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Generic Name: Losartan for High Blood Pressure (losartan)

Losartan for High Blood Pressure Reviews

Cozaar (losartan) "To anyone reading this, I have been on all types of blood pressure medicine over the years. Here's what I found out: nothing will cure it by taking a pill. If you want to overcome this, exercise, sleep well, and rest. Turn off TV, phones, iPads, etc., and get a phone that is not smart. Distance yourself from the world of drama and bad news. Talk to your wife or spouse. Have more sex. Find natural ways of relaxing. The anxiety will leave over time. Current doctors are not always on your side. If you are on no pill and still having issues, it's your lifestyle. Sell the house, downsize, and come up with a plan to minimize and reduce stress. Life is short, do it today."

"I am so thankful for those that have posted on this site about the side effects of losartan, namely, anxiety. My doctor had prescribed this drug for high blood pressure. Over weeks and then months, I started having feelings of nervousness. At first, I thought it was due to life events. It got so bad that I am sure I had panic attacks. I then found this site, with anxiety being listed as a side effect. I went to see a psychiatrist and said the feelings I was experiencing were anxiety. I went back to my original doctor and told him about it. He said he had never had a patient taking Losartan with anxiety as a side effect but agreed that I go completely off any medication. Once I did that, I started feeling better within 3 days. After a month, I was almost back to feeling normal! This is a very serious side effect of this medication, and again, I thank those that have posted of your experiences. I hope to do the same for others with this post."

"I have been on 50 mg of Losartan for one week today, and I feel as if I have gained 50 pounds. I have not actually gained any weight, but I feel as if I am carrying around 50 lbs of sandbags. I'm normally very active and upbeat, but now everything seems like such an effort. I feel all day as if I'd really rather just go back to bed. Others feel this way? A profound heaviness, sluggishness. Blood pressure is down about 10%."

"I started taking Losartan HCTZ 50/12.5 around two years ago. Never had anxiety issues before, but after a year or so on the medication, I started feeling very nervous. So bad I had to take Zoloft for around 3 months. I did a little research and found that Losartan can make you hypoglycemic. The symptoms of low blood sugar are nervousness and shakiness. I started drinking a sugary drink like soda when I felt that way, and 20-30 minutes later, I would feel better. This all started because I began to diet to naturally lower my BP and probably made myself hypoglycemic. Please try it and let me know if it helps. It is scary when you get that feeling of nervousness. The doctors and pharmacists have no clue about the side effects. They blame it on you."

"What is wrong with the FDA? This stuff is awful! Why are doctors prescribing this stuff? It lowered my BP while making me blind, lame, and in pain from joints! Seriously? I was on half a 25mg for 2 weeks, didn't do much to my BP, then went to the full 25mg pill and in two days I can't see straight (blurry vision!), my hands hurt, my knee hurts, my shoulders hurt! What? So now I have to taper off this junk to avoid rebound! What? Do not take this drug."

"In my mid-50s, BP was 150/89. Dr. prescribed Losartan 50 mg. BP dropped to 128/78. Now at the age of 65, BP had increased to 140/82. Started with a 100 mg Losartan dose. BP now 125/80. I read many comments about anxiety from this drug. I have never had anxiety, I have never had any side effects from this drug."

"Was put on losartan (green pill) back in 2018. Did not control BP, was switched to white pill, 50 mg. Started off with horrible headaches, stopped it for a few weeks and headaches went away. Started back, one night I woke up with HR of 165, had to call 911. 3 trips to ER for terrible GERD, tachycardia, horrible anxiety which I never had before. Insomnia, and horrible feelings of heaviness in head, chest, and legs. Lower legs feel like pins and needles, and numbness. I felt like it was the end of me. Stopped it 8 days ago, I do feel better, only lingering symptoms are dizziness and heavy legs, and just overall tiredness. When will these symptoms go away??? NP and I are monitoring blood pressure, it has been fine hasn't spiked at all since I've stopped losartan. Horrible drug in which the doctors will not believe you when you say the drug causes these things. When will these side effects go away????????????"

"Took losartan 50mg for three days for high blood pressure. I had side effects of severe panic attacks, increased heart rate, blurred vision, severe insomnia, debilitating diarrhea, blood pressure actually read higher. My side effect symptoms were so intense I was bedridden. I’m shocked this medicine is legal and FDA approved. I don’t recommend anyone take this medication. For me it was ineffective and dangerous."

"My blood pressure (BP) at Dr. office usually runs 140/78. My Dr. put me on a water pill, and I experienced low sodium blood levels, so he took me off the water pill and put me on losartan potassium. I am now experiencing extreme exhaustion, bloating, and a general feeling of anxiety. My heart skips beats, and my BP has actually gone up higher than it ever has. I decided the pill is poison to me, and I took my last one this morning. I will not continue taking this, as I feel like it’s killing me. Do these doctors even know what they’re doing? I feel poisoned. I’d rather have HBP than feel like this."

"I am a Physician Assistant with years-long hypertension. I have been on various combinations of medications to manage my blood pressure. My current combination includes Losartan 50 mg twice a day. Its effectiveness has been good, but my blood pressure is affected by my work, sleep, my weight (normal), and exercise. But after six months on Losartan, I have not had anxiety that I connect to Losartan. But if you believe that anxiety began after starting Losartan, then ABSOLUTELY discuss it with your physician. To anyone who is started on Losartan AFTER a heart attack and has symptoms of anxiety, please keep in mind that anxiety or depression are not uncommon after a heart attack. These feelings are real and should also be discussed with your physician. Our minds are processing lots of information 24 hours a day. Sorting out the source of anxiety can be challenging, and your medical team can help you. There is no such thing as “one size (or dose) fits all”."

"In late December 2020, I got my Losartan 100mg refilled. Within days of taking it, I started having nagging headaches, and my blood pressure increased dramatically. I couldn't help but wonder if I got the wrong medicine. I found that I was given the generic brand from Camber (egg-shaped white pill) and I reviewed the brand history that I have had in the past, and this is the first time I have received it. I discussed with my doctor, and she provided a prescription for the brand Aurobindo (egg-shaped light green pill) that I had received before, but it was denied by insurance. I paid out of pocket to get it, and my blood pressure went back to normal, and the headaches stopped. I spoke with my pharmacist about my issues with the Camber brand, and he said that he has received several recent complaints about it. My takeaway is that not all generics are created equal, and this is a problem."

"Losartan is a horrible drug. I have been on it with HCTZ for five years. Slowly began to have dizzy spells, mouth sores, leg cramps, dry mouth, chest pains, panic attacks, blurry vision, and extreme fatigue to the point by lunch I would have to leave work and go to bed. My doc checked me for everything and sent me to many specialists and found nothing wrong. I'm throwing this losartan out right now."

"I am 28 years old and was prescribed losartan 100 mg with 12.5 HCTZ for high blood pressure. Very active, not obese, but family history of high blood pressure. After starting the medicine, I started to have extreme leg weakness, pounding heart rate, anxiety-like attacks, stomach issues. I've been to a cardiologist, GI, hematologist, and no one could find anything wrong. I did pose the question once about this medication, but it was told to me it was not the medicine. I’ve been to the ER 4 times with these issues, once even passing out in a restaurant… no issues found, and sent home. 1 year later and I am still struggling with these issues and then I read these reviews, and I think I know my problem. Planning on talking to my doctor this week and getting off this nightmare medication. Truly makes me feel like I am going to die and no energy to spend time with my family. My vacations have been ruined by this feeling as well."

Cozaar (losartan) "I have been on Losartan with Atenolol for 6 1/2 years after triple bypass surgery. With proper eating and exercise, the results have been very good. My blood pressure is well maintained in the 120/130 over 64/76 range. I am 69 years old and find that a low-sodium diet and limited meats, along with walking exercise, is an excellent combination. GET THE WEIGHT OFF AND START WALKING 30 to 40 minutes and cut the TV off!"

"I have been taking Losartan for 2 years now. I thought high blood pressure was a strong issue for me, but now I realize blood pressure isn’t the problem. It was my eating habits and lack of exercise. Since I’ve been on losartan, I've gained about 50 pounds, have had countless anxiety attacks, and it has finally reached my breaking point. I am switching to a better medication that I can wean myself off of because losartan appears to be a dangerous medicine that doesn’t help my blood pressure, it only does things that make it worse in the long run."

"I quit Losartan in March 2023 due to anxiety. Working on lifestyle changes. Doctor convinced me in May 2023 to try Losartan again. His exact words, 'Losartan is a very clean drug with no side effects.' Been on Losartan for around 10 days. I have bitten off all my fingernails. I can't think straight. I went to a bar and drank yesterday. This drug causes anxiety and joint pain in me. It is bad. Be aware of your thinking and anxiety on this drug. I flushed it down the toilet last night."

"Rapid weight gain of 20 lbs within 2 months. (I was on an 1100-calorie diet and walking 1 mile per day.) Legs, hips, and overall body pain so bad some days I couldn't walk. I really felt it was slowly killing me, I couldn't even function, I wanted to just give up. So, I thought I'd take the chance and stop taking it. (The doctor claimed Losartan would not cause my problems.) I took the chance and stopped Losartan, and ALL pain and overall symptoms were gone within 2 days. Doctors need to read reviews from patients and stop relying on company facts."

Cozaar (losartan) "My experience is not good. It did lower my blood pressure by 15 points, but the side effects are not worth it. It caused me to have problems focusing and concentrating on my work, memory loss, and increased stress and depression. I noticed the problems the first week I took the medicine. My boss also noticed the problems, which was confirmation that it was my new medicine. I went off the medicine and my brain is back to normal. I am a computer programmer, so my brain has to function at its best. I wouldn't take this medicine if your brain has to function at top performance or you have problems with stress/depression because it made my depression worse and I felt more stressed out for no reason."

"My blood pressure is anxiety-driven, and I fight taking BP meds. I went to the doctor 2 weeks ago for a sinus infection, and I could feel my BP go up sky-high 3/4 of a mile away from the office. My regular doctor gave me a prescription for Losartan on 1/27/20. I started with 1/2 a pill from 25mg. I felt tired, and I stopped it. Then after going to the doctor for a sinus infection, I started it back up again, and my anxiety level is over the top in this 2-week period, and I have headaches. I looked it up and found that it has to be this medicine. Going off of it. How does it get to market, and the fact my doctor knew I have anxiety and prescribed this for me is unreal."

"I’ve been taking Losartan for about 2 years now. Unfortunately, I am just now figuring out that all my physical symptoms and problems are related to this awful prescription. I truly thought I had a severe disease or something until my husband recommended that I had slowly gotten worse since being prescribed Losartan. I then looked up symptoms and reviews and was utterly shocked! I’ve been to my doctor many times and lab work seemed fine, so I always left feeling discouraged! Flu-like symptoms, pounding heartbeat, severe back pain, stomach pain, headache, eye pain & weakness, leg, arm, and feet pain, lightheadedness, muscle weakness, extreme exhaustion & fatigue. My life changed drastically, and I don’t know why my doctor (or myself) didn’t associate all these symptoms with this medication. I’m furious about the situation but taking charge of making better healthy choices instead of medication! Help us Lord"

"It's a nightmare. I'm only taking 50 mg, and the dizziness and diarrhea won't stop. My doctor said to just cut the pill in half. No way. I will have to figure out natural remedies for BP because this is absolutely unacceptable. Wow. How do things like this get on the market?"

"I've been on losartan for 3 months after a cardiac event, and the drug has caused side effects of profound anxiety on me. Initially, I started taking the drug early in the morning as prescribed, and I would get anxiety attacks about 3-4 hours later. These were really doom and gloom, 'oh I'm going to die' kind of feelings. I realized what the issue was and moved the medication schedule to late at night so that I would have feelings whilst I was sleeping. However, I have found that I have anxiety and insomnia due to this medication. I am talking to my doctor today to stop this medication. I believe it works for my blood pressure lowering, however, it's hard to tell as I'm on another medication as well, and I need to titrate myself to find out if this medication is effective. If you have symptoms of strong anxiety 3-4 hours after taking this medication, this may be the cause. It is very unnerving and puts you into a very strange state of paranoia. Also have left chest muscle pain."

"Have tried nearly all the frontline drugs for hypertension, which averaged 155/110. Constant headaches and I am 26 years old. I have always had issues with many pharmaceuticals, but not this one. Other BP drugs I tried before Losartan: Amlodipine - CCB made me feel like my heart was racing and worsened CFS/ME. Headaches went with drop in BP. Constant urination waking me up in the night. Beta Blockers ruled out due to CFS/ME. Ramipril - ACE Inhibitor worked for a month or so then started having really bad palpitations, they pulled me off the ramipril after an ECG. Had an odd metallic taste in mouth. Losartan - ARB I Don't feel ANY side-effects whatsoever, barring the positive one of no more constant headaches/migraines, BP is a stable 120/83 average on 50mg taken once daily. Just plain lowering my blood pressure, I don't even think about it when I take it every morning. Reviews show kidney function so far is fine. All is well so far, and no regrets 5 months later."

"Losartan is a horrible drug. I've been on it for 9 months. Feeling of anxiety, depression, BP fluctuates constantly. I get mouth sores, throat problems, irregular heartbeat, and no energy most of the day. Asked my doc to change meds, now I'm feeling normal again."

"Losartan for a week and a half gave me unfortunate side effects. I started getting severe anxiety, to the point where I couldn’t work my job. I had spells of extreme terror, could barely sleep. The last day I took it before stopping, I had a 30-minute episode where I sobbed uncontrollably and was shaking. Works wonders for some folks, but I unfortunately had a bad reaction to it."

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  • Drug class: angiotensin receptor blockers
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  • Losartan monograph
  • Losartan (FDA)

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  • High Blood Pressure
  • Alport Syndrome
  • Diabetic Kidney Disease