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Generic Name: Iodosorb (cadexomer-iodine-topical)

Iodosorb Reviews

For Dermal Ulcer "My doctor recommended Iodosorb gel for my leg ulcer. Within a half hour if the application I experienced burning pain. I have a very high pain tolerance and this pain was awful. Several hours later the burning was still there. Hopefully it heals my ulcer. If not I have experienced excruciating pain for nothing."

"I had open wounds between my toes for a year due to cellulitis. The doctor used different treatments, including oxygen therapy, but it would not heal. After starting Iodosorb, there was immediate improvement, and it was totally healed in 4 weeks. This was a miracle treatment for me!"

"I have had a small ulcer on the side of my foot for nearly 6 months. For 3 of them I’ve had a staph infection. I have tried antiseptic creams, sololite gel, it helped but was tiring to where I had to have it redressed every day or two. I tried Promogran Prisma. This is a wound balancing matrix. It acts like a skin graft. Miserable fail. Now, I’m trying Iodosorb gel. It was suggested by a Wound Nurse My first time was yesterday. After a few hours of wearing it, my wound started to burn. It got so bad within a couple of hours, I was in tears, it hurt soooo much. The wound had swollen to 3 times it size and the dressing popped off. It looked like a volcano explosion but later that evening, the stinging went away and I must admit, it felt better some how. I will continue on with this but I wished that I could have read what to expect in the “ side affects” online or am I an exception? It’s very expensive. I was lucky enough to get a free sample tube, 10 gms."

"I have post-surgery Skin flap necrosis. Within days of using Iodosorb, I had diarrhea that became an issue. It is three weeks post-stopping its use and diarrhea is still disrupting gut health. This side effect is not listed on this site but is a recognized side effect. It is surprising as it is not an antibiotic powder. I would have kept using it a little longer for improved granulation but had to stop for the side effect."

For Dermal Ulcer "Iodosorb helped me gain repair to my diabetic ulcers, otherwise they were going to cut my foot off and they saved my foot because of this product. Iodosorb is everything short of a miracle drug"

For Dermal Ulcer "Within 20-30 minutes of applying iodosorb to my right lower felt like it was on fire, it hurt that in ER the Doctor had to give morphine for the pain."

More about Iodosorb (cadexomer iodine topical)

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  • Reviews (6)
  • Side effects
  • Drug class: topical anti-infectives

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Related treatment guides

  • Dermal Ulcer