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Generic Name: Keytruda for Melanoma, Metastatic (pembrolizumab)

Keytruda for Melanoma, Metastatic Reviews

"I have been on Keytruda since January 2017 and have completed my first 12 weeks of treatment. The main side effect has been fatigue. After 12 weeks, I had a PET scan, and the results came back that the melanoma has been stopped from spreading. My melanoma had been very aggressive, it was making new tumors within 10 days, so this treatment has been positive, as nothing new has come up in three months. We will see what the next three months bring."

"I had a melanoma on my back, six years later on my lung and three months later on my brain, all successfully removed. I have been on Keytruda for 12 months, minimal side effects, scans all clear to date."

"Have Stage 4 metastatic melanoma. Started on Keytruda after new metastasis showed up. After the 2nd infusion, side effects started to become very painful - lots of muscle and joint pain, couldn't move my arms hardly. Also have a lot of nerve issues in my arms and hands. When I went for my 3rd infusion (they're done every 3 weeks), my oncologist said I needed to stop treatment and start on a steroid to calm down my immune system, which Keytruda revs up into high gear to go after the melanoma. It's been two weeks on Prednisone, and the side effects from the Keytruda are still strong, so I can't resume treatment and still have to stay on the steroid. Bummer, because it actually made the tumor on my leg disappear, which Ipi (Yervoy) didn't."

"Excellent drug that saved my husband's life from melanoma. The worst side effect was the increased liver enzymes and brain swelling, eventually, he had to stop the drug. Still going strong today! Great drug with tolerable side effects. Thank you."

"I received Keytruda for about 20 months for metastatic melanoma. After the first infusion, we noticed that the visible spots on my back had gotten lighter in color and softer. After over a year of scans that revealed that Keytruda was working for me, a lymph node in my chest began growing. A PET scan revealed that the spots on my back had been killed by the medication, and it had also destroyed a number of small nodules in one lung. But the lymph nodes in my chest were positive. My oncologist believes that my cancer has mutated, and Keytruda stopped working. Side effects were mild. Some mild fatigue, and at the beginning, a very fine itchy rash that was not annoying at all. I just wish it had worked for me a little longer."

"Had stage 4 melanoma that presented in my scapular bone in June 2016. Operation to remove meant I lost some movement in my right arm. 6 month later it spread to right femur bone and C3 in the neck. Started Ketruda in December 2016. Scan in March 2017 showed no evidence of any cancer. 4 years later living a normal life. Side effects minimal for the whole 2 years I was on treatment. Immune system kicked back into gear and did the job. Amazing drug as doesn’t poison you like chemo. Highly recommend."

"I have stage 4 Melanoma and have just finished two years of Keytruda following a metastasis to my bowel. Thankfully, living in the Uk our NHS covered the cost of it. During this time, I had no side effects other than fatigue which I managed at home. Recent scans have been clear so for me, I am more than happy with this drug."

"Feb 2019 I have a metastatic melanoma wrapped around 2 nerves at the top of my spine. Inoperable. With the pain in my neck and shoulder blade I thought it was caused by Dr pulling me around after Open Heart Surgery in August 2018. Lucky I have a great GP who sent me to a Neurosurgeon after scans. Started on Immunotherapy in May. Have had my 11th Keytruda treatment. Side effects have been different each time. Thyroid is under control with medication now. Have been through droopy eyelids, husky voice, runny nose, aching bones, itchy skin etc., all of which have cleared up in time then come back occasionally except itchy skin. Both my PET Scans tell me I’m in remission. I just feel very lucky I am able to have this Keytruda treatment for however long it takes. Hoping it will prolong my life. Only problem I’m having is the damage it has done to a bone in my spine which is very painful and medication helps."

"On Keytruda 15 months after op to remove Stage 4 melanoma near Duodenum with three other tumours identified subsequent PET scan. Later advised by my GP that I had about 6-12 months had treatment been unsuccessful. The tumours had disappeared within 12 months and last two PET scans clear and showing compete response. Staying on treatment as specialist advised cancer had 50/50 chance of returning. Only major side effect was Adrenal gland knocked out so I take a daily tablet to correct that problem. A wonder drug as far as I'm concerned."

"Quality of life vs quantity. My mom took Keytruda for 2 years, lots of minor side effects. 2 weeks after treatments ended, she was hospitalized with pancreatitis, 4 days later had a major stoke due to a-fib, 3 weeks later, sudden onset diabetes at 86 years old! If we had known this drug would have caused her immune system to turn on her own organs in these ways, we would have taken our chances without it. She is now existing, not living, with caretakers 24/7. And melanoma continues it’s spread, latest find is in the skull. So basically Keytruda did zero but cause her a horrible existence. Would NOT recommend!!"

"Keytruda definitely sped up my mom to to the end of her life. My mom was diagnosed with Metastaic Melanoma in July of 2019. She had her first treatment of Keytruda on Aug 15, 2019. Almost immediately after the first treatment she became very ill, couldn’t eat, couldn’t walk, barely enough energy to talk, all to be expected. She also stopped producing red blood cells and spent the last month of her life in the hospital having blood transfusions every other day, and very quickly all her organs failed. Every single side effect they mention she had, every single one! She passed a month after she started Keytruda."

"Stage 3C melanoma, tumor was removed with lymph nodes and put on Keytruda, after each treatment I've had side effects, diarrhea, after the 2nd treatment the lymph nodes in my lungs were enlarged and made it very difficult to breath I should have gone to the hospital, along with the dizziness, confusion, loss of memory, my thyroid got way out of wack, I have been put on steroids and the keytruda has been put on hold. So far it has been VERY difficult, this shows that the side effects are different for each person."

"Inoperable Metastatic Melanoma in my heart, as well as several locations in my abdomen. Sudden Cardiac Death and several v-fibs later, I started Keytruda. Response was immediate, with no side effects. Keytruda saved my life."

"I've had melanoma cancer 4 times. This time stage 4 melanoma in liver. I've used keytruda twice, once in 2015 and now in 2020. In 2015 I had to quit after 8 treatments due to kidney damage and lots of gland problems. In February of this year melanoma spread to liver. I was told I had six months to live without treatment. I went back on Keytruda and have had some side effects but nothing like the first time and Im pretty sure its because of prednisone. I'm going in for my 10th treatment this week. I had two tumors with one shrinking in size and intensity. Other hasn't changed."

"Been on Keytruda for about 8 months. Recently developed a persistent cough and subsequent sore throat. But it has taken care of the initial cancer - vaginal melanoma and a metastatic over the adrenal gland ( in conjunction with radiation)"

"Be careful what the doctors and PA’s don’t tell you even when you ask. A close friends wife took Keytruda….he tried to warn me that the danger zone for this drug is between the 6th and 9th treatment. I could not imagine it could be as bad as he told me and I was wrong! Six days after my 6th infusion, the diarrhea started. It was like nothing I have had before….I won’t even attempt to describe it. It is now 2 weeks and 3 day and the clinic is more concerned about the infusion money that they will no longer get as I have quit this drug! Your quality of life sinks to a new low on this drug. I encourage the doctors and PA’s to be honest with patients. Do not tell patients that different people react to drugs differently. That is a cop out! This is a bad drug with serious side effects!"

"for low risk...thumbs down! Microscopic lymph node melanoma leg post-surgery...PET scan negative prior and 14 months later. Side effects terrible: unmanageable diarrhea, joint pain, tight feeling bands right forearm and upper arm), numbness whole right side of body, vision changes (cloudy), multiple skin splitting both hands and feet, fingernail splitting, toenail necrosis, thick palmer skin overgrowth, 45 lb weight loss, hair thinning, lower extremity edema, bladder retention...that's all for now!"

"My dad had cancer and was told to try Keytruda, he passed away 1 week after treatment and he was fine the week before. This drug is bad."

"My mother died on Keytruda."

"I have had 5 treatments so far. Side effects are minimal, mostly fatigue some days. I don't know how it is working yet to reduce the cancer but will be having a scan in a few weeks to determine that."

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  • During pregnancy
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  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: anti-PD-1 and PD-L1 monoclonal antibodies (immune checkpoint inhibitors)
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Keytruda drug information

Professional resources

  • Keytruda prescribing information
  • Pembrolizumab (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Breast Cancer
  • Bladder Cancer
  • Cervical Cancer
  • Biliary Tract Tumor