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Generic Name: Kyprolis (carfilzomib)

Kyprolis Reviews

For Multiple Myeloma "Diagnosed about a year ago at age 59. Healthy active adult male with no other medical issues. Went to Mayo clinic after local physician diagnosed MM. Mayo Doc did all the testing and found high risk genetics. Multiple sites on PET scan and about 60% plasma cells in bone marrow biopsy. Had a hip replaced due to pre-emergant fracture due to MM bone lesions. Guess I was pretty sick... Doc said best treatment was K-R-D. 120 K 80 Dex on a two-day-per week schedule for 3 weeks each month. Revlamid 25 on 21 day schedule. Zofran for stomach. It was a bit rough initially, but had no nausea or hair loss. Rash a couple times, mostly just felt flu-like for a few days after chemo. One year later now... complete remission. Bone marrow biopsy normal."

For Multiple Myeloma "After failing 5 previous therapies for MS, started taking Kyprolis +dex almost a year ago. Has become harder to take over time. Severe nausea now on treatment days, uncontrolled hypertension, headaches. Would ask Oncologist to stop but no options left other than CAR-T cell clinical trial for which I am on the list, but they are all shut down due to corona virus. Kyprolis did dramatically slow progression of my myeloma over the past year. I am thankful for that. Six years of constant treatment takes a significant toll on quality of life. I was diagnosed at 56."

For Multiple Myeloma "He was on it alone, for 3 cycles, and started on the 4th... kappa light chains went up each month, and doubled to over 11,000 before stopping it. Had been on it with Revlimid, which helped decrease light chains, but couldn't tolerate, due to blood counts... platelets needed every other days and RBCs needed weekly"

For Multiple Myeloma "Male, age 78, with MM for 16 months, with an initial IgG of 3699. Received treatment from Moffitt Comprehensive Cancer Center in Tampa. Initial Velcade treatment but hit a plateau of +/- 1700 for my IgG. Moved to Kyprolis + Dex; saw immediate results with no severe side effects except continuing fatigue and low red blood cell count. After 4 months on Kyprolis, my IgG is 472 and my M spike is 0.30. Hopeful of short-term remission. Great experience thus far and hope to see my 80th birthday."

More about Kyprolis (carfilzomib)

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  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: proteasome inhibitors
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Kyprolis drug information

Professional resources

  • Kyprolis prescribing information
  • Carfilzomib (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Multiple Myeloma