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Generic Name: Lorazepam Intensol (lorazepam)

Lorazepam Intensol Reviews

For Panic Disorder "My son, he was on drugs and drinking. My wife and I returned from a vacation. He tore his home up, he drove his truck through a heavy boarded fence. Damage in excess of $42,000. He slit his left wrist vertically very deep. It could not be stitched because of infection. He had a slit on his right wrist and a slit on his throat. He got better with professional help and meds through an indigent program. A psychiatrist visit was $1 an hour. He vastly improved from around 2009 through 2014 from drinking and drugs. Then in February 2014, he was diagnosed with Esophageal Cancer and suffered terribly during Chemo and Radiation. In August, he had his esophagus removed (Esophagectomy) and was dead by September 23, 2014, at 1:10 AM. I want everyone to know that without the help of Lorazepam, I never would have gotten through the nightmarish ordeal with my son that I loved so much I would have killed and died for if it would have helped him. My precious Drew, I'll miss forever."

For Anxiety "I have severe social anxiety, am uncomfortable with groups of people, and was like this all through my high school and college years. It had a profound effect on what I was able to articulate in. During my annual physical in my mid-twenties, my PCP picked up on the fact that I was depressed and sent me to a social worker. After several sessions, I was referred to a psychiatrist and diagnosed with severe depression with anxiety disorder. He put me on many different antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications until finally the combination of Cymbalta and Ativan started working for me. That was 6 years ago, and I feel like a new person. I can get up in front of a group and speak! Something I would have died for, I had to do before. All that time I thought something was terribly wrong with me. Ativan saved my life."

For Anxiety "I have been having anxiety since I was 7 or 8 years old! I used to take Paxil when I was about 18 years old, and it helped except for the upset stomach part, but then that went away (from Paxil). I was first prescribed Lorazepam when I was, I think, 20, and have been taking it now for 12 years! I love it, and the only thing I find is I get a dry mouth every now and then, but it's not so horrible as some of the other ones I've taken. I'm just trying to find another medicine now that can stop the attacks."

For Nausea/Vomiting "I’ve been using Lorazepam for 22 years. I get a prescription of 60 pills 0.5 mg at a time. I take around 10 pills per month and only when I absolutely need it. I use them for my fear of vomiting and the anxiety I get at times due to this fear. It has been a godsend for me. You cannot drink alcohol with this medicine. I have taken it hours after I’ve drank because alcohol gives me anxiety and nausea."

For Sedation "Very helpful for short-term treatment of anxiety and insomnia. I found I only needed to take half a dose to have a good night's sleep and to feel calm the next day. Such a relief after 2 years of cancer treatment left me very tired and anxious. Only problem is the doctors don't like it to be used other than for short-term."

For Panic Disorder "This works well and fast. The biggest problems are that the medicine doesn't last for a long amount of time, and if taken too much, the effectiveness will decrease. However, for moderate to severe panic sufferers, I recommend this highly."

For Panic Disorder "I do not take more than 1-2 mg per day, but have taken this medicine for many years. I'm bi polar 1 and take Lamotrigene with it. These are the only 2 medicines I take other than Tylenol. I realize the dangers of long term use, but Lorazepam changed my life for the better. No more anxiety and I used to have a fear of heights. Lorazepam helps with that. They key is to never take more than prescribed. That would get you into trouble."

For Anxiety "I've been on 0.5 mg for claustrophobia, especially when flying or in crowded areas or tight spaces. I use a CPAP machine, which adds to the anxiety, but lorazepam works. 0.5 mg a day, and it works. Some days, I need to take two."

For Anxiety "It is important to taper slowly off these drugs - your system will be in flux for years after so it can rebuild natural GABA receptors. You can use GABA powders to help the process along but not so many supplements that you over ride the process of healing. I spent three months of tapering off of them. I did not know they were habit forming till doing research on them years after starting. Wouldn't be nice if the causes were addressed instead of drugged."

For Panic Disorder "Panic/anxiety attacks since 1985, it blocks 99 percent of panic attacks, does slow you down a little."

For Anxiety "Avoid Benzos. I'm an alcoholic now, thanks to Lorazepam addiction. They leave a mark on you. Lorazepam was my vice. Again, avoid benzos. It can't end well. Benzos are a one way street."

For Sedation "Very calming to my anxiety."

For Panic Disorder "Finally found mixed with Buspar to be effective at 4 mg a day for severe anxiety and panic attacks. "

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: benzodiazepine anticonvulsants
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Lorazepam Intensol drug information

Other brands

Ativan, Loreev XR

Professional resources

  • Lorazepam Intensol prescribing information
  • Lorazepam (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Ativan, Ativan Injection, Loreev XR

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  • Dysautonomia
  • Anxiety
  • ICU Agitation
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