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Generic Name: Lamotrigine for Epilepsy (lamotrigine)

Lamotrigine for Epilepsy Reviews

Lamictal (lamotrigine) "Lamictal did not work for me, 200 mg in the am and 200 mg pm. No changes with seizures in my sleep, but side effects were insomnia, constipation, and hair loss. I had to take a sleep aid to get a decent night's sleep, or else 2 or 3 hours was all I could get."

"I have been taking lamotrigine (generic drug, which brand depends on what my pharmacy has) for just over 6 years. For the first few years, I did still have a handful of tonic-clonic (grand mal) seizures, but over time, my dosage has been increased, and I have learned what my major triggers are. Combining these two means that my seizures are well under control - I have been seizure-free for about 2 and a half years now, and am able to drive again. I am on a high dose (200 mg morning, 300 mg evening), but I don't notice any major side effects. Occasionally, I have tremors in my hands in the morning, but only if I have had very disturbed sleep. In the UK, lamotrigine is a 'first line' drug, in that it is the best choice and most well tolerated of any other anti-epileptic drug. If you are new to an epilepsy diagnosis, then I would recommend discussing lamotrigine with your doctor or neurologist before trying any other drug."

Lamictal (lamotrigine) "I do not like this drug! It gives me an upset stomach, dry mouth, gaining even more weight, makes me feel like I'm about to barf sometimes, I get double vision, dizziness, and even blurred vision. My doctor thought it was such a wonderful idea, and I have told her about my reactions to this medication, but she still thinks it's a great medication. I wish she were in my shoes!"

Lamictal (lamotrigine) "I cannot stop singing its praises. Two years ago I had no idea what was wrong with me; I felt 'fogginess' and tried everything-declared 'headaches' caused by anxiety or depression, had to take a year off of school since I couldn't function. Xanax helped, but I didn't understand why. About 17 other antidepressants or antianxiety medications later, I was put on Lamictal due to a diagnosis of BPD. Almost instantly, from that initial dose of 25 mg, I started being able to focus, and the fogginess lifted. As the dosage increased to 150 mg twice a day, I was given back all waking hours of clarity. I could focus, produce, study, think clearly, remember clearly-everything. As a result of being given power back, the depression vanished."

Lamictal (lamotrigine) "Best medicine out there! I've had seizures for 7 years now and used to have them every other day, and sometimes a couple in a row too. About 2 years ago, I got put on this medication and it has stopped my seizures! I've tried 5 or 6 different medications, and this one is the only one that actually worked great! Anyone reading this, give it a try because it works!!"

"Got first time clonic tonic seizures 6 months ago (3 the same day) and was prescribed Levetiracetam. Asked to change after a month as I was sleeping 18hours a day and having mood swings. The neurologist at first didn’t want to change my medication which infuriated me , she didn’t want to listen. I am now on Lamotrigine and I have all the side effects : insomnia, acne problem, low concentration, bad memory , can’t stand light or noise. I am refusing to take more than 100mg a day for that reason. I am so scared to get another seizure (I didn’t have any since then but I have huge headache/migraines almost everyday) that I don’t want to stop them yet . But it changes who I am completely. Neurologist have no idea what they are talking about , they just prescribe medication and let us deal with it! This medication is a nightmare!!!!"

Lamictal (lamotrigine) "I have taken 150 mg of this drug for 3 and a half years for condition known as Benign Epilepsy. In that time I've continued to have seizure every six months on average as well as experiencing a number of negative side effects including, insomnia, constant sighing, impaired short term memory, lack of motivation, depressive thoughts and difficulty completing tasks due to lack of motivation."

Lamictal (lamotrigine) "Been on lamictal for about 7 years, it was prescribed to me for myoclonic seizures. My epilepsy improved a bit, but I still have seizures almost every day. When my doctor tried to take me off of it, putting me on keppra, I started having grandmals, so he immediately put it back. I haven't had a grandmal for years now, thankfully, but myoclonic seizures still happen frequently."

"I was diagnosed with grand mal epilepsy when I was 17 (now I'm 23) and I was put on Keppra 1000mg x 2 day, and I was still having seizures, even worse than before. Some time after seeing no improvement, I was put on lamotrigine (100mg x 2), and it was amazing. It stopped my seizures entirely, and soon after starting the treatment (worked right away) ♡. The side effects were minimal also."

Lamictal (lamotrigine) "I’m 46 y/o female and started Lamictal after sudden onset of seizures. Unknown cause. I have Crohn’s disease and have had my entire large intestine removed along with most of my small intestines. I’ve noticed my mood has improved, which is a welcome effect! Rather than being a human slug, I’m able to complete some housework and...wait for it.....DO LAUNDRY!!! The only issue I’ve had is cystic acne that got pretty bad when I was taking over 100 mg day. I now take just 100 mg and no more acne or rash. No seizures except a few when coming out of aenesthesia after some procedures or surgery. This has been remedied by getting premeds and IV seizure meds when having surgery. I’m happy again and look forward to the future!!"

Lamictal (lamotrigine) "Lamictal did NOT work for me. I have MTS (mesial temporal sclerosis). I had smaller febrile seizures when I was a 1-2 years old. It wasn't until starting college I had a huge grandMal seizures, focals, etc. My neurologist began my on Lamictal and it did absolutely nothing for me. I had breakthrough seizures, confusion, and it was overall not a great match. If you are in the same boat I am in, I would recommend going down the Keppra route/oxcarbazepine (until this recently has caused hyponatremia)."

Lamictal (lamotrigine) "NEW ZEALANDERS! On Lamictal or Arrow I'm calling out to you! If you don't know or are against the change to Logem, sign the petition! To find it google - NEW ZEALAND petition for lamictal I know we are all probably facing the inevitable, but if there is any possibility of keeping our lives stable, I'm going to take every chance I can! PHARMAC in NZ has chosen to no longer funding Arrow and Lamictal medication, creating the change to the generic brand Logem. To sign the petition - there is a big yellow box on the petition page on the right of the yellow box there is a "sign petition" option - click on this, put in your name and email, then there is a box to check to agree with the terms and conditions and there is also an "I'm not a robot" to tick."

"I took lamotrigine for about 6 months, and it worked great to control my seizures. Side effects were both positive (gave me more energy, I wasn't tired, wanted to go do things) and negative (insomnia). I tried switching to Keppra but had horrible side effects from it so now I'm going back on lamotrigine and hope the insomnia doesn't come back or that they can find a medication to take at night to help me get to sleep. I recommend this medication."

"I have been taking lamotrigine for 12 years now having had seizures for 35 years. At first I did have flu like symptoms and a slight rash but they soon went. They stopped my seizures which is fantastic but I do find that when writing I can't think of the word I want to say or how to spell it!! I have always been good at spelling and certainly not had any trouble with words, lol, but I will put up with it knowing I don't have the seizures anymore. Does anyone get dizzy or have double vision when maybe taking a tablet on an empty stomach?"

"I've had 3 full seizures, 2 years ago. I have temporal lobe epilepsy and was having partial seizures before the full fledged one's began but didn't know what they were. It was a sensation of de ja vu, weird right? I started on keppra, it made me so aggressive, I had to switch. The neurologist switched me lamotrigine. He had me start on 25mg am and 25mg pm and taper up. I moved and got a new neurologist. She upped my dosage, again and again. I was having 0 symptoms, 0 problems, no seizures, but she said that my blood level was required to be at a certain percentage to ensure its effectiveness, even though it was already effective. I'm on 300mg am and 300 mg pm now and I absolutely hate this medication. If I don't take it at the same time everyday, I experience extreme mood swings. It has affected many of my relationships. After reading others testimonies and their dosage, I am very frustrated. Why am I on such a high dosage when I have had no symptoms in years now?"

"I suffer (does anybody enjoy?!) from very infrequent grand mal seizures, and take 300 mg per day. Lamotrigine has been effective in preventing seizures, but the side effects have caused me to consider changing medicines. I went from being a nice guy to periodic bouts of nastiness, can't remember names or even some of the places I've been, frequently can't remember where I put things or parked, and my hair has thinned considerably. I checked to see if hair loss is a common side effect - it is, but I'm told the hair comes back after people stop using Lamotrigine). Looking forward to changing meds."

"My daughter takes lamotrine and topamax for generalized seizures. She's 30 years old and has autism, non verbal. Sometimes she will go off at the drop of a hat, I don't know why. She'll pull the dresser drawer out on the floor, she knocked the lamp iff twice, and tried to tear up her am/fm headphones. (Not all at once). Headphones have been taken away. But I'll get another 50mg lamotrine for her and in minutes she's fine. I was reading one person on here was thinking about weaning off them on their own. I'm not a Dr but if I were going to do that, go twice as slow as the Dr would have you do it. Better safe than sorry. Her hair got much thinner over the past 18 years of being on it. Has anyone else experienced hair loss?"

"I have used lamotrigine for 15 months, I have been seizure free on my 150mg per day. The side effects are as follows, severe weight loss, I have lost 3 stone, insomnia, I go to bed, doze for about an hour & I am fully awake ready to get up. Constipation is another, my doctor says its just my body rejecting the medication. Memory, impossible remembering things, everything I do has to be written down, including when I finish work. Remembering people, names, faces etc - I've lost 'friends' because I can't remember names & they think I'm being 'funny' with them. The nurse said I will be on the meds for 2 to 3 years, I could do with coming off it sooner but I am so scared because I am afraid I will have another episode. I am stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea - yes it works for me... but I don't want to end up feeling how I am now - for someone who could remember everything to how I am now is just shocking - good luck to you if you are taking it."

"I hate lamotrigine. My epilepsy has been controlled 100% while taking Dilantin for 38 years. My doctor highly recommended that I change Dilantin to Lamotrigine because Dilantin is a very old drug and has a long term side effect of memory loss. I really did not want to make this change but he managed to convince me. I made the change December 2018 and since then my life has turned upside down. No coordination, memory loss, cannot remember things that happened minutes before, constantly forgetting where I placed things. Worse of it all, I've been on the decline with making good decisions at work, speech, writing typing reading difficulties. I truly felt that I have early signs of Alzheimer of dementia. I could not stand it. I finally insisted to my doctor to go back to dilantin immediately. I am now back on Dilation for 3 days and I am just praying to God I will get back to normal again."

Lamictal (lamotrigine) "I started taking Limictal about 7yrs ago 2x's a day morning & night 150 mg & I love it Wth all the other anti Seizure meds also I hve to take other anti-seizure meds 3x's daily total by bedtime it's actually 4 x's a day. I can't say enough good things about Limictial wth it & the combination of the other anti- seizure meds I take daily it's a great mix for me. Also read ur information as it is very dangerous to suddenly quit taking it & it's not good to run out either trust me I went 2 days 1x without it on the weekend & U better believe I couldn't wait until Monday morning came & I could go pick it up. Don't make my mistake ur never supposed to miss a doss & I haven't since"

"Wow, wow, wow. Lamotrigine was the fourth medication I tried for epilepsy and the only one that worked. No extreme side effects other than memory problems. I thought I was one of those people who medications won’t work for, but this here is great!"

"I've been taking lamotrigine for about six months now… I absolutely despise it… it really doesn't work for my epilepsy I have been trying to get it changed for months now but my neurologist is hard to get appointments with. I still have my seizures at least 5 times a day and because it really doesn't work it's hard to remember to take it sometimes but I almost always take it. It also made me gain some weight and not be able to lose it. I don't recommend this medicine "

"This is the second drug I have taken for my epilepsy, after switching from Keppra for side effects. Lamotrigine has worked well for me, reducing my simple partial seizure activity down to a once or twice a month (from 2-3 times a day). The only side effect I have had is making me tired, specifically while increasing my dosage (something that must be done very slowly), though even while on a steady dosage for awhile I still felt it a bit. However, discussing this with my doctor, discovered this comes in an extended release form, and unless I'm increasing the dose, no longer have any issues of feeling tired from this. I am currently taking 450MG a day. Be forewarned, I recently had to change healthcare coverage, and my new insurance company will not cover the ER form, and wanted me to go back onto the multiple times a day form."

Lamictal (lamotrigine) "I take 500mg a day (have 2 separate prescriptions since it's above the maximum). Taking it for the last 5 years. It's been almost a year since I've had a seizure. At first, while I was increasing the dosage it gave me extremely lucid dreams (like, wake up thinking that it was real kind of thing). After you're on it for a while, it's pretty much just life. Only bad I can think of is how irritable I get when I'm hungry and I feel crummy when my blood sugar is low. It's made me put on some weight which I hate. Can't wait to get off this stuff and have no seizures and lose weight!"

"I urge you to use either name brand or find a generic that works for you and demand that they provide that to you. This medication is notorious for having a wide range of concentration and bioavailability depending on the manufacturer. I don't like zydus and will not accept it. Taro works better for me. Just keep this in mind. I had a breakthrough seizure when not on my regular generic."

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: triazine anticonvulsants
  • Breastfeeding
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Patient resources

  • Lamotrigine drug information
  • Lamotrigine Chewable Dispersible Tablets
  • Lamotrigine Extended-Release Tablets
  • Lamotrigine Orally Disintegrating Tablets
  • Lamotrigine Tablets

Other brands

Lamictal, Lamictal XR, Lamictal ODT, Lamictal CD, Subvenite

Professional resources

  • Lamotrigine monograph
  • Lamotrigine (FDA)
  • Lamotrigine Chewable Tablet (FDA)
  • Lamotrigine Extended Release Tablet (FDA)
  • Lamotrigine ODT (FDA)
  • Lamotrigine Tablets (FDA)

Other brands

Lamictal, Lamictal XR, Subvenite

Related treatment guides

  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Cyclothymic Disorder
  • Anxiety