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Generic Name: Incruse Ellipta (umeclidinium)

Incruse Ellipta Reviews

For COPD "Incruse helped me breathe more than any other inhaler. But a couple of weeks after being on it, some food caught in my throat and (terrifyingly!) I coughed up blood. I hoped it was a one-off thing. But it happened again, necessitating an endoscopy and then an examination from an ENT. Tests revealed nothing. It’s happened now six times. Then a couple of months ago, the right side of my face went numb and swollen. Then I noticed white sores in my mouth and on my lips. Thrush. The doctor gave me antifungal drops that made it go, but it returned with a vengeance. It was a nightmare! I subsequently was prescribed a stronger antifungal - two lots - but it’s all returned. I always rinse my mouth thoroughly. I also gargle in salt and sterilize my toothbrushes. The next step is an even stronger antifungal that requires frequent liver tests - not ideal for someone with a lung/liver disease like me. I feel like I’m living a nightmare in my quest to breathe."

For COPD "I was forced to switch from Spiriva capsule to Spiriva Respimat, which I was doing very well on, with few side effects. Spiriva Respimat caused severe dizziness, anxiety, and breathing problems. Then I was forced to try Incruse Ellipta, and this one is even worse. Congestion, severe breathing problems, and extreme fatigue. I have gone from being active to spending most of my time in bed. I don't know what to do."

For COPD "My Medicare Advantage Company suggested I use this after they removed Spiriva from their approved list of medications. I used it for a week, and my emphysema worsened considerably. It worsened to the point that I couldn't walk 10 yards without stopping to catch my breath. I called my pulmonary doctor to see if I could get an exception made to go back on Spiriva."

For COPD "I began using Incruse Ellipta after my Medicare Advantage plan discontinued coverage for Spiriva, which I had used successfully for a couple of years. The biggest problem I encountered was the horrid, bitter taste of the Incruse. At first, I thought perhaps I had received an outdated inhaler, but my first refill had the same awful taste. I developed thrush and had to be treated for that. After six weeks on the Incruse Ellipta, my immunologist and I applied for and were granted an exception for me to return to using Spiriva."

For COPD "I have been on this drug for two weeks and feel downright awful. I need to use my oxygen all the time, can barely walk to the kitchen from the living room without getting extremely weak, and constantly feel like I need to clear my throat. I was switched to Incruse when Medicare dropped Spiriva from its approved list. I want my Spiriva back!"

For COPD "I was switched from Spiriva to Incruse after eight months of sore throat, dry cough, and generally feeling bad following surgery to replace the aortic heart valve. I just had my yearly eye exam and have been referred to a specialist for evaluation of wide-angle glaucoma. These findings were not seen one year ago. This is listed on the drug insert as a possible side effect of Incruse. I likely will be taken off of Incruse."

For COPD, Maintenance "I started on Incruse as a replacement for Spiriva (which I was doing fine with) but Medicare would no longer pay for. I had a horrible experience with it. The mouth/tooth pain was unbearable, anxiety/panic was intensified, heart palpitations worsened, throat pain, hoarseness, and my breathing problems became so much worse. I took it for about 7 weeks, hoping all adverse effects would resolve themselves. But it just became too unbearable. So I discontinued it and am only using Advair discus for maintenance. It was a horrible drug for me."

For COPD, Maintenance "I have been taking Incruse Ellipta for 1 year in May 2024. My past 6-minute walk test, I could only walk 180 ft. I was not taking Incruse. Only had a rescue inhaler which made my heart race and blood pressure skyrocket. Stopped using anything. Changed Pulmonary Doctors. 2 weeks ago, I walked 580 feet. I don't cough or wheeze and haven't even had a cold. Taking probiotics has helped me too. Am I cured? No. Now the exercise begins. I'm so out of condition and when I walk, of course, my heart rate and bp are too high. I have severe exercise impairment and COPD. I won't give up!"

For COPD "Horrible muscle and joint pain, severe anxiety interfering even with my ability to do job interviews, severe stomach pain, which took me to the ER = gastritis. Do now I have a choice - use Incruse with my Breo so I can breathe and work along with medications to counteract side effects, example: atenolol for blood pressure and anxiety control, and Tylenol #3 for severe pain levels and muscle tightness, as well as Pepcid AC 20 mg twice daily and Carafate between the Pepcid for severe abdominal pain... or I can just quit Incruse and stay home, sit in a chair, not being able to breathe."

For COPD "I've tried numerous inhalers but unfortunately in the last few years, rescue inhalers like Ventolin no longer work for me and Advair (or Inhub) is the only maintenance inhaler that I've been able to tolerate. I started Incruse about three years ago at the recommendation of a respiratory technician. It has made my life considerably better, cooling and smoothing my lungs, eliminating any urge to cough and removing the COPD irritation and pain. I'm surprised so few people find this inhaler works for them. Aside from Advair, it's the only one that works for me. Not only that, it has allowed me to function at a near normal level. It brought me out of a dark place and made breathing almost easy again."

For COPD "I switched to this last week from Spiriva due to a difference of $35 on my copay. I dislike it very much. I have had a sore throat since starting. I came down with a cold immediately. I get a horrible taste and a burning sensation in my throat when I take it, and gargling does not help my throat. The burning is still there. I expect to get thrush and will be very unhappy."

For COPD, Maintenance "I quit this after suffering through two weeks of the worst of its listed side effects; this stuff is BAD. I couldn't function. What's the point of breathing if you can't live your life due to aches, pains, dizziness, the runs, you-name-it? Horrible poison."

For COPD, Maintenance "After 2 weeks on drug, leg muscles became too weak to be able to support walking, having to use a cane now and having to hold on to furniture just to move around the house. Doctor said muscle weakness is not a known side effect but did not suggest what the problem could be or what to do, other than stop drug and see if symptoms resolve. Three weeks now off the drug and no change. Ultra sound done on legs showed nothing wrong and PET scan is also scheduled. I was fine until I started using this drug, other than breathing problems, which was the reason drug was prescribed."

For COPD, Maintenance "INCRUSE was prescribed as additional course of treatment, alternating schedule in conjunction with BREO use. Was difficult to tolerate after inhaling, often agitated breathing and caused shortness of breath instead. Discontinued use after less than one prescription dispenser."

For COPD "Just started inhaler today. I don't taste anything. And all inhalers can cause thrush its white spots back throat , dr said rinse & gargle with water after use , harmless and don't overuse any inhaler. Hope helps"

For COPD, Maintenance "Got the Incruse Ellipta due to my insurance stopped covering Spiriva. Used it once, funny taste and felt like I was having an asthma episode which stayed with me all day. I had to meet my deductible so paid over $300 for this inhaler. Will not use it again, will call my pulmonary Dr. tomorrow and see if I can get the Spiriva back."

For COPD, Maintenance "Trouble breathing, heart palpitations, less energy, fatigue, dizzy, cataracts and pain in right eye, what more would you need? Dr encouraged me to stay on it it will get better. It didn’t! So tired can barely get out of bed and been off this medicine 6 months had to take it over 3 years. I should have known it was this drug causing all this trouble I am a nurse"

For COPD, Maintenance "Was prescribed Incurse along with the Breo. I like this medication, so far it is working for me, no shortness of breath or wheezing. I have more energy, I hope that I can continue to use these medications, I have a coupon for the incurse, and a free 30 day sample for the Breo. I will try to find a coupon for the Breo. I like this better than the Symbicort that my insurance stopped paying for. My insurance will help with the Breo, but not much."

For COPD, Maintenance "I've been on Incruse for about 10 weeks and find it works great for my COPD. But it having what I call a 'viagra' effect and getting an erection several times a day. I am 70 years old and want to know if anyone else has the same problem."

For COPD "First couple days was excellent then all the sudden I couldn’t breathe good using my rescue inhaler 3-4 times a day, non stop coughing, lots of wheezing, anxiety. Seen my Dr he switched me to Breo but I’m scared of trying it after reading the reviews on that. Since getting COVID 7 months ago I’ve been on many different inhalers for the first time in my life for my lungs and none seem to work ."

For COPD "I’ve only taken this drug once and got so sick that I felt like I was going to die for the next 2 days. Immediately after taking it I got very dizzy and nauseous. Then I started getting weak legs, dry heaves and feeling overall very sick. I’ll never take it again."

For COPD "I've never felt so ill in all my life, I've gone from working to being stuck in my flat, can't sleep, mucus that I never had before, breathing 10 times worse. I feel like I'm being tortured and nobody is listening. Had paramedic here the first time I used it because I couldn't breathe and two weeks later no change."

For COPD "Horrible medicine. Was doing good on Spiriva (sample inhalers)then of course insurance doesn't cover it, so I was put on Incruse. This medicine is horrible. Sore throat, sinus pain, headache. Followed by horrible muscle pain/cramps in my legs and arms, and "flickering" in my peripheral vision. This medicine also made me feel funny, like a jittery feeling, muscles fluttering in my ribcage. It's awful, absolutely awful. I would highly recommend NOT taking it."

For COPD, Maintenance "I stopped smoking 60 cigarettes a day, and my breathing and coughing improved immensely for a year. I thought I could discontinue Incruz Ellipta, but I was mistaken. My coughing and breathlessness got to a point where I couldn't walk to the kitchen in my bungalow without thinking I was dying. I restarted Incruz, and within two days, I was breathing more or less normally. I would rather breathe and take my medication because it works for me."

"I was prescribed incruse Ellipta for asthma by a consultant, as numerous other drugs caused side effects. After one dose my lungs were burning, my nose was completely blocked, and I had a toothache. It might suit some but not me."

More about Incruse Ellipta (umeclidinium)

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  • Side effects
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  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: anticholinergic bronchodilators
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Incruse Ellipta drug information

Professional resources

  • Incruse Ellipta prescribing information
  • Umeclidinium (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • COPD, Maintenance
  • COPD