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Generic Name: Lillow (ethinyl-estradiol-levonorgestrel)

Lillow Reviews

For Birth Control "I was on Marlissa for a year until my pharmacy switched me over to Lillow. All I can say is PLEASE do not take this especially if you have anxiety and depression. This heightened it so bad for me that I was crying and then having extreme panic attacks. I stopped taking it 9 days ago and I already feel so much better. Please don’t take this."

For Birth Control "I have been taking this birth control for 2 weeks now. My pharmacy switched to this last month. It makes my appetite go through the roof which I want since I would like to gain weight. My last birth control made me gain 20 pounds. But with Lillow, I am literally starving at night and even wake up at like 4 in the morning still starving, and then during the day, I can barely eat. I mean I can pig out on chips all day but I can barely eat real food."

For Birth Control "I was forced to switch to this brand after CVS gave me this instead of my normal prescription. I took this for two months and refuse to ever use this birth control again. I’m not new to birth control, as I’ve been on it for four years due to extreme periods. My first month on this pill was fine. The second month I missed one pill, which has happened numerous times throughout my years on the pill. I did what the normal process and took two in one day. The very next day I was cramping extremely, all the way to my placebo week (2 weeks). I was extremely tired and almost seemed I was bleeding through. Not to mention my acne on this pill was insane. I know every woman is different but this dosage seems to be off compared to the name brand version."

For Birth Control "I gained 20lbs on Lillow, had the worst temper, bipolar (never was before- happy, sad, angry beginning of pill and week before period pill). Cramping that felt like I had to poop. Never ending bottomless pit hunger. This may work for others but my overall mental health and physique also changed my own perspective on myself. If it works for you, great! But may not work on others. But I never have gotten pregnant on it."

For Birth Control "I have been on birth control for about 3 years and for about 2 of those years I’ve been taking Lillow. Before Lillow I took Junel, but switched to Lillow because I have PCOS and Lillow is a little stronger, which helps with my hormonal issues. There are a lot of insanely bad reviews on here for Lillow, but I have not had any negative experiences. I do have mood swings the week before/early in my placebo week, and still have cramps and a 5 day-ish period, but the pain is bearable and the periods are regular, which is what matters to me! I have not had any breakthrough bleeding (I did on Junel) even during months where I skipped my placebos. Every birth control pill will affect everyone differently! I have mild anxiety and Lillow has not impacted it at all, but I do think (like BC can in general) it has made me a lot more sensitive to caffeine, which can trigger anxiety."

For Birth Control "Local CVS pharmacy switched my Altavera to Lillow without asking me. I had the worst side effects ever since. (I took Orsythia and Altavera before and never had any side effects.) gained 10 lb within 3 months, frequent left chest pain (I'm in my 20s, and never had any chest pain before), worse period cramps, more acne, .... I don't know what they have in those pills but something definitely does not suit me. I am not alone, you can read other comments below. I would give 0 rating if I could. I stopped taking these pills and are visiting cardiologists for the chest pain now"

For Birth Control "I’ve been on Lillow contraceptive medicine consistently for about 3 weeks and I’ve definitely noticed a lot of changes in my moods. It makes me feel way more depressed and anxious than I normally feel and it started breaking out my skin after a bit. I’ve also had the worst night sweats and sometimes I end up crying for no reason at all. My doctor prescribed this to me to regulate my period and as this is my first time taking birth control, I want to give it a try for at least 1-2 months. However, I’m a bit worried given my current side effects and reading others experiences as well."

For Birth Control "My 15-year-old daughter was prescribed Lillow in an attempt to regulate her periods (she was getting her period @every two to three weeks). While her cycle did become regular and spaced out to once a month, she gained 15 pounds in 3 months and got acne on her cheeks/forehead where she previously had clear skin. She has stopped taking Lillow and after our experience, I would NOT recommend Lillow to anyone."

For Birth Control "Lillow is a horrible pill. Please do not take it. I gained lots of weight and a had horrible PMS that last longer than usually. I also had terrible cramps. I have no idea why this pill is still on the market. I used to be on Portia and Ocella and none of these symptoms happened before."

For Birth Control "This was the first pill I was prescribed and I used it consistently for about a year. I overall had an ok experience. Though I noticed after about 6 or 9 months that it was giving me way worse PMS symptoms than I’d had before going on the pill. I’d be super moody, emotional, depressed really in the days before my placebo week. After speaking with my doctor I switched to a lower dose birth control pill and it was way better for me."

For Birth Control "This pill is dangerous! I’ll start off by saying that if you suffer from anxiety and/or depression this medication makes it so much worse! I had only been on this for three weeks, for PCOS / unscheduled bleeding and I was having the worse nausea I’ve ever had, I was have cluster headaches that lasted days, and dizzy spells that would hinder my daily activity. Not to mention the cramps I felt the whole time I was on it (with no period by the way). This BC is unsafe and I have no idea how it made it into the market to begin with."

For Birth Control "Worst birth control pill I have ever been on. I’m just going to be blunt and state what it did to me. The water retention, bloating, and weight gain from water weight is horrible. My anxiety is uncontrollable now. I’m nauseous 24/7. I have acne all over my back and face now when I have had almost perfect skin my entire life. The mood swings and irritability are messing up my social and family life. I have zero motivation. I cry over nothing. My period lasts up to an entire month sometimes and I have never skipped a single pill since I’ve been on it."

For Birth Control "CVS switched my birth control from Altavera to Lillow without telling me. I was already very nervous about trying a new pill because my old one worked just fine. I had no abnormal side effects with Lillow. However, my problem was its extreme ineffectiveness. I’m on birth control to help with my horrible and painful cramps that keep me bedridden for 24 hours. My period came that month and it was like I was never on birth control at all — bedridden for 24 hours trembling, crying, and feeling like I was going through labor. I now have to jump through several hoops every few months to get Altavera back because not many pharmacies carry it anymore."

For Birth Control "Absolutely terrifying pill. I was on Chateal for about 2 years and never had a problem with it, until recently my pharmacist gave me Lillow instead because Chateal was not in stock. After only 2 days I began to experience scary side effects. Whenever I am outside in the sun for less than 10 minutes, fully clothed, my skin burns THROUGH MY CLOTHES and my whole body hurts to the touch - that's how sensitive it makes me to light/heat. I also started getting cluster headaches, which I have never had before, and they have been going on for a week now. Hey, at least I'm not pregnant, but I refuse to even finish the pack - I'm going back to my pharmacy to pick up my old pill."

For Birth Control "DO NOT TAKE THIS! Lillow is generic pill like Levora 1.5/30, Portia, NordetteI recently started this pill and I was aware that there would need to be an adjustment period and I could experience some side effects, but I did not expect this. My skin is AWFUL. I have never broken out so bad in my life, I don’t even want to leave the house at this point. My cramps are the absolute worst, not even on my period. I’ve had breakthrough bleeding everyday since starting the pill and it is completely random so I can’t plan around it. My depression and anxiety have gotten 10x worse and I experience panic attacks and horrible lows everyday. Some days I’ll just start crying and not know why. This is the worst possible outcome I assume, but I would not take your chances. Do not take Lillow."

For Birth Control "I’ve just started using this and it is making my skin break out terribly. I haven’t always had the clearest skin, occasional acne blemishes here and there, but since starting Lillow I have started getting severe cystic acne. Along with that, it has made me really dizzy frequently throughout the day. At times it will come on really strong. This has only started happening since I started taking the birth control."

For Birth Control "I almost had a stroke. I am 30 years old and my pharmacy just switch me to this birth control out of no where. I gained weight and had issues with my bones and pains in my arms. Also I had signs of blood clots in my legs and arms. I have no health problems. Do not take this birth control also read the warning signs."

For Birth Control "Took for a year Mood swings so bad (arguing thinking the worst scenarios and flipping out. Depression like crazy Suicidal from depression. Anxiety and panic attacks and easily overwhelmed. 25lb weight gain. Cramps and I’ve never had them before in my life until this pill where I would be arched over the toilet. Never got pregnant. I stopped taking all forms of birth control for my body to regulate itself and I do feel a lot better now. Side note: if you feel this works for you this was just what I went through"

For Birth Control "Just remember everyone is different... Lillow was the first birth control pill I was put on after having my birth control implant removed. I didn’t experience any negative symptoms, it caused my period to be light and regular and actually helped me better manage my weight and my mood. I never experience any depression or crazy PMS. I had a good experience taking it."

For Birth Control "This Lillow birth control is HORRIBLE. I have no idea why my doctor even put me on it as I always have adverse reactions to pills, but this tops the list of worst reactions. I started heavily bleeding immediately and it stayed for about a week. THEN a week later, I started bleeding again and it lasted from December 28 to January 21. It’s now Feb 5 and I’m heavily bleeding again. I’m a fitness buff so bloating is something I absolutely can't stand, and Lillow has made me bloat and retain water so much and it has been impossible to lose. I haven’t had bad cramps in years, but with Lillow I always have mild cramping outside of my period, but there are days on my period where I have to curl up on my floor for hours because the cramps are so debilitating. I passed out twice from cramp pain. Since being on it, my anxiety has sky-rocketed and I have barely functioned. I’ve always had nearly perfect skin but not anymore thanks to Lillow!!"

For Birth Control "Lillow made me so sick. I took Portia for years with zero negative side effects. In March of 2020, CVS changed me over to Lillow and it has been a nightmare ever since. When taking the pill, I feel like garbage every single day. Nauseated, headache, dizziness, basically like a mild flu (I actually described it to my doctor as feeling like being hungover - I don't drink - or how I felt in the first trimester of my pregnancy). I stuck with it for several months hoping that the side effects would subside, but they never did. This resulted in me missing several days of work and feeling absolutely terrible for 6 months straight. It took a while for me to make the connection, and I actually stopped taking the pill for a couple of months and felt great. The very day I started taking them again, I started feeling the side effects. I know there are hundreds of birth control pills and each one affects a person differently, but this one was a nightmare for me. If I could give it a 0 I would."

For Birth Control "Bruh this medicine sucks. After 2 months I've started to feel depressed and extremely irritable. My skin is breaking out and I've never had a problem with acne. I find myself randomly crying and not wanting to get out of bed or having energy. My cramps are absolutely terrible. No foods sound good. They' ll tell you it's the same as other brands, it's not. There is probably an inactive ingredient that some people react to, but I've personally never heard a good thing about this pill. And now that's confirmed by my experience."

For Birth Control "I previously was on the birth control BC Kuervelo until I had a prescription filled at CVS. They informed me that they don’t have it there so they switched me to Lillow. Since day one I have been nauseous, cramping terribly. I started spotting on day one, as of now it has turned into a flow that won’t stop. I got on birth control due to abnormal bleeding for two months. I feel like I’m reliving the nightmare."

For Birth Control "If I could give this a 0 I would. Lillow is supposed to be a generic for Levora, but is in no way shape or form comparable. It makes me extremely emotional, gives me concerning and disorienting bouts of extreme dizziness, makes me unbelievably fatigued during my period as well as doesn't help my horrific cramps, acne, or generally feeling like a dumpster. This is easily one of, if not the worst birth control I have ever been on."

For Birth Control "I was on Portia for years and absolutely loved it. Had barely any side effects until the first few days of my period which consisted of cramping that I could deal with if I took ibuprofin. CVS switched me without telling me to Lillow. I took it for one month and it was the most painful month of my life. My boobs were sore all the time to the point where I couldn’t even bump them. I’m constantly active so it was so frustrating that it hurt to even walk. I was constantly hungry and I retained water like crazy. I had mild cramping up to 2 weeks before my period even started. I had 2 yeast infections and I’ve never had a yeast infection in my life. I felt sad more than usual too. The only redeeming quality of this pill is that it was an easy period. I only had really bad cramps on the first day and the bleeding was pretty light. I don’t recommend this pill to anyone - ever. It was awful and I demanded my pharmacy switch me back to Portia immediately and they did thank god."

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