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Generic Name: Intron A for Hepatitis C (interferon-alfa-2b)

Intron A for Hepatitis C Reviews

"I treated with Interferon in 2001 and with Pegasyst in 2010,both of these meds ruined my life! It has caused Chronic Pancreatitis,Chronic Bronchitis,R.A.,SLE Lupus,Sjogrens,Fibro.,CFS and many other Health problems.Before treatment I was a health nut...bench pressed well over 300 lbs...now I can barely wipe my own a##!! These meds have just about taken me out of this world!.And I look and can not believe that there is no lawsuit against the Pharma companys"

"Peg Interferon ruined my life. I would have rather of of had a short and happy life, than be rid of hep c and feel like I'm in hell . I'm not sure that I will now have a longer life span, but who wants that when you have such a low quality of life. I was ready to endure the horrific side effects for 48 weeks. I was not prepared to still lose hair, have untreatable depression and awful anxiety. I'm tired every day, I have tense muscles that ache, digestive issues, food sensitivities, take thyroid meds and adrenal fatigue. I took the interferon from 2002-2003. Whomever, was involved with this medicine is an awful person. I would rather be buried in the ground dead from liver disease than live this hell for the rest of my life. No doctors, counsellors, friends or family have a clue or any understanding of what this drug did to me. I've tried everything to be the old me. It's like my legs got cut off. But even a person in a wheel chair could at least learn to be happy."

"Interferon was the worst experience of my life. The side effects were so horrible and it never did anything good for my Hep C. After each 6 month protocol my blood work showed no effect on the Hep C so at that time the only option was to do it again. But it never worked for me. Also I never had body pain before injecting Interferon and I still have it even after all these years later. I do not care for Interferon at all and looking back at when I was taking it, I really don't know how I did it."

More about Intron A (interferon alfa-2b)

  • Check interactions
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  • Reviews (4)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: antineoplastic interferons

Patient resources

  • Intron A advanced reading

Professional resources

  • Intron A prescribing information
  • Interferon Alfa (Antiviral) (AHFS Monograph)

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