight for getting off this drug. I definitely have neuropathy, my hair has thinned tremendously and have bone and back pain consistently. Did not control the pleural effusion and have had two thoracentesis. I have shortness of breath and lots of coughing."

For Breast Cancer "I took one dose of 7 mg of Haloven and nearly went into complete liver failure. When the Dr took me off it, the fluid collecting in my abdomen reduced bit I now have cirrohsis of the liver and breast cancer. I took ONE dose and do not have diabetes and my liver levels were fine before I started. This drug was tested on 762 for Metastatic Breast Cancer and positive results were in women younger than 60. Please proceed with extreme caution. PS. I do not have Mets the the liver. Haloven is what destroyed my liver. ONE DOSE."

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  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: mitotic inhibitors
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Halaven drug information

Professional resources

  • Halaven prescribing information
  • EriBULin (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Breast Cancer, Metastatic
  • Breast Cancer
  • Liposarcoma