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Generic Name: Lamisil AT (terbinafine-topical)

Lamisil AT Reviews

For Tinea Cruris "This is the only medication I'd use or recommend for the treatment of Tinea cruris (jock itch). I've tried many different medications, and no other works nearly as well. The main benefit is once-a-day application and a one-week treatment time. I've used Lamisil AT in cream, gel, and spray form. I highly recommend the latter. The problem with the gel and cream is that it's difficult to ensure adequate coverage without going through the product very quickly. You will end up buying at least a second tube before the treatment has concluded. The Lamisil AT spray goes MUCH farther. Just put on a pair of vinyl gloves to help spread it around after spraying. One spray bottle should be all you need. Don't just spray; spray and spread."

For Tinea Cruris "Very comfortable and soothing. I would recommend using it at night just to cut down on messiness. It's not overly greasy and gross like I thought it would be- can barely tell it's there! Started applying it a few days ago and rash is on its way out!"

For Tinea Cruris "The first day I used it I got some relief and the redness started to go away by day three the itching was bad and I tried clotrimazole a generic brand and it was sooo much better, hopefully it will continue to get better"

For Tinea Cruris "I have tried Lamisil twice ... in spray and cream. Absolutely no relief whatsoever other than a sting when you spray it on. "

For Tinea Pedis "I was having the an athlete foot problem for about 15 years and used so many creams. But this gave a good result within two weeks time and so far it has not re occured. Lets see how it goes in future."

For Tinea Cruris "After two weeks using the cream, there was no relief."

For Tinea Cruris "Doesn't work for me."

For Tinea Corporis "I spent over a hundred pounds on this lamisil I tried cream then spray then lamisil once and it just came back,useless go to your doc get something stronger don't waste money on this."

More about Lamisil AT (terbinafine topical)

  • Compare alternatives
  • Pricing & coupons
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: topical antifungals
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Lamisil AT drug information
  • LamISIL AT (Advanced Reading)
  • Lamisil AT Athlete’s Foot

Professional resources

  • Lamisil AT Gel prescribing information
  • Lamisil AT for Women (FDA)
  • Terbinafine (Topical) (AHFS Monograph)

Other formulations

  • Lamisil

Related treatment guides

  • Tinea Corporis
  • Tinea Cruris
  • Tinea Pedis