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Generic Name: Lessina (ethinyl-estradiol-levonorgestrel)

Lessina Reviews

For Birth Control "I realized after trying about three different birth control pills that I never really had side effects from any of them, except for my first one, which gave me acne. This pill cleared up all my acne, and I realized to not trust the reviews on birth control websites because, if you think about it, the only time people are going to write a review about their birth control is if it’s not working for them. People don’t get on these websites to talk about how great they are for them. I’m not having any issues with Lessina, as I’m sure most people are, this birth control is fine."

For Birth Control "I've been taking Lessina for like 3 or 4 months now, and it's been totally great, and I have had no problems really. The only negative I could think of is the slightest weight gain, but I don't mind it at all because it's literally so minor. Other than that, nothing has changed, and I haven't had any side effects. It didn't make my period any lighter. Best of luck to you! <3 Some of these comments are pretty gruesome, so I thought I'd add in my positive experience!"

For Birth Control "Let me remind you that everyone's body is different and every time you begin a new birth control, it can take about 3 months before you fully adjust to it. So don't get anxious about the bad reviews. I began this pill because I would get hives a week before my period, insane acne breakouts on my back, & cramps all the time. I've been on this pill for a month & I can feel the difference this pill has made already. I have experienced simple symptoms like nausea but the nausea doesn't bother me. I noticed that it has reduced my appetite but not dangerously. I just find myself snacking less! Also, my sex drive has not gone (which is a first with birth control). I have a history of anxiety (GAD & OCD with panic attacks) & this pill hasn't made me more anxious. If anything, I feel that it improved my mood & balances my hormones perfectly. I'm confident that the symptoms I have experienced will minimize within that 3 month period. So give your body & the pill some time!"

For Birth Control "DO NOT TAKE THIS PILLS! I use to take Lutera and it was great for me but the pharmacy ran out when it was time to refill and they gave Lessina. They said it was the same active ingredient. At first I hesitated. I should've listened to my instinct. I have been having anxiety, mood swings, irritability, can’t focus, even had to take off from work and fatigue, insomnia. Its horrible! Im so mad that the pharmacy gave me Lessina."

For Birth Control "This birth control is the only birth control (thus far) that doesn't give me side effects. I am so happy I came across this medication because I can still enjoy intimacy in my long term relationship. I did have nausea the first 3 days of taking it but it subsided. However, I notice if I skip the sugar pills and go to the new pack, I get migraines. That's a simple fix by taking the whole pack rather than skipping to the next one. I was originally on Aviane but my insurance switched the brands. According to pharmacists, they are essentially the same thing. I'm very sensitive to hormones and I had no problems switching."

For Birth Control "I’ve been on this birth control for about a year now and I really do like it. I was very scared at first because I saw so many bad reviews and got very anxious when I first started taking it. The truth is I never felt any horrible side affects but I did gain a bit of weight since I did notice I was starting to eat more and more. I know every body is different and I guess I was very fortune to not have any of the intense side effects many on this post were saying about."

For Birth Control "I started taking Lessina birthcontrol pill a few years ago. I like the fact that my periods are a lot shorter and not as heavy. However, I caught myself experiencing terrible mood swings, and I always feel hungry and bloated. I started getting bipolar episodes as others have shared on this site. I didn't realize that it was because of birth control. I am always at EDGE and dislike how I feel so antsy all the time. Recently I noticed my hair has been thinning out and I've been loosing SO much! I got tested for thyroid and other things and my results came back normal. I am not currently taking any medication. therefore this must be the reason. I highly suggest trying other options. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone. It is upsetting being a woman in my early 30's and having thinning hair, anxiety, and irritability."

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I'm peri-menopausal and have not been on any birthcontrol for 20+years. All of a sudden my periods became so heavy for the full 5 days that I felt disgusting. My periods were also coming on sporadically every 2-3 weeks. My doc was reluctant to prescribe bc pills because of my age (46) but I basically begged lol so she started me on Lessina low dose. I saw instant improvement my 1st month with my period being much lighter. I just finished my 3rd pack and I couldn't be happier! I'm back to a 28 day cycle and its so light! I went from flowing through super plus tampons every 2 hours to barely needing a regular on my heaviest day! No side effects at all."

For Birth Control "I have been taking this for about 3 to 4 months. I was honestly more excited for the shortening of my periods and them being slightly less heavy to really weigh how the medication was effecting other aspects of my health. I am already being treated for depression and anxiety, but noticed that during the week approaching menstruation, I would have intense depressive symptoms and thoughts. I would become extremely overwhelmed and disconnected. I had hoped my body would adjust, but it has only gotten worse. I don't think this will be the case for e everyone, but I did think it was important to share since some places claim no research for, but a lot of reviews about, these types of side effects. I will not be continuing with this product."

For Birth Control "I began taking Lessina last month and I DO NOT RECOMMEND! The first few weeks I had a consistent headache. Secondly my appetite largely increased. Then I was very very emotional! I am having breakdowns over everything that happened. My anxiety has been way worse and so have my intrusive thoughts. I thought for sure I at least won't have a bad period. WRONG! this has been the worst period I've had in years! Such heavy bleeding, nausea which caused me to have a panic attack, chills, headaches, the whole 9 yards. Please do not take this medicine."

For Birth Control "This birth control has gotten bad reviews and it scared me when my doctor perscribed me to it. I've been taking it for a month. I'm moody but I haven't spotted or gained weight. I'm pretty sure my sex drive has increased. I haven't really gotten any side effects. I hope it stays that way."

For Birth Control "I have been on this birth control for about 3 months now. The first month was fine. Last month I started developing horrible boob pain and veins coursing all over them. Then I noticed spider veins on my hips and then on my butt. I have occasional leg pains. I’m wondering if anyone else has experienced this? I also have headaches, occasional nausea, lacking motivation, really bad appetite changes (one day super hungry, next day don’t wanna eat), starting to feel depressed and anxiety increasing by a ton. I just feel generally tired and am thinking of switching pills."

For Ovarian Cysts "Been on this pill for 2 weeks! Most horrible experience ever. I was having such extreme stomach pains that I thought I was having an appendicitis and my stomach has been tender to touch and the cramping hasn’t gone away for a week! Emotional outbursts and crying (sobbing) for no reason. This birth control is horrible. I’m done."

For Birth Control "I have been taking this birth control since June or July of 2020. This birth control hasn’t really done much to me. I think it may have made me a but aggressive but I was already aggressive at first. I didn’t gain weight, I actually lost some. This pill has made me somewhat emotional but I do believe most pills do do that. I have not tried any other types of birth control except this one and I am happy from the results."

"I have been taking Lessina for about 8 years now and never tried anything else. I started it due to my cramps being so painful it made me sick... Once I started taking Lessina I haven’t really had a cramp since!! I know when I’m going to start my cycle so that’s a plus. I would definitely recommend this to anyone."

For Polycystic Ovary Syndrome "For 4 months or more my periods lasted 10-18 days. Then, I started getting infection after infection. I had UTIs, yeast infections, staph, a parasite, and was experiencing random intense burning pain in my vagina that would send me to the ER until they gave me pain meds to treat at home. Then, I started getting circulation issues. My fingers, arms, legs would tingle and go numb periodically. Then, I occasionally started getting extreme pain when having bowel movements. Now the pain is every day, and I have constant abdominal pain and cramping. I’m in so much pain and have missed so much work I’m worried I’ll lose my job. I’m so glad that I had an epiphany that all this started when my BC was switched. I have also noticed my breath is disgusting, my mouth is always dry, I’m tired all the time, depressed, forgetful and have started getting Irrationally paranoid about stupid stuff. I’m never taking BC again."

For Birth Control "I was super nervous about getting on birth control because of the horror stories and my previous experience from other pills. I spent a few months researching pills and asking friends what pill worked for them, because I was going to start nursing school and did not want a surprise during that that time. After nine years of not being on the pill and a lot of research, I took a chance with Lessina. I’ve been on it for five months and I love it! The first two months I was very emotional, but I’m sure it was from the pill trying to regulate. Month 3 period was the heaviest, but once again I think it was from the pill regulating. I have gained weight, but since I’ve started nursing school, I haven’t been active and I eat crap every day, so I can’t blame the pill. I’m emotional at random times throughout the month, but that’s it. I don’t have severe moods swings, I’m not angry, I don’t get headaches, I’m not depressed…. I really think this pill is a great option."

For Ovarian Cysts "I was so nervous to give this a try after reading the reviews. I used to get a SUPER heavy period.. usually lasting about 7-8 days. I'd need a tampon/pad for at least 3-4 of those days. Combined with ovarian cysts.. always had cramps. I've been on Lessina for 2 months now.. the first period I got was 4 days and super light. I was SO HAPPY to see. Yes, the side effects at first do suck. I noticed I was VERY hungry, easily irritable, and had mood swings with some anxiety. After about 3-4 weeks, this finally subsided."

For Birth Control "I moved to the US and my BC was not available here, so I looked for something similar. My doctor prescribed Lessina (year 2017) and so far my body adjusted to it really quick. Just occasional migraines (not really because of BC). Sex drive going low is reasonable (life gets busier). My legs get tired after standing for more than an hour (maybe due to circulation affected by the BC) but this is still reasonable. No acne breakout. No weight gain, although I want to gain some. No bloating. Cramps were gone on the first year. I know when to expect my period, and period is light...only have to use pad for 2 days, liners for the first and last day. This past year though I had some yeast infections which I blame the BC for messing up my hormones. But I'm on my 3rd year of using this, no plan of switching to other brands, would recommend Lessina!"

For Birth Control "I have never struggled with acne in my life, and I have been on three different birth controls that have never caused breakouts. Lessina, however, had me with a face COVERED in small pimples (with a couple massive cystic ones as well) after the first 3 days of using it. The acne only got worse as I kept taking more pills in the pill pack. I’m stopping this immediately. Seriously, I had CLEAR skin before, not a single pimple, and now I have pimples ALL OVER my face, chest, back, and arms. I didn’t even know that was possible over the course of three days!!! Oh man I wish I could insert pictures. Stay away if you are looking for a birth control to help clear your skin!!"

For Birth Control "I’ve been on this Lessina birth control pill or about a year. At first, I did have slight headaches, but they eventually went away. I do think it has increased my likeliness to get UTIs though. Overall, I gained about 20 lbs in a year, but it all went to my thighs and butt. I would say this is great and will continue on it."

For Birth Control "I loved this pill. My periods were only 5 days, pretty light, and I only cramped on the first day. I took it for about two years and only had a problem when I accidentally missed one pill and spotted until my next period. The one side effect I did have was migraines. Other than that it worked perfectly for me and I would take it again."

For Birth Control "I’ve only been taking Lessina for a week and it has genuinely been the worst week of my life. It took me until today to realize it was my birth control. I’ve had anxiety/depression for as long as I can remember but the suicidal thoughts I’ve had this week have been nothing like I have ever experienced. I’ve cried constantly and randomly for no reason. My poor boyfriend has tried to help. I threw up last night, haven’t been eating, I’m nauseous all the time. I will not be ingesting this pill a single day more. I genuinely almost checked myself into a mental institution and I fully believe it has to do with this pill."

For Birth Control "I have taken Lessina for only 2 months. I was so scared of trying it because of all the negative comments on it, but for me I have no side effects whatsoever! I get emotional when I'm going through PMS but that's 100% normal for me. I take mine before I go to bed (I work overnights) so at 9am so if I do get nauseous, I don't feel it at all. I haven't gained weight, normal PMS acne, no crazy mood swings. It feels like I'm not taking anything at all! I give it a 9 because I'm not sure how effective it is yet lol. But I'll find out soon lol."

For Birth Control "I’ve been on Lessina for 3 years and honestly wish I’d started taking it sooner!!! It’s been great in regulating my cycles and has helped to improve my acne a bit as well. I can’t say I’ve had any noticeable or long-lasting side effects. Would recommend!"

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: contraceptives
  • En español

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  • Lessina (Advanced Reading)

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Related treatment guides

  • Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
  • Birth Control
  • Endometriosis
  • Gonadotropin Inhibition
  • Ovarian Cysts
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome