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Generic Name: LoSeasonique (ethinyl-estradiol-levonorgestrel)

LoSeasonique Reviews

For Ovarian Cysts "I really like this birth control pill. It has made a huge difference in my skin over the past few months. I have been on several different types of birth control pills in the past 11 years, and these are definitely the best I have taken. I did experience some spotting/breakthrough bleeding during the first pack, but the benefits overshadowed that by far. I have had shorter periods, less pain, great skin, good moods, and increased sex drive."

For Birth Control "I went on LoSeasonique hoping to stop my period, and in return, have had an endless one. The first week I started the pack, I started my regular period. Week 2 and 3 I had spotting that did not need a pantyliner, okay, I could handle 'spotting.' Weeks 4 and 5 I had to wear panty liners. Week 6 possibly my regular period, as I had to wear tampons, the flow was heavier. Week 7 still flowing pretty good and wearing tampons. Week 8 I am still very heavy. I have called Gyn, and I will be going to the doctor today. So much for my dreams of not having a period. Sex life has been totally on halt due to this as well."

For Birth Control "My previous birth control worked wonderfully, beautiful skin and I did not get pregnant. However, my PMS became difficult to deal with, headaches, nausea, and fatigue. My doctor suggested I try LoSeasonique to avoid the PMS. I must say I was very scared because of all the negative reviews I found on the internet. I am happy to say it has been eights weeks and I am symptom free, no spotting, and best of all no PMS. One important thing I do is to stick to my 10 pm schedule everyday. I noticed they stressed this in the pamphlet, which made me concerned things might go wrong if I did not follow. Overall I am very pleased especially since I have not taken any pain killers the entire time. Hope this helps."

For Birth Control "I have been reading some of the reviews and I wanted to remind people that birth control is extremely individual. The right birth control for one person may not be right for another. The way your body reacts to the birth control is a big factor in how well it works for you and is not consistent among everyone. I, personally, love LoSeasonique. I switched about 2 years ago after my previous birth control started giving me migraines and making me sick. LoSeasonique allows me to have only 4 periods a year, and when I do have them they are very light. It took about a month to adjust to it, but after that, it was great! Completely took away my PMS symptoms and does not wreak havoc on the rest of my body."

For Premenstrual Syndrome "I have taken it for years. No more moodiness, no more depression, no more pain, no more bloating, no more bleeding. Life is fantastic. It does make my rosacea worse, I do have to take a water pill with it, and I do have decreased sex drive. However, sex is more fun and more frequent because I feel so much better! SO much better."

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I am on my second, three month pack of LoSeasonique and I am seriously contemplating stopping the birth control. My first three month pack, around week six I started bleeding. This lasted about a week and I thought my body was adjusting. Since then my face has broken out - I have never had acne problems. I am now on week four of my second cycle of pills, and I am now bleeding lightly again. I am experiencing the worst cramps I have ever had in my life. All I do is sleep, and I am still exhausted all the time. I can't even get myself to do normal activities like grocery shopping."

For Birth Control "I was on Loestrin and I had gained 25 lbs over a 2 year period. I switched over to LoSeasonique because its the same hormone I took when I first started taking birth control pills 15 years ago. Over a 2 month period I was able to drop almost all the weight I had gained. I was on the Brand name LoSeasonique for 9 months with zero side effects and then I was switched to generic. Over 1 month I gained 7 lbs and became very moody (just as I was on the Loestrin) I have asked my DR to send over a new prescription with no generic marked. I will pay the extra not to be such a mess!"

For Birth Control "I was put on this pill to help out with my crazy emotions that I get about a week before my period. I almost done with my first 3 month dose and I have found that I have a big increase in my appetite. I have been experiencing more severe migrains and I get dizzy/lightheaded for a couple of minutes quite often. My skin has been breaking out with little pimples that are coverable but I can feel them and have never been there before. I have been on a variety of pills and this one has seemed to give me the most side effects. Since I have been on this pill I find myself getting extremely emotional about little things."

For Endometriosis "I've been on LoSeasonique for 2 sets (6 months). I've seen no weight gain, no changes in my skin, and my hair is as thick as ever. I like it, I went off of LoEstrin because I had bad cramps that got worse when I went off it for a year, and pelvic pain (caused by cysts). SO, this birth control certainly assisted with alleviating these issues. It's helpful though to exercise regularly I think. I've had spotting but its nothing compared to my normal heavy periods. I am questioning what other benefits this pill may hold over others. "

For Birth Control "Lo-Seasonique is a good birth control, and awesome to not have a period for 3 months. I had stopped taking birth control for a year because of migraines, they improved and then worsened again. MD put me on Lo-Seasonique. Initially I had breakthrough bleeding, had never had problems before. I read up on it, and to all of you that have problems, change the time you are taking the pill and take it with/after food and/or something acidic (orange juice). The reason for a lot of breakthrough is high estrogen not being absorbed. Otherwise I have had minor cramping periodically if I miss ONE pill. I do notice a drop in sex drive, and just heavy feeling. But minor changes. Otherwise now almost a year on it, it's awesome."

For Polycystic Ovary Syndrome "I really like this pill. I have been on several types of birth control and this is the only one that has helped clear up my skin. I did have some spotting during the first pack of pills, but that has always been pretty typical with me. Other than that I have done well. My moods are good, body feels good, very short period, and now great skin. This is the best birth control pill I have taken and I can definitely tell it has helped with the PCOS and side effects. Also, my sex drive may have even increased which is a plus with the fiance."

For Birth Control "I have been on LoSeasonique for 2 months now. I'm experiencing hair loss, increased appetite, and severe migraines! My face is breaking out and extremely dry, and I've been having bleeding on and off for up to 7 days consecutively. This birth control is absolutely not worth taking in my opinion!"

For Endometriosis "It is the Best Medicine ever INVENTED! No Issues, No pain, spotting, bleeding, no period nothing. Tried every Birth Control, including Lupron Depot for Endometriosis nothing worked but this. I would pay FULL PRICE & would not care. I pay $150, insurance pays the rest but I have been pain free for over 3 years, and I was diagnosed in 2000 and it is now 2013, you do the math it took 10 years to be OK."

For Endometriosis "I started this pill in September 2010, to help treat ovarian cysts and endometriosis. The first week I had nausea and tender breasts, but it went away after that. I had a lot of spotting/bleeding on and off for 2 or 3 weeks at a time for 4 months. It was annoying but better than the awful agony I used to go through every month so I decided to keep taking it, as my doctor told me that spotting/bleeding is very common with this low of a dose of pill, and that some people needed 3 months to a year for your body to adjust. Well, finally after 6 months it was worth the wait because, no more spotting/bleeding and best I have better energy/vitality/ and quality of life having control over my horrible periods. It has changed my life!"

For Birth Control "I'm on my third set of LoSeasonique. I originally started using LoSeasonique to help control my periods when I would experience extreme cramping and migraines to the point that I could not function. I started LoSeasonique and haven't experienced any migraines or cramps since. I haven't had any spotting. My periods are lighter and only last three days. My sex drive has increased and I have been less moody. Overall a GREAT pill."

For Birth Control "So far so good with this pill - I am 3 weeks in and haven't had any breakthrough bleeding or mood changes. I am on it for the prevention of menstrual migraines, and so far I've gotten 1 but I imagine it'll take time, even so, 1 is an improvement. I've also noticed that my sex drive is much higher... like, MUCH higher!"

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I'm going on my 3rd week of LoSeasonique and have been bleeding ever since I started. Just when I think it's going to stop, it's starts heavier again. I do get a little dizzy, but I'm hoping it's just my body getting used to the hormones and I'll stabilize soon. No skin problems, and I feel I'm less emotional than with another pill I had tried."

For Birth Control "When I first started LoSeasonique, I had light spotting within a week that only lasted four days. Now I have finished my first three packs and didn't get my period when taking the yellow pills. I am now 1 1/2 weeks into the next batch and still no spotting or anything! I Think I should get a preagnancy test just to be sure but If Im not preagnant Then this is the best Pill ever!!! So far I have not had any other side effects that many have had."

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I was a little hesitant to try LoSeasonique due to all of the negative reviews, but thought it was worth a shot at no longer having a period every month, since I struggle with heavy periods for 11 days every month. I have just finished taking my first pack and never once experienced spotting during the three months on this pack. Nor did I have any changes in skin, weight or cramping. My sex drive even increased. Some factors that may have helped ease my body onto this pill so smoothly might relate to the fact that I took the pill at the same time everyday and have been on birth control for about nine years. Everyone's body reacts differently, so it may be worth taking the risk. I for one am very pleased with this pill."

For Premenstrual Syndrome "I have been on birth control pills for 26 years and switched to LoSeasonique to help with PMS that gets worse as I get older. Half way through the first 3 month pack, I stopped taking it because of hair loss, headaches, breast tenderness, fatigue and weight gain. "

For Birth Control "I started taking Loseasonique just about a year ago. Before this I took Yaz for about 6 years. My doc recommended Loseasonique so I agreed to try it. The first pack was not to bad. No spotting, but I was very nauseated. On the second pack I began spotting and this continued for weeks at a time. Soon after I began to notice my skin was breaking out. (I have never had acne before). During the third pack the break through bleeding continued, as did the acne (now spread to my back and chest), also I started having headaches on a daily basis. To the point where I could no longer function. I am now at the end of my fourth pack and have been spotting for the entire last month! Getting off soon."

For Birth Control "I'm taking Loseasonique birth control pills...still on the first pack. I'm half way through the first pack that is for 3 months. Everything is normal for me but I've been bleeding lightly or should I say spotting for just about a month now. I have a week and a month before I finish with this pack. Just ready for the spotting to stop, but other than that I have no other problems or symptoms."

For Endometriosis "I started taking this a month ago for endometriosis and cysts and so far I am miserable. "Back in the day" I used to have no problem with birth control but after the birth of my boys I now struggle with bad side effects (mostly mood related). I am not sure if this is because of my age (40) or if my hormones have changed (maybe both). I had the worst cramps of my life 4 days into my first pack and I bled for 14 days straight and even now continue to have cramps. I also have *very* noticeable depression--but again, I am prone to this so I think the pill just makes it worse. I also noticed today I have gained 3 pounds and I am a hardcore marathon runner--so I know it has to be from this pill."

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I was referred to get on birth control because of my abnormal menstrual cycle. At first I was on Orthocyclen Lo and after a year, decided that I didn't want to be on birth control anymore as I never remembered to take the pill. I then didn't have a period for about 5 months and finally it returned to my normal 7 day cycle. The next month it was on for a whole month before I decided to go back to my doctors office because it was driving me insane! They then suggested that I take LoSeasonique. I just finished my first pack, but I don't like this pill at all. I feel AWFUL each and everyday! I have really bad stomach pain and I constantly feel like I have to vomit. Please let me know if anyone else is experiencing these symptoms!"

For Endometriosis "I realize that everyone is different. I have never written a review for a medicine before, but felt compelled to share my experience with LoSeasonique. I found it helpful to read reviews from women who had similar experiences. I only lasted six weeks on this pill. Because space is limited, I will just list the symptoms. Horrible hair loss, severe acne (I'm 42 and had clear skin), depression and anger, and lastly very heavy bleeding. I ended up weak and tired from all the blood loss. It was dark blood, with increasing clots. After six weeks, I had to stop. After four days, the heavy bleeding subsided. This pill may work for some, but if you had similar side effects, you are not alone."

More about LoSeasonique (ethinyl estradiol / levonorgestrel)

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  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: contraceptives

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Aviane, Vienva, Lutera, Seasonique, ... +48 more

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Related treatment guides

  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
  • Ovarian Cysts
  • Birth Control
  • Endometriosis