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Generic Name: Hyzaar for High Blood Pressure (hydrochlorothiazide-losartan)

Hyzaar for High Blood Pressure Reviews

"I've been on for a week. I've never felt better. I've had an on and off fast heart beat and arrhythmia for 15 years, been checked multiple times by my heart doctor, always came back negative. I haven't felt this good since I was a kid. No more fast heart beat, no more chest pain or tightness. I feel relaxed and normal, a little thirsty but that's it."

"I have been taking Hyzaar for 6 years without any side effects. My prescription co wanted me to change to a different medication. They said there is not a generic, but thanks to drugs.com, I found out there is a generic. Thank you for all the help when we need it."

"While it is effective in lowering blood pressure, I have experienced side effects, to include ringing in the ears, dizziness, rapid heart beat, odd muscle pain and slightly elevated liver values. I also experienced rapid weight gain when switched to a generic version of the medicine."

"I have had uncontrollable high blood pressure and hypothyroidism for over 15 years. All the different blood pressure medications the doctors have given me never came close to how well Hyzaar works. Not only has my blood pressure been lowered to near-normal (used to run 190/120) but I have also lost over 25 pounds of fluid from the hydrochlorothiazide. Nothing but high marks for Hyzaar. No bad side effects. I feel the best I have felt in a long, long time!"

"I have been using this medication for almost 12 years (50/12.5). My blood pressure was okay, and most of the periodic blood analyses I made were okay, never had noticeable side effects. For almost 10 days now, my BP is 150/100 and is not decreasing, although I am taking the medicine. The work doctor said that my body might have adapted to the medicine, so I am seeing a specialist today to see what to do."

"Be careful with this medication. I caught a bad cold almost a year ago and have been having respiratory issues ever since. I have been diagnosed with asthma and put on the max dose which has helped a good bit but I still feel like this medication caused me to have respiratory issues. The doctors can't find anything wrong other than the asthma. I wish I would have done my research before starting this medicine. I have stopped this medication and will be starting organic medications tomorrow. I am hopeful!"

"I've been on this medication two times now. Both times it's helped lower my blood pressure. I was able to come off of it for about 2 years when I got my blood pressure under control and was keeping it that way, but recently my blood pressure has gone back up, so my doctor put me back on this medication. My prescription is for the generic brand. I have used both the name brand and generic, and I couldn't tell any difference, only the price was different. I've had no side effects from this medication, it's worked very well. I would recommend it."

"While Hyzaar did lower my blood pressure to normal levels, I suffered from a respiratory problem typically at nighttime with a gasping-for-air reflex several times a night. Effective drug, but for me, a scary side effect."

"I have been on Hyzaar 100.25 for 2 months, and it has proven to be the most effective of all the other blood pressure medicines I have taken over the last 6 years. I also take a 10 mg Norvasc with it every day. I have experienced no side effects. I love it."

"Just started taking this a few weeks ago, and it's already working for me. Blood pressure went from 200/92 to 140/79 when last checked. Slight feeling of lightheadedness at first, but gone now. Also take ibuprofen with no side effects."

"I have had high blood pressure for over a year and just started taking Hyzaar 2 days ago, and already my blood pressure is 125/75. This is at least a 20-unit drop in each number, and I have not experienced any side effects yet. I feel a lot better."

"I just started Hyzaar 50 12.5 this morning for high blood pressure. This is the 4th drug that the doctors have tried to use. Within 20 minutes of taking it, I experienced a head rush, as if I had been hit with smelling salts to open up my nasal passage. Then for over 2 hours, I had tachycardia, with my heart pounding. It's been 9 hours since I took my pill, and I am still having tightness in my neck and chest discomfort. When I take a deep breath, it feels like my chest is constricted. It's unpleasant. I am going to see if I can exercise tonight, or if I will be too winded. BTW, I walk all the time and am in good shape. I see the doctor in 3 days. If this keeps up, I need off this medicine, because I don't know how I can live my life with these types of side effects."

"After trying organic and holistic alternatives for a year with no success I went to a Dr. who prescribed Hyzaar 50mg. I've been on it for 6 weeks, had my 2nd visit today and the Dr. said the approximately 10% improvement was all I could expect and immediatley prescribed a 2nd BP med. No discussion of increasing the dosage, just another med. I'm disappointed in the Dr. more than the med."

"This medicine worked really fast at lowering blood pressure until the dizziness and feeling like passing out started. I may have kidney issues, but I am on hydrocodone, and this has an interaction with Hyzaar."

"Works very well for blood pressure! 6 months into 100/25 mg, I am diabetic now, very painful back pain, gained too much weight and have to up my fiber intake daily. I am Asian, this seems to be very common with other Asian who are on the same meds."

"No side effects from this medicine, after horrible side effects on others."

"I've been on this med for about 3 weeks. I started BP 160/102. Today I took by BP and it is 115/69 and heart rate of 89 . I feel a lot better. Now to lose weight and hopefully get off this med! "

"I have used Hyzaar for 8 months. It does cause strange heartbeats and even much discomfort in the right part of my chest about an hour after taking the pill. I never had any of that before."

"Recently started this medicine. So far, no side effects, and I am feeling better after about 5 days."

"I used Hyzaar for the last 6 years. The best thing that happened to me. No side effects."

"Love it - been taking the medicine for about 8 yrs. Nothing else would bring my pressure down. Now it runs 110/125."

"Took my BP from 160/90 to 115/75 in about two months. Dr slowly increased dose until it was controlled. Great medicine no side effects."

"Lowered BP from 160/92 to high 120s/80. Mild backache for one week when starting medicine. Over time side effects disappeared, very happy with this."

More about Hyzaar (hydrochlorothiazide / losartan)

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  • Latest FDA alerts (9)
  • Side effects
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  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • Drug class: angiotensin II inhibitors with thiazides
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Hyzaar drug information

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  • Hyzaar prescribing information

Related treatment guides

  • High Blood Pressure