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Generic Name: Lo/Ovral (ethinyl-estradiol-norgestrel)

Lo/Ovral Reviews

For Birth Control "I have tried a few types of birth control pills before this, but Lo/Ovral has been very effective as far as period control is concerned. I usually skip the week of placebos and jump straight into the next pack to avoid having periods altogether, and this is the only birth control pill that doesn't cause breakthrough bleeding as a result. It has been an effective contraceptive."

For Birth Control "As soon as this drug started working, I stayed in one constant mood of irritable-anxiety. I was a horrible person to be around and cried every single day. I was having hormone problems and this drug made my life go from bad to worse. I would never pollute my body with garbage like this again. Be careful, girls!"

For Birth Control "I've been on this pill for 10 years now and it's been great up until about a year ago. I'm 33 year old now and have experianced depression and angry mood swings a week prior to my period. 1 week after my period I experiance increased libido, 2 weeks after I break out, then the cycle repeats all over again. I have never had acne, not even as a teen. I believe that my hormones are just changing due to aging and I will speak to my doctor about slightly increasing my estrogen level through a different pill."

For Birth Control "I felt very nauseous the whole time, and suffered from a hyper sensitivity to smells which only compounded the problem. It happened from the very first day that I took the birth control and lasted a few days after I quit."

For Birth Control "Loved it at first. Regular light periods 3-4 days no weight gain no cramping, and I could skip my period it was like heaven in the form of a tiny pill. Then unexpectedly after all these years of being on it at the age of 24 I woke up with extreme pain in my right arm inner elbow area I couldn't bend my are all the way or extend it completely without having pain. I thought maybe I pulled a muscle or something but after a week of pain and discomfort I went to the emergency room where I was diagnosed with a deep vien thrombosis (blood clot) I had to be ambulanced to another hospital and spent 5 days on the surgical floor because they thought they would have to remove it. Thousands of $'s in hospital bills that I struggled to pay at 24"

For Birth Control "Unfortunately, this Birth Control pill gave me the worst headaches! I think I had at least 2 per week. Some were migraines. I was also more emotional but the headaches were the reason I stopped using this. No weight gain or acne."

For Birth Control "This pill was awful for me. I had the worst mood swings. I was constantly depressed, crying or miserable. I gained close to 15lbs in the first month I was on it. My appetite could not be curbed and was eating everything in sight. The bloating was terrible too. Overall I hated this pill for me."

For Birth Control "I have been on Lo/Ovral for about 10 years now and have loved it but it has started giving me strange mood swings. I am 30 and feel that my hormones are changing and I need to speak to a doctor about changing my birth control. I have started noticing no sex drive, massive mood swings, lack of sleep and here recently weight gain. But like I said I have loved it up until now."

For Birth Control "I used this for 15 years or so, with no problems. After I had my son, my obg put me on Nuvaring. I would occasionally forget to take my pill, so I think that she wanted to try something different with me so I didn't have to take a pill every day."

For Birth Control "I found this pill to be amazing. It does the job. I recommend it to everyone."

"I have been on this for two months. I had no spotting and the only side effect that i had was a slightly more painful period. I would recommend this for you it has worked great for me."

For Birth Control "It was a great pill until the start of the 3rd month I broke out in hives and was extremely itchy."

More about Lo / Ovral (ethinyl estradiol / norgestrel)

  • Check interactions
  • Compare alternatives
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: contraceptives

Patient resources

  • Lo Ovral drug information
  • Lo/Ovral (Advanced Reading)

Other brands

Cryselle, Elinest, Low-Ogestrel-28, Ovral, ... +2 more

Professional resources

  • Norgestrel and Ethinyl Estradiol prescribing information

Other brands

Cryselle, Elinest, Low-Ogestrel-28, Ogestrel 0.5/50, Turqoz

Related treatment guides

  • Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
  • Birth Control
  • Endometriosis
  • Gonadotropin Inhibition