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Generic Name: Humalog KwikPen for Diabetes, Type 1 (insulin-lispro)

Humalog KwikPen for Diabetes, Type 1 Reviews

"I have taken insulin for 68 years. The last 2 years, I have had horrible experiences with Humalog KwikPens. Have reached out to Eli Lilly and FDA. FDA seems to be a useless contact, but Eli Lilly was somewhat helpful. I have had to actually throw away over 25 Eli Lilly Humalog KwikPens in the past two years due to malfunctioning of the pens."

"I used to take Novolog, was forced to change by my insurance provider. This does not work as well as Novolog. The delivery system is shoddy I have had more pens jam and become unusable in the 1 year of using the kwikpen than in the 10+ years I used a Novolog FlexPex."

"I note there are comments on the sticking of Humalog Kwik pens which is also my experience with them. I have been using Humalog (Lispro) pens for a long time. Recently in the past 3 months I have had 4 pens sticking while injecting. The rest of the insulin in the pen goes waste. I would like to send the pens back to Lilly but I do not know how. Like others I had to switch over from a smoother Novolin pen to the Humalog pens due to insurance cost agreements with lilly. Having worked in management positions at manufacturing industries, I can see how these deals of price reduction compromise quality and cost to the customer while filling the pockets of executives in the drug company and Insurance companies. FDA is useless."

"These pens are horrible! I went to use it when my type 1 daughter's pump failed, and it did not administer correctly. The pens she used in the past were great. They made a clicking sound for each unit delivered, where these quick pens were silent and barely had pressure enough to indicate whether she got proper dosage, if any at all. They also don't have half units, and rounding up or down to full units can be very dangerous. These pens also create excessive waste. The previous pens themselves were reusable! Would love to go back to them!"

"I've been a T1 diabetic for 52 years, & am a retired Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE). I and my patients have all had a problem w/Humalog KwikPens: Sometimes a box has not one pen that works. I have followed their (Lilly, the manufacturer) directions (try a new needle, etc), but sometimes you get a batch that doesn't work. You can't get a refund either, so we're "out" hundreds of dollars in co-pays. I've tried several times to contact Lilly and they keep referring me back to the website for answers, which is useless. They also imply that the customers aren't able to use the pens correctly. Amazing that I've been successfully teaching patients for decades on using pumps, pens, etc and never had ANY problems except with these KwikPens. They're unpredictable!"

"I have had Type 1 Diabetes for 45 years, and I can say that this is the worst method of Insulin delivery I have ever used. The pen is difficult to dose with. It often jams, causing you to exceed pressure and bend a needle in your arm. I think the makers should take a lesson from the Lantus pen makers. The Lantus pen has never failed me, and the automatic spring delivery system, makes it foolproof. Humulog in a vial has always worked for me."

"What is it with Humalog over the last (2019 + 2020) 2 years??? I have had MANY issues with my BG going THRU THE ROOF!! I have had type 1 since 1994. My avg HbA1c is 7.0. Humalog is THE PROBLEM. I use insulin based on carb counting. Has worked for all my years on insulin. It works well. But, over the last two years I have had MANY times when I have, for example, 200 BG and I eat 50 units of carbs. Those numbers tell me I need 2 units of insulin for my BG and 5 units for my carbs = 7. I usually may add 1 extra unit. After I do all of that in my example, my BG will be 300???!!!!! I did exactly what my Dr. has told me to do and what has worked for MANY years. But, it no longer works with Humalog. Humalog has been made weaker since Lily is providing it at a reduced cost to users. Thanks Lily, for being a company that looks for profit more than helping those who need good insulin. Time to move to Novolog. Humalog? Useless."

"Major PROBLEM is that Lilly has misdirected their quality control system for the Humalog KwikPen. When injecting, the plunger skips and I am receiving less than the amount I measured. It happened 3 hours ago, and my blood sugar registers 226 and 229, via Dexcom and One-Touch finger prick, respectively. This PROBLEM happens too often. Tell the rich Lilly Company to get this problem corrected!!!"

"This insulin pen stinks! I am a Type 1 diabetic whose diet is extremely healthy (vegan, low sugar, low fat, no alcohol) and who exercises vigorously for 45-60 minutes a day. I only started experiencing high blood sugar at dangerous levels when I switched from the Humalog vial to Humalog Kwikpens for insulin injections. The pens jam, often with almost the entire 300iu left in the barrel. Even worse, after about a week of use, the pens start to leak - more insulin runs down the side of the barrel than gets injected. I never know how much insulin I am getting - and have injected what would be, for me, a huge dose, only to find my blood sugar continues to rise. These pens are frustrating and extremely dangerous. I also use Lantus pens, and they function perfectly with every use. Manufacturer of Humalog Kwikpen needs to do A LOT better!"

"Since I have used the Kwikpen (for the last year) I have had three episodes of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) that I could not explain, and needed 911 to keep from going under. I ended up in the ER each time. I clicked the number of units I wanted, an hour later, I believe, without proof, that the kwikpen released too much insulin even though I checked the number of units before injecting. The idea that it may be releasing too much regardless of what I choose as the dosage, may send me back to syringes and vials. This is just too scary . . . . ."

"I called Humalog to ask if they could possibly borrow the technology used by Levemir for pens, as the Levemir pens are far superior. The Humalog pens constantly leak, even after leaving in the skin for up to 10 seconds after injection, insulin constantly runs out of the needle after you pull the needle out after injection and it of course stinks. There are constantly bubbles in the pen that are often times not removable. I did call Humalog, and they walked through their protocol steps to problem solving, but none of it worked. I'm very curious as to why I never have any of these problems with my Levemir pens. Can the technology be so different, and why can't Humalog work towards that type of superior product?"

"Humalog KwikPens are horrible!! I have been a type 1 diabetic for 46 years and they have thrown my normally good control way out of whack. The Humalog insulin from vials works okay but that in the KwikPens doesn't. Much of the problem is due to never being sure how much insulin I'm getting, if I'm getting any insulin at all. I dial the appropriate amount of insulin based on my blood sugar and carb counting, but the device rarely dispenses the correct amount. That's after priming the pen several times. I can't afford to switch to Novolog because my private health care insurance, for which I pay almost $18,000/year, won't authorize it. I was able to get an exemption for Novo Nordisk's Tresiba pen and it works tons better than Lilly's KwikPens. I get the amount of insulin I dial up with Novo Nordisk's product. So I'm going back to the vial and needles. I'm going to ask my diabetes doctor at MassGeneral to give me a prescription for the vial Humalog."

"I have been diabetic type 1 for 35 years. My diabetic nurse persuaded me to use the Humalog KwikPen, 3 months ago. I used to use Humalog and a syringe. Since switching I’m injecting 5 times the number of units I used to and my sugars are still high. Not only do I believe the quality/strength of the insulin is not the same, it’s infuriating the pens keep sticking, so one can’t deliver the quantity selected in one jab. I am stopping using the KwikPens right now. I’ve had enough. My sugar controls of the past have been good. I do not want to jeopardise good control by using this substandard equipment."

"I have now had a problem with 4 boxes of these Kwikpens completely go to waste! Each time I take the cap off the pen to use it, it is already dripping insulin! Not only that, but it injects too much insulin in my body, causing me to have MULTIPLE insulin reactions. I’m also concerned about getting an air bubble in my blood stream because when it leaks, it creates air bubbles in the pen. This is life affecting. What can I do? Any suggestions?"

"Have problems with my HUMALOG pens over the last couple of years. I switch to a new pen and my BG skyrockets. Have to throw away about one third of my pens. Is there a government agency checking the quality of medication sold to U.S. consumers anymore?"

"This handy little device is great for vacation or just the diabetic on the go."

"I am experiencing an issue in dispensing small doses. If I dial 2 units, I strongly suspect I’m only getting one unit injected So I’m now dialling one more than I want Anyone else with same issue?"

"I was using humalog vial for years. Recently my pharmacy had the kwikpen of humalog and I am having issues when I try to inject myself. The vial is much better then the pen"

More about Humalog KwikPen (insulin lispro)

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  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: insulin

Patient resources

  • HumaLOG KwikPen patient information

Other brands

Admelog, Lyumjev

Professional resources

  • Insulin Lispro monograph
  • Insulin Lispro Mix 75/25 Kwikpen (FDA)

Other brands

Admelog, Lyumjev

Other formulations

  • Humalog

Related treatment guides

  • Diabetic Ketoacidosis
  • Diabetes, Type 2
  • Diabetes, Type 1
  • Nonketotic Hyperosmolar Syndrome