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Generic Name: Lofexidine for Opiate Withdrawal (lofexidine)

Lofexidine for Opiate Withdrawal Reviews

Lucemyra (lofexidine) "Ok. Now I was on opiates and then methadone. I'm in my late 20s and I'm a teeny tiny female. I was up to 120mg and was on methadone for almost 5 years. I was trying to find any way I could to detox myself. I tapered off the methadone from 120 to 4mg over a span of time. It was too much for me at the end. I did research and found Lucemyra. I read these reviews and it scared me. I'm sorry people had a bad experience but I'm here to let people know this drug changed my life. I'm now clean and sober off methadone and it is 100% because of this drug. Side note, this is a blood pressure med so yes, it will sometimes make you feel very woozy/tired but you can get through it. I worked through it!! Also, this drug unfortunately is very expensive, with my insurance it was to cost $1700. BUT PEOPLE VERY IMPORTANT!! Download the Luminate app and call Aspen pharmacy, they will mail you the drug for $25!! If I got through this you can too, I will advocate this drug forever. It changed my life."

Lucemyra (lofexidine) "I was on Suboxone for almost 7 years. Doctors don't tell you in the beginning you're only really supposed to be on it for 6 months max. After 2 years of being on it, I tried to get off and it was 10 times worse than trying to get off opiates. I was upset when I started researching Suboxone and the length of time to be on it. So long story short, after trying to get off using the Bridge Device (which didn't work) and two weeks of non-stop nightmarish time, I got back on them. That was a year ago. This time I jumped off using Lucemyra, and I did get extremely dizzy every time I tried to walk around. But that was the only thing that bothered me. I had no withdrawal symptoms, so that was way worth it to be dizzy for the first few days. Just make sure you drink lots of water, which is what helped me not be so dizzy. Started off taking 3 pills 4 times daily then went down to 2 pills 3 times daily for the second, third, and fourth day. Then 1 pill 3 times daily for day 5, 6, and 7. Then stopped taking it. This was a lifesaver."

Lucemyra (lofexidine) "I'm 16 days off of Suboxone & it’s 100% because of Lucemyra. I didn’t have to go to rehab, but still been very difficult 2 weeks. No way you’re going to work on Lucemyra. I own my own business and was open and honest with my wife, kids, and employees. I had tapered down to 0.125 mg of Suboxone for my 9th year on it before trying to quit cold turkey. That was impossible. Got my doc to give me Lucemyra. I could have slept through the withdrawals. And breakfast. And a house fire. Major cotton mouth. Super, super low blood pressure. Luckily, I took way less than directed after what happened to me on Suboxone. 3 pills three times a day the first day, then 3 pills 4 times a day for days 2-4. Then I started my taper. Day 5 I took only 2 pills, twice a day. Day six I did one pill, twice per day. On day seven, I took one pill in the middle of the day. The Lucemyra dosage should be adjusted depending on your own, and your, dosage. For me, it was a game-changer."

Lucemyra (lofexidine) "Was on Fentanyl patch for over 8 years from a near-fatal accident. Decided to stop Fentanyl with Lucemyra. First 2 days were wonderful. I had the best sleep of my life. I was very sleepy and dizzy. The 3rd day, I was more awake and doing fine. This continued until the 9th day. My normally low blood pressure began to rise. On the 11th day after starting the drug, I had vomiting and such a severe headache that my husband took me to the ER. My blood pressure at that time was 195/95. I had a head CAT scan and was given non-opioid meds to relieve pain. I did not sleep at all for 38 hours. Now on day 13, I am not having any head pain, but am experiencing severe abdominal pain and diarrhea. I am very shaky. I have no real appetite, food tastes bad, and my stomach is so painful. Hoping things get better."

Lucemyra (lofexidine) "I was an opioid addict for 24 years. Abusing prescriptions until becoming a full-fledged heroin junkie. Luckily, 7 years ago, an addiction specialist prescribed Suboxone, and I was able to get my life in order. I was successful, but I still had a chain around my ankle holding me back. I talked to Amy at the clinic and my doctor about Lucemyra. I worried if I was going to experience withdrawal effects. Yes, I slept those first 2 days. On day 4, dosage decreased. By day 7, I was calling to ask if I even needed to continue taking it. Sure, my stomach cramped a little and I had diarrhea for the first week, but physically, that was it! I will forever be grateful to Amy, my doctor, and Lucemyra for giving me my freedom back! If you’re serious about being 100% sober and staying that way, talk to your doctor about Lucemyra. REMEMBER, we can’t do it alone, so make sure you have a great support system and ask for help! Love yourselves enough to make good choices and never give up the work that keeps you sober!"

Lucemyra (lofexidine) "I will be brief, or I'll run out of room. I was on 300 mg of oxy a day for a serious spinal injury. I wanted to either go off or taper and restart my tolerances or SOMETHING because 300 mg was not enough after 15 years. If you want to die, take Lucemyra. After two days, it sent my blood pressure sky-high and my heart rate. I can ride 50 miles on my bike any given day, so my cardiovascular system is good and was given a thumbs up upon scans. I passed out 5 times, only 3 of which I remember. A camera caught the other two. The ambulance had to come and get me, and a six-day ordeal in the hospital ensued. I detoxed off the oxy, which was hard, but after 4 days, they had to reintroduce some into my system, and I started to recover. It is 1 tenth of what I was on. Lucemyra may tell you it could cause side effects. Well, bucko, it left me about an hour from death. The ER in a major hospital didn't even know what the hell it was! Work with your doctor to just taper. Don't use this stuff."


Lucemyra (lofexidine) "After reading all of those reviews, I have more questions and now I'm more confused than I was before. I'm guessing like playing Russian roulette with my recovery. If you want to call it luck, I got mine as a free sample from my doctor. Thank goodness I didn't have to pay those crazy prices. Wish me luck, this time tomorrow I'll either be deathly sick and praying that I had COVID instead or I'll be moonwalking up and down the street like Michael Jackson. I'm gonna take this medication for a limited time. (2 days) THANK YOU, everyone, for your reviews. I may be on the fence with this medication, but one thing is for sure, I'm gonna take control of my addiction. I know there's no cure for addiction, so it doesn't really matter what I take, I'll always and forever be sick. Regardless, we're gonna make it... xoxo."

Lucemyra (lofexidine) "WARNING: After using Lucemyra just one day, two doses, I started having fainting spells. After two days, I was barely able to walk. Every time I stood up, I fell, and my blood pressure dropped. The reading when paramedics were at my house was at 73 over 50. I have now been in the hospital for 5 days because of this drug. I had a heart catheterization, and I still have abnormalities in my heart. I had a stress test 16 months ago. There were no irregularities, and I was a healthy 60-year-old. Now, I don't know what the future is. How this was ever approved is beyond my comprehension. And at a cost for a 30-day supply, if you have to pay for it, $5,600? Spare me. I was using Suboxone for severe pain, and this was prescribed to me for the detox process. Stay as far away as you can from this product. My once healthy heart is a total mess."

Lucemyra (lofexidine) "Terrible experience taking this medication for opiate withdrawals. Did very little with the withdrawal symptoms and left me unable to function with the day's tasks. It left me dizzy and disconnected. Hardly any sleep, no appetite, and feeling very cold all the time. All in all, the experience was miserable. My doctor had me discontinue taking it after 5 days."

Lucemyra (lofexidine) "I took the full dosage for 3 days (3 pills/4x) and tapered the last 2 (day 4, 2 pills/2x and day 5, 1 pill/2x) because of how much I needed to be off this. I had been taking between 20-60 mg of Percocet for over a year for back surgery to give reference. Please make sure that you do the following things before you begin taking this medication. #1) The medication has an app called LUminate. #2) Make sure you have a blood pressure reader of some sort. #3) Have someone to support you or have a support group online. #5) Drink plenty of fluids with electrolytes. Get sugar-free gum and hard candy to suck on. Follow the GERD diet. #4) Create a COW score with your doctor to create a dosing and taper that is right for you. My symptoms were the following: opiate withdrawal - arm spasms and twitching, restless legs, weakness. Lucemyra: drowsiness, low blood pressure, major cotton mouth, insomnia."

Lucemyra (lofexidine) "I was given this to use to come off of Suboxone. I have been on drugs for as long as I can remember. I quit and started Suboxone and took for little more than a year. Once I was down to 2 mgs I came off the Suboxone. I used these pills and it was such a blessing. I was able to function completely. I did still feel a little tired and I could tell when the pill wore off but I cannot believe it worked so well. I am so grateful. Thank you"

Lucemyra (lofexidine) "I was on Zubsolv 8.6 x2 a day, which I definitely abused and was taking 6-9 a day. Due to another medical condition, doctors needed me off these subs cold turkey. Being on such a high dose, I was scared. After taking the first dose of 3 pills, sweats and aches stopped. The second dose of 3 pills knocked me out for hours, then I knew I couldn’t continue taking the full dose. Day 2, I only took 1 pill twice, and it again stopped the sweats, aches, and I never ever felt any shakiness, pretty miraculous in my opinion. I went a week or two like this and did take 2 or 3 pills later PRN. This was easily manageable compared to the actual nightmare withdrawals are. I never got close to taking the full dose of 3 pills 4x a day, and I didn’t get many side effects. I will say though, my mood was terrible, especially before I took the first dose of the day, I got into nasty fights. This drug helps physical symptoms, not so much mental ones. It can help with anxiety, but I ended up getting anxiety meds after."

Lucemyra (lofexidine) "Helped me so much I couldn't believe it! No cold sweats, no chills, no clammy skin, little sneezing, low body aches, low restlessness. For people who are ready to make the next step from opioids to no opioids this is the only and best option! Side effects= horrible dry mouth, fatigue!"

Lucemyra (lofexidine) "To be honest, I went through hoops to get this med, and I found clonidine worked better for me. I think the FDA jumped too fast to approve this medicine, it came about in 1992 in Europe for high blood pressure. My true opinion is, taking a lot of magnesium, hot tub or hot showers, and walking 30 minutes a day was better. At night, I took a supplement called Restful Legs, it works great, only costs 7 dollars at any pharmacy. Eating healthy coming up to the quit day, loaded with bananas and veggie mixed shakes."

Lucemyra (lofexidine) "This medication is not very helpful in getting through these horrible withdrawals from morphine use for about five years. I am not that happy, and it was over like $2,300. Luckily, my insurance paid for it, but it's very expensive and not worth it."

Lucemyra (lofexidine) "I never review anything but there seems to be so much misinformation out there. I just finished the 8 day Lucemyra protocol after a 6 year oxy habit due to multiple back surgeries. At the height I was taking 100's of milligrams a day. Lucemyra absolutely worked and I feel like I have my life back. I tried cold turkey multiple times and couldn't make it past 36 hours. It's not all fun and games, it makes the withdrawal tolerable, but you still have to go through withdrawal. It is as much of a magic pill as you are going to find and I wish I knew about it years ago!"

Lucemyra (lofexidine) "This drug is not to be taken without guidance from people who know how to help you. If take at home, plan to need help 24/7 for 4-5 days. I needed help to go to bathroom! Could not get out of bed ! After that not so bad. You will need say 10-14 days off work to complete and regain strength. Drink lots of fluids or blood pressure will bottom out. Worked for me but. Very costly, copay of $500 and not at all fun!"

Lucemyra (lofexidine) "I have been prescribed narcotics on and off since I was 17 years old because of multiple surgeries. On and off I've had problems taking more than prescribed, running out then going through hideous withdrawals. So I definitely know how that feels! I was given a sample by my doctor recently and I had amazing results. I was only taking on the average of 60 mg of morphine a day, which is not much comparatively speaking to past experiences. I followed the directions and besides the dizziness and dry mouth, I had amazing results! I would much rather have those Side effects than all the others! Game changer for me!"

Lucemyra (lofexidine) "This medication has helped me gain back my freedom. I have chronic pain and was prescribed roxys for it. My husband got a herniated disc and couldn't get help, so we bought what we thought were roxys off the street and ended up with a 3-year fentanyl addiction. I tried suboxone several times and went into precipitated withdrawal. I couldn't get past day 2 of withdrawals without relapsing. I went to a detox and was given Lucemyra, 2 pills every 8 hours 4 times a day. I didn't have the shakes, terrible sweating, tremors, runny eyes, and nose. I basically was left with digestive issues which I used Imodium and Zofran to help with. On days 3 and 4, I felt a little bit of the skin crawls at hour 5 while waiting to take my next dose of Lucemyra. It did lower my blood pressure, therefore making me sleepy. I was able to make it through detox with no suboxone and get clean. This medication should be available to people with any opioid addiction, especially fentanyl, heroin, and suboxone, to stop."

Lucemyra (lofexidine) "Went to detox . Took my lucemeyra with me and they actually gave it to me and didn't go through on withdrawal . I slept a lot but good sleep . But when they were tapering me off I felt like the cravings coming back. So, yes it worked well with me. When I get the cravings I take two pills sometimes .But omg I thought I was going to be very sick but nope I was good ."

Lucemyra (lofexidine) "I find myself on Fentanyl. It started with small blue 30mg OXY. I took lots of them. Turns out they were fake. My at home drug screen showed for fentanyl, cocaine, meth and opiates. Those tabs were all I was taking. Ready to get back on track I try to take some suboxone 24 hours after last use (used to work just fine with the old Heroin). OUTSTANDING LIGHTSHOW OF VOILENT PRECIPITATED WITHDRAWAL. I shot heroin that day. Tried suboxone again after 48 hrs clean, precipitated withdrawal there as well. Maybe not as bad as the first time I tried but it still made me feel worse than I already did, started IV use daily. See the doctor and ask for help. I can't stay clean long enough to transition to suboxone. Samples of lucamyra was a game changer. I wasn't exactly comfortable or happy but I was pushing through the nights and days with a zombie like resolve. 72hrs clean and I successfully induced on to Suboxone. NO METHADONE For some reason slightly reminiscent of Acid but not as pleasant."

Lucemyra (lofexidine) "I would have to say this medicine is a blessing and a curse. Today is the first day off the medicine and I feel great. But it wasn’t all roses and sunshine. Extreme dry mouth. Today is the first day I haven’t felt like I ate a bar of deodorant in 6 days. Extreme sleepiness when taking the 3x4. Slept 16 hours the first day. If you have a job take off a Friday and start it then. That way you have 3 days to adjust. If you decide to wean off after a few days make the 3 at night the last one you reduce. I felt good during days 2-5 slowly reducing my dose but still had to take 3 at night to keep the arm twitches at bay. Have a serious and truthful discussion with your doctor about what a smart dosing plan is for you. There is no reason for someone taking 1/4 of a sub strip to be on the same plan as someone taking 2 8/2 strips a day. I didn’t experience extreme dizziness, just felt a little off. This medicine can help you but be aware that it is rough go the first 48-72 hours."

Lucemyra (lofexidine) "This medication is an amazing game changer, I experienced zero withdrawal symptoms and no suboxone or subutex .I seriously can not believe it this is a miracle drug 100% can do it at home alone with just Lucemyra"

Lucemyra (lofexidine) "This drug was recommended to me by my doctor, who didn't know much about it. I did a little research on it, and because I also didn't know anything about it, I'll continue to be stuck on Suboxone for another year, weaning myself down gradually. I was on the lowest milligram of Suboxone, and it took me a whole year to get enough courage to finally try Lucemyra. It changed my life. I have been off all opiates now for over six months, and I can't even tell you how great I feel. How friendly the pharmacy techs were really great explaining to me the process. The best part was it was free! It was not covered under my insurance, but my doctor just had to write a referral for me, and it was paid for. I hope that everybody is able to try this new drug. I only had to take it for like a week. I wish I would've done it a long time ago."

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: antiadrenergic agents, centrally acting
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Lofexidine drug information

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  • Lofexidine monograph
  • Lofexidine (FDA)

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  • Opiate Withdrawal