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Generic Name: Librax for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (chlordiazepoxide-clidinium)

Librax for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Reviews

"I've had IBS for many years along with anxiety as well as mitral valve prolapse syndrome. I've been given several different meds but good old Librax keeps me stable. I do not abuse it which my doc knows but I never run out of having it. I have found the generic does just as well for me. It's an old medicine and many doctors do not choose to use it. I've taken as many as 5 a day and as few as 1. It calms me so much better than other meds such as Paxil or Lexapro. It has absolutely saved me!"

"Life saver. I have celiac, colitis, and most likely irritable bowel syndrome. Also had a small bowel resection about two years ago now. Diarrhea, cramping, and nausea can get pretty bad at times. I have been taking 1-2 doses twice a day, and these issues completely go away for me in about an hour. My anxiety about going out and having an episode has decreased significantly because I know there is something that will help me. FINALLY. This medication has also allowed me to get into running again. AMAZING. AMAZING. AMAZING. I feel many doctors are hesitant to prescribe this because of the benzodiazepine component, but the only side effect I seem to have is dry eyes and mouth. I have tried every other antispasmodic, no luck. So happy it's helping others."

"As many of you know, the pain of gastro issues leaves very little to laugh over, so that said: I've gained three inches in height back since taking this medicine! See, I'm NO LONGER walking hunched over with my hand clasping my abdomen, with my eyebrows scrunched up! I can stand upright again, now that the pain has subsided. Truth be told, I had very little hope that this medication would work. I'd had 'nerve' pills and 'stomach' meds and just could NOT fathom that finally something WOULD kick in! I had been in gastro pain for approximately 3 years and my eating has become an issue due to it. Having been 93 lbs not very long ago, and now hanging in around 106, I say try this if you can. It MAY have saved my life."

"Librax saved my life! After suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome-Constipation for about 30 years, and all sorts of antispasmodics that did nothing whatsoever, my Dr. prescribed Librax. I only have to take one pill at the first signs of that old familiar gut-wrenching pain and it all melts away in about 20 mins. I don't know what I would do without it."

"I have used Librax sparingly as needed for 30 years. It's getting very expensive even with the generic version. But this medicine works wonders for most stomach problems. I just take it for a few days at a time and only use it when I need it."

"I've suffered since I was a kid with IBS. Didn't know what it was, but I can say this. Stay away from caffeine and milk-related products, as I was especially drinking coffee at 9 years of age. Don't ask, just old grandparents who thought nothing of it. Stress, anxiety are also due to this IBS that I had or sometimes recurs. Librax is a lifesaver. I'm thin as it is, but getting even thinner was just ugly. Thanks for coming up with a medication that controls this problem. All my symptoms have gone, and I feel I can function properly at work and with my two little ones. Life is wonderful again."

"I developed irritable bowel syndrome while in college. During my first 'episode,' I wound up hospitalized due to severe abdominal pain and dehydration. I had already been diagnosed with GERD 18 months prior (from a doctor prescribing ibuprofen, I take 4x daily for WAY too long). After a couple of days of tests and fluids, the GI Doc diagnosed me with anxiety-induced irritable bowel syndrome. Paired with GERD, I was in constant agony. Lots of vomiting. I lost 15 lbs in a couple of weeks (started out at 135 lbs at 5'3'') and was close to being hospitalized again. Then a doctor put me on Librax and Prilosec. I can enjoy life again. I have fewer than 4 episodes a year now of IBS (still trying to manage the GERD). I take 2-3 a day, 4 if I decide to go out for spicy or overly greasy food. LOVE LIBRAX."

"I have had IBS-D for most of my adult life. No one could figure it out. I didn't eat while at school because I was afraid of the results. I was super skinny until I was 30. Hard to believe it took doctors that long to figure it out. I went from doctor to doctor. Some telling me it 'was all in my head'. Others saying it was a result of my diet. I switched my diet, I meditated, I did everything I could but no joy. Finally, I met a doctor who understood exactly what I was going through. He put me on a regimen of loperamide, lomotil, and most importantly Librax. What a difference. I can honestly say my life has completely changed. The only problem is Librax tests positive for benzodiazepines, which may cause you to fail drug tests."

"I have an IBS problem 2 or 3 times a week, about 30 minutes after eating. I have severe cramps with diarrhea. The pain is so bad that I experience gagging, dry heaves, or vomiting. Sometimes I have constipation. When I feel the first cramp, I take a Librax, and the cramps stop like a miracle. I keep my Librax with me at all times because I never know when I am going to have an attack."

"I finally talked my doctor into ordering Librax. I had heard about it before but never tried it. I have IBS, plus a bunch of unknown-cause bowel issues, and the worst which is constant nausea. Bentyl helped with cramps, not with nausea. Tried other meds that didn't work. My doctor suggested Donnatal, not covered by insurance, and for one month it was over $700!! So frustrating! Then he agreed to the Librax. I was SO happy, flew to the pharmacy to get it. NOT covered either! I got half of the script for $75 to see if it worked, and it DOES! Actually took my nausea away and let me relax for the first time in days! Now have to try and get the money to get the refill when I need it. :("

"I started taking Librax for my IBS about 4 days ago. The pain is almost all gone, and I am only having 2-3 bowel movements instead of 6-10. My only complaint is that I feel like a zombie on this medicine. It has gotten a little better as the days have gone by. I was just wondering if everyone experiences this in the beginning and if it goes away once you build a tolerance."

"This medicine has been a lifesaver. Although I don't have IBS, I do have generalized anxiety, which can cause a variety of unpleasant IBS-like symptoms. My doctor first tried me on various antidepressants; however, none of them worked. Paxil was by far the worst. It made me sleep 12+ hours a day, it made me feel like a zombie -- I lost my sex drive and all of my motivation to do school work -- and it made me suicidal. Although I have had some pretty terrible experiences with anxiety, I've never been suicidal, so I knew I had to get off Paxil ASAP. If it wasn't for Librax, I wouldn't have been able to get through my junior year of college. This medicine isn't a 'cure-all,' but it does allow me to function as normally as possible."

"In 1990, due to the stress of my father and my husband having life-threatening health issues, I, who was a very healthy person, wound up in the doctor's office explaining my excruciating abdominal pain, weakness, nausea, and desire to sleep. I was given a prescription for Librax and was told if it was Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Librax would help me. It was a life-saver! Since then, I've suffered three or four episodes, but none as severe as the first two. They always come during a time of 'life stress' issues. No insurance. No negative side effects of Librax for me!"

"I started on this medicine years ago - 4 times a day. MRI showed I spasmed every inch of bowel - horrible pain. Now, I take 2 at bedtime. Has been a life saver, still have episodes but not as frequent. I recommend this to anyone who suffered as I did. It will show up on a drug screen as a benzodiazepine, just make sure you have a script from your doctor. I have insomnia, so it does a double duty, just can't take it during the day and work."

"I have had stomach trouble all my life and had my gallbladder removed 10 years ago, and it didn't help. As the years passed, it has steadily gotten worse, and in the last year, my 'episodes' are lasting longer. I have missed so much work, and if I did not work for family, I would have lost my job. Been on Bentyl and Levison, and neither helped much, especially with the gut knotting up and cramping. I have only been on it for three days, but on my third day, it has helped, starting today! I am so hopeful after reading the majority of these posts and how they have helped. Thanks to all for posting, as I thought I was losing my mind and was truly getting suicidal as I could find no relief."

"I have taken Librax for 17 years and it worked better than anything I had tried. I just found out Medicare formulary does not include it. I am learning why I started taking it years ago - my IBS is back at full strength! I did flunk a drug test once when the MRO refused to accept the prescription as the cause. He said it was not the correct Benzodiazepine, but it was. A different doctor overrode his decision."

"With Crohn's and irritable bowel syndrome, trips were out of the question. My MD put me on Librax, and in my opinion, saved my life. I can now enjoy a meal at a restaurant, then take out and eat it at home. The cramps are gone, and now I am enjoying life as never before. Thanks to my doctor for this miracle."

"Not only did this medication reduce the symptoms of IBS, which for me felt like problems with my heart (which, in turn, drove up my anxiety), but it also gave me the best sleep I had in months. I experienced no side effects while using it. That said, long-term use could become detrimental, it's best to discuss with your doctor."

"I suddenly started having severe pain and vomiting after eating anything thicker than water. I lost 44 pounds in 2 months. The ER doctor put me on Librax, and I can eat again! This medication saved my life! I continue to take it 3 times a day before meals."

"I have had some kind of mild IBS for 40 years, as well as diverticulitis. Over the past several years, my symptoms of IBS-D got to the point that I was having an average of 4 loose bowel movements a day and often more, accompanied by bloating, explosive gas, and urgency. I tried the wellness doctor/nutrition route for a year with minimal results. Finally, I found a doctor willing to prescribe some medicine, and after a few trials and errors, voila!, we tried a combination of Librax and trazodone, and I had immediate and dramatic relief! The underlying problem is still there and I still have multiple bowel movements, but I can at least control the urge and go for hours without having to run to a bathroom. For me, it's been a minor miracle!"

"I have been taking Librax during periods of high stress when my irritable bowel syndrome would flare up since the early 1980s. I don't take it as prescribed - it's too much. I take one capsule when symptoms flare up, and I usually don't need another one. 30 capsules can last me 6 months or until they expire. Librax can cause cotton mouth. I've tried Bentyl and Levsin, and they don't work nearly as well on the spasms. I also get esophageal spasms, and the Librax does a nice job of stopping them."

"I have had Irritable Bowel Syndrome for 29 years. I have been on Librax and Zantac for those years. In 2007, it went into remission. Came back out in December 2013. It has been terrible, so back on Librax, 1-2 tablets 4 times per day. Since February 2014, I have lost 27 lbs, also taking Vitamin B12 shots to build me up because my body was not getting enough nutrients."

"I've had irritable bowel syndrome since the 1960s. Librax (started about 1992) stops the spasms that create diarrhea. It also relaxes the gut when it knots up and made me constipated at times. I used to live in clinics, be doubled up with pain, covered with sweat, and on a highly restricted diet. After 15 years, I can have a cup of coffee in the morning. I can eat dry cereals, eggs, and bacon. I hike, can wear light-colored pants, sample most foods. I still can't handle sugar, but I can nibble on fries or a salad, eat an occasional apple or peach. Now my problem is continually getting scripts for Librax because I seem normal. I have real fear about not getting Librax and ending up sicker than a dog."

"I’ve suffered from IBS as long as I can remember. Although I didn’t know that when I was a kid! I had several unexplained episodes of severe pain that landed me in the ER since the birth of my firstborn in 2012. I had my gallbladder removed, had a colonoscopy and laparoscopy, which were inconclusive! Since my gallbladder was removed in 2015, I had 2 attacks which no doctor could explain. I’ve had so much flatulence and awful-smelling gas, but since starting Librax less than a month ago, I haven’t had any symptoms except for being really sleepy and having terrible headaches!"

"This has definitely helped my irritable bowel syndrome symptoms, which are horrible gas pain and foul-smelling flatulence. It is not perfect, and I did go off it to try Linzess, but that did not work at all, so I went back to Librax. I have started adding Miralax and Citrucel because I think this IBS may be constipation-related. I take 2-3 per day."

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  • Drug class: anticholinergics/antispasmodics
  • En español

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Related treatment guides

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Enterocolitis
  • Peptic Ulcer