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Generic Name: Hydroxyzine for Nausea/Vomiting (hydroxyzine)

Hydroxyzine for Nausea/Vomiting Reviews

Vistaril (hydroxyzine) "I suffer from anxiety and I've tried a lot of medicines that just destroyed my stomach. I also have a 'sensitive' stomach. Along with a phobia of vomiting. So add that up and stir in insomnia, makes for a very unhappy me. Vistaril has helped with the nervous stomach aches, the anxiety-induced vomiting, and my anxiety while helping my Lunesta be more effective. This medicine is awesome."

Atarax (hydroxyzine) "Atarax is the best for relieving nausea, especially while taking painkillers. I have a broken tailbone and am taking Vicodin, which makes me so sick. I take 50 mg of Atarax, and the nausea is gone within 20 minutes. It is GREAT. Also, it helps with anxiety and hives."

Vistaril (hydroxyzine) "I started getting extremely sick and nauseous (about 5 weeks ago) to the point that I had to go to the ER. IV Zofran didn’t do anything for me. They gave me IV fluid since I was so dehydrated, then I went home, still extremely nauseous. I remember my mom telling me that she used Vistaril for morning sickness while she was pregnant with my brothers (do male babies make people more nauseous?). I take Vistaril for my anxiety so I have it on my 24/7. I pulled over and took 100 mg (I was desperate. I normally took 50 mg). By the time I got home from the ER, I was able to breathe without feeling nauseous. Sadly, after 5 weeks of taking it, it’s stopped working as well, but it still works. Hopefully, it won’t fully stop working because I’m still nauseous if I don’t take it."

"This medication makes me slightly tired, but seems to work well for my anxiety. I haven't been taking it long, so I'm not sure how well it works for nausea. I have emetophobia, so I'm terrified of nausea and vomiting, so I really hope it works to keep me from getting sick!"

"I sometimes get really bad nausea from anxiety or even the common cold; pair that with a phobia of vomiting and you have a really bad time. Hydroxyzine seems to help reduce my nausea, although it doesn't have much of an effect on that "sick to the stomach" feeling. The cruel irony is that I get stomach cramps and diarrhea unless I take this with food. On the bright side, I don't need a lot of food for this; crackers work quite well."

"I have a spastic colon and was prescribed Hydroxyzine HCL 25 mg along with a smooth muscle relaxant. I take one 25 mg Hydroxyzine up to 4 times daily, and it has been the only thing that has relieved my nausea. At times, for pain, I take a 500 mg Oxycodone, which makes me extremely nauseous. I've discovered if I take one 25 mg Hydroxyzine with the Oxycodone, I am left with ZERO nausea and 100% relief. HOWEVER, there have been times when the Hydroxyzine was not enough, my doctor prescribed me Zofran ODT 8 mg for these times. The only time the Hydroxyzine does not work is when I am already profusely vomiting, and due to the vomiting, I am dehydrated, which fuels the vomiting. Hope this helps!"

"I was first given vistaril while at a 5 day detox center. I asked them to prescribe me whatever they were giving me at this center to be able to sleep as well as not feel nauseous and dry heave. I've been on 25mg a day of vistaril and noticed when I stop taking it I get a nervous nauseous feeling that doesn't really go away until I take a vistaril . Has anyone else noticed any issues when stopping this medication? Can I just continue to take it once a day for years to come or should I wean off?"

"I use hydroxyzine when I am having a reaction to other medications, and it relieves my itching and upset stomach. It is also very soothing for anxiety. It doesn't make me sleepy unless I am taking it in conjunction with Vicodin (which I am taking short term for pain)."

"Do not let negative reviews scare you from trying this medicine!!! I have extreme anxiety, IBS and persistent nausea and vomiting. Zofran doesn't ever help my nausea, so my doctor recommended this. The only side effect from this is drowsiness. You can easily combat this by taking a smaller dose. I only take 12.5mg and only in evenings. Sometimes I cut it even smaller. This takes about 40 minutes to kick in. It WILL relieve an anxious, nauseous stomach, even if only a little. For me and having depression, tiredness is nothing new to me so I did not feel the urge to fall asleep after taking this, just lightly sleepy. If taking at night, you may feel groggy the next day but it is not debilitating. If so, you are taking too high of a dose. My specialist doesn't recommend taking this long term. It is better used for getting over a hump, which for me was triggered by food poisoning."

"I have been taking hydroxyzine 10 mg for years . I was prescribed this so long ago, I can’t remember what for. I think it was due to bladder issues. If I do not take this med before bed, I become severely nauseous within an hour of waking. I have tried to wean down to 5 mg by taking 1/2, but I fear I will never be able to completely come off it."

"I had surgery and was prescribed hydroxyzine hcl 25 mg with my hydrocodone for pain to keep from vomiting. I took it every 6 hrs as prescribed, however I definitely had a severe reaction. Night tremors and night paralysis and hallucinations. I woke up thinking I was being followed by ghosts or that another episode where 2 teens were breaking into our house and I could do nothing. My husband said I woke screaming of rats in the bed but have no memory of it. Truly the scariest med I have ever been on."

"This worked wonders for me. I take hydroxyzine for sleeping/panic attacks so when I was sick the past couple weeks, I would take hydroxyzine when I needed to. The nausea went away about 15 mins after I first took it. I didn’t know it was was the hydroxyzine that helped so I continued to suffer until a large storm rolled in (I’m terrified of storms). I took another 75 mg of hydroxyzine to calm myself down and whew, the nausea was completely gone so I knew that it was the hydroxyzine. I’m almost at 2 weeks with no break in the nausea until I take hydroxyzine. It’s gonna be a weird convo with my doctor about needing a full up."

"Ulcer veteran here. Sixteen years ago I had 2 ulcers. Needless to say that's taken care of but I've suffered chronic nausea since. Only recently have I decided the nausea is worse. Doc put me on vistaril 25 x 4. I'm also an anxious person I told the doc. Does nothing for my nausea nor does anything to take the edge off. Ten days so far. I'm seeking help elsewhere."

Vistaril (hydroxyzine) "I have had nausea and vomiting for 3 days straight. I even went to the ER. They gave me everything under the sun but nothing helped. I tried a 50mg Hydroxyzine Pamoate earlier and I am starting to feel human again! The vomiting and nausea are FINALLY settling down! This is a great med!"

"This medicine was so good with my nausea. I'm on a 25 mg prescription. I highly recommend it if you're planning on getting this medicine. Ask your doctor immediately if you're having anxiety or nausea."

Vistaril (hydroxyzine) "I have had terrible nausea and vomiting for the last 3 months. My doctor put me on this, and it has worked miracles. I am very grateful for it."

Vistaril (hydroxyzine) "I took Paxil for years for menopause symptoms. I tried to go off it several times but had relentless nausea and vomiting. Vistaril worked really well to end this and made it possible to get off Paxil."

Vistaril (hydroxyzine) "I suffered with 'nervous stomach' for years and did not know it. I tried everything over the counter, and then some. Vistaril has dramatically changed my life."

Atarax (hydroxyzine) "Only thing that helps nausea for me. Zofran is like taking a placebo and phenergan gives me restless legs."

"Calms my nervous stomach"

"This drug made me extremely tense and anxious."

"This medicine did nothing for my nausea even at high doses. I don’t recommend."

"Hydroxyzine was effective for anxiety."

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  • Reviews (1,382)
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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: antihistamines
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Hydroxyzine drug information
  • Hydroxyzine (Intramuscular) (Advanced Reading)
  • Hydroxyzine Capsules and Tablets
  • Hydroxyzine Injection
  • Hydroxyzine Syrup

Other brands

Atarax, Vistaril, Hyzine

Professional resources

  • HydrOXYzine Hydrochloride, hydrOXYzine Pamoate monograph
  • Hydroxyzine (FDA)
  • Hydroxyzine Capsules (FDA)
  • Hydroxyzine Injection (FDA)
  • Hydroxyzine Oral Solution (FDA)

Other brands

Atarax, Vistaril

Related treatment guides

  • Anxiety
  • Allergic Urticaria
  • Allergies
  • Food Allergies