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Generic Name: Kisqali (ribociclib)

Kisqali Reviews

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "Have been on Kisqali for two months. In the first week, three tablets every day, but due to side effects of diarrhea, nausea, and fatigue, reduced it to one. Still suffer the above, but not as severely. I do have Fulvestrant injections on a monthly basis. I am hoping with perseverance, side effects will decrease. I had breast cancer twenty-five years ago with metastasis in the last twelve, still not on the organs. I am 83 years old."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "I have been taking Kisqali since 1/3/20 and it is now 4/23. I'm experiencing unexplained blurry and double vision, yet the oncologist isn't aware of this side effect. Add to that, when you research this product online and side effects such as blurry vision and hazy vision, it is nearly impossible to find anything from real people and their experiences on Kisqali. I recommend this drug to anyone who has metastatic breast cancer. Please be proactive in your health journey because most oncologists are not always aware of the full side effects."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "I started a trial on ribociclib (Kisqali) in July of 2017. Two plus years later, I am still stable after seeing a steady decrease in the size of my marker nodes for the first 18 months. Side effects for me have been minimal, and my quality of life is excellent!"

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "Metastatic BC tumor showed up behind sternum. I’ve been on medication for almost 2 months. Expected the worst but no negative side effects whatsoever. So far, bi-monthly blood work and ECGs give me the green light. WBC count within range. I take 600 mg Kisqali along with 2.5 mg Letrozole. Then, I hike for an hour in the mountain. I feel great. Still work part-time. I’m 65. I hope this continues."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "On Kisqali for breast cancer mets and after 3 rounds, the tumor markers are down, and one lesion in the left rib has completely cleared up, and another in the sternum has shrunk from 4 cm to 2 cm. Lots of side effects but minor compared to IV chemo, which I had 15 years ago. Some hair loss, constipation, joint pain, blurry vision on occasion. Still give it 10 out of 10"

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "I had BC 17 years ago, it returned in my lungs in 2022. I’ve been on Kisqali and Aromasin for 9 months. My tumor marker is now down to 50, from 167 when I started. I do not have any organ metastasis, just a few tiny lesions in L4 and L5, which have since mostly gone. I have a Zometa infusion every 90 days. I had no side effects for the first few months, however, I feel like this drug and its side effects are cumulative because now I have neuropathy and my ears are ringing very loudly, although it is not consistent every day. I have no stomach issues at all, some blurry vision now and again, and mild dizziness periodically. I do get short-tempered, but again not all the time. Overall, Kisqali and Aromasin have worked for me, and I hope it will continue to work. I live a reasonably active life, and I am very grateful for these drugs, and I have no hesitation in recommending them to anybody who is in the position I am in."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "I have been on Kisqali since September 2018, with no disease progression. Tumor markers in the “normal” range. Side effects: nausea, diarrhea, joint pain, some hair loss in the early stages, the occasional rash or skin sensitivity, fatigue. Having said all of this, I am living my life, working full-time and traveling when possible... life is good!"

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "Two breast tumors and bone metastasis, and started with Anastrozole and radiation to the bone area because they were close to breaking. After radiation, continued Anastrozole and started Kisqali, but had to quit in the third cycle due to acute liver problems. I lost 22 pounds during Kisqali. I was moved to Ibrance plus daily Anastrozole, which I have been taking for 27 months thus far. Bones with metastasis are regenerating. Ibrance works. One tumor is scar tissue in MRI, second almost gone. After the two rounds of Kisqali, they did see shrinkage of the breast tumors, and at the time felt it was too bad Kisqali gave me liver problems. I am glad there are alternative treatments."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "I made it 5 rounds before my liver enzymes just wouldn't go down. It shrunk everything by at least half! My RBC and neutrophils are right on the line. Not sure what's next for me -- I was on the Kisqali/Femara combo with monthly injections of Xgeva and Zoladex. I struggled with constipation and dried out everything -- but that might be from being forced into menopause. If you happen to be on this combo: Some hair thinning, unexplained blurry and double vision, rage!, dementia, balance problems, sleep problems, and thyroid issues -- but from what I've heard, a million times easier than old school chemo. (I have had a brain MRI and it was all clear) Stage 4 de novo, ER+ Her2- Original tumor 8cms with mets to ribs and hip"

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "The first couple of months were rough as far as tolerating it. Now at month 6, I am doing much better. I have lost a lot of hair including eyebrows, eyelashes, pubic hair, leg hair, etc. I can live with that as long as the drug is working and I am alive. I have lost weight as sometimes food just doesn't taste right and I don't want to eat it - other days food is fine. The doctor asked if I wanted to switch to another drug, but I declined. As long as Kisqali is working, I will work through the symptoms. The bad news - I will be on this for a minimum of 5 years, maybe longer. I am 82 years old and will do whatever is necessary. Thank goodness for my excellent health insurance."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "De novo diagnosis 3/21/18, started 600 mg with 2.5 mg Femara on 3/23/18. Single bone met on right humeral head. Complete remission in July 2019 (after 16 months). 32 months since diagnosis, still clear scans. Some hair thinning at first, along with occasional nausea, blurry vision (mostly in the AM), joint pain, and fatigue. Fatigue is the worst part for me, but my quality of life has not changed at all."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "I was previously on Ibrance 100mg for nearly three years when it stopped working. My doctor put me on Kisqali about one month ago. I noticed having less fatigue and brain fog. Too soon to know how well it is keeping my cancer from progressing."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "I am on 400 mg Kisqali, a reduced dose because my QTc is marginally long. It has been okay - better than Verzenio in terms of fatigue, not as good as Ibrance in terms of side effects and effectiveness. I have been on it for two cycles. So far, no signs that it is working. Staying on it for two more cycles before another PET/CT to see if it is shrinking tumors, especially one that is pressing on my lung and caused atelectasis. Nervous because other meds have worked immediately, dramatically, and this is not. I have read that Kisqali may take longer to kick in. Fingers crossed because next is chemo. Kisqali is supposed to be more effective than other CDK4/6 inhibitors and to work for a longer time. I find it easy to use, and side effects are tolerable. My blood counts are normal, my QTc is not too high. A little eczema, quite a bit of fatigue, but not the kind that knock you down. Just taking naps."

For Breast Cancer "Just diagnosed. One month so far. 600mg. I take them with dinner, and no nausea. Mild headaches, so drink lots of water. Constipation, so again, drink your water. Stool softener will help. Mild rash, no itching. Light hair loss in the shower. Fatigue is prevalent."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "Have been on Kisqali since May 2017 with no progression. First diagnosed January 2011 and metastatic September 2016 with tumor on L3 vertebrae - 10 rounds radiation. Started anastrozole November 2011 and will never go off. No problems other than hair thinning and occasional fatigue. Only down side is my co-pay"

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "I've been on Kisqali + Femara for 6 years, with no side effects other than low blood cell counts. A very easy medicine to take. I have bone mets and I am thrilled that there has been no disease progression since I began this course of treatment, and the severe pain I had in my back went away within a few months of starting the meds."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "9 months taking Kisqali. Scans show no progression. Side effects I have experienced are a skin rash, some hair loss, hallucinations and or nightmares, stomach pain after taking pills last about 1/2 hour, and a dry mouth. Otherwise, they are very easy to take. I take 400mg daily"

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "Reduced tumor presence significantly. Now 20 months on it. After initial dramatic CA27.29 decrease, now seeing a slow upward trend. Have dry eyes, alopecia, increased AST/ALT, constant headache, vaginal dryness, right-sided low rib pain, bruise easily, bone pain, and muscle strength loss. However, oddly, I feel much better than this written description indicates."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "I started on Kisqali after finding out I had de novo breast cancer which had metastasized to my bones. My first dose was in September. I am still taking it now in March with significant improvement with my scans. I do have the side effect of thinning hair but that's it."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "I have been on Kisqali and fulvestrant for probably a year now for breast cancer with metastasis to the lungs. My cancer number has gone from over 100 to 36. It seems that my hair is thinning a lot more. No nausea, vomiting, or other side effects. Maybe anxiety, but not sure if it is that or other meds. My vision is also becoming distorted. I can still see, but it is more blurry."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "Kisqali did not make me feel ill, however, I did lose a substantial amount of hair. Plus, I have a red, itchy rash on my skin (legs and arms). I also pass blood in my urine after exercising, however, I don't know if this is from Kisqali or the stent in my urethra."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "I've completed 5 cycles of Kisqali with monthly injections of Faslodex and Zometa. Kisqali has been great with the only side effect being constipation."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "Been on Kisqali (ribociclib) since November 2019 and had minimum side effects. Tumor markers continue to drop. Will be having a PET scan soon. Will get back with results."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "Kisqali worked at first. All my numbers went down. Then they spiked up all at once."

For Breast Cancer, Metastatic "Completed 5 rounds with no side effects but now my bilirubin is a little high so dosage decreased to 400mg. Hoping and praying bilirubin goes down so I can keep taking this miracle drug."

More about Kisqali (ribociclib)

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  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: CDK 4/6 inhibitors
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Kisqali drug information
  • Kisqali (200 MG Dose)
  • Kisqali (400 MG Dose)
  • Kisqali (600 MG Dose)

Professional resources

  • Kisqali prescribing information
  • Ribociclib (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Breast Cancer, Metastatic
  • Breast Cancer