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Generic Name: Lovenox (enoxaparin)

Lovenox Reviews

For Deep Vein Thrombosis "I have been on Lovenox since June 1996, after two pulmonary embolisms. I'm on Coumadin. I draw from 300 ml vials twice a day using 31-gauge needles from B-D. Using the pre-filled needles is too large. Injecting very slowly reduces bruising at the injection site. I inject my legs as well as my belly and rotate around to reduce sore spots."

For Deep Vein Thrombosis "Overall, this medicine got me out of the hospital in one day with a large clot in my calf. Much better than the IV drip option. Shots in the stomach aren't too bad if you go slow... let the medicine work its way in slowly. I did experience small bruising at each shot location and significant abdominal muscle pain. The muscle pain was a unique side effect from all the sites I searched, but I was very careful not to inject into a muscle."

For Deep Vein Thrombosis "It is the only medicine that I can take to assist with the fighting of DVT for me. Don't care for sticking myself every day, although it is keeping me alive. I have tried Coumadin and Pradaxa, but with both, I became severely ill, so the only choice was Lovenox. Am looking for the option of going back to a pill or some other treatment one day, instead of injections."

For Deep Vein Thrombosis, Prophylaxis "My son had cancer and a chemo treatment. It caused blood clots. He was put on these injections. He had a stroke and because he was taking these injections he could not have the stroke buster meds. He died 4 weeks later from another stroke. He was diagnosed on Nov. 7, 2011 AND died on Dec. 31, 2011. I know he could have had a better chance to live a little longer if he had been on oral blood thinners, then he could have at least been given the chance to have the stoke busting drug."

For Deep Vein Thrombosis Prophylaxis after Knee Replacement Surgery "My PC put me on Lovenox as a bridge therapy. I usually take Coumadin as I have a greenfield filter in place, due to a DVT and bilateral pulmonary embolisms in 2006 following shoulder surgery. I'm going in for a total knee replacement next Monday. I've stopped the Coumadin yesterday and started injecting the Lovenox this morning. I'm insulin dependent so injecting into the stomach was old hat. Very surprised at the volume that needs to be injected.. I have a large bruise and sore lump in my belly from my first injection. I hope I don't bruise as badly with upcoming injections.. I will try injecting slower to minimize bruising."

For Deep Vein Thrombosis "Was the only drug that would thin my blood well enough to get out of hospital. Was not thrilled about giving myself shots but it beats staying in hospital. The site of injection does bruise but I had no, too little, pain. And odd thing about the drug is that after injection there is no pain but wait a few seconds and you feel a slight burning sensation. Still on the medication and other than headaches, I have no side effects. Was glad to give myself the injections in order to leave the hospital."

For Deep Vein Thrombosis Prophylaxis after Abdominal Surgery "I took lovenox to prevent blood clots after having an emergency csection with my twin boys. It has been 4 months since I quit taking the shots. I still have pain at the injection sites. Has this happened to anyone else?"

For Deep Vein Thrombosis, Prophylaxis "I have Factor V Leiden, Prothrombin Mutation, Protein C Deficiency. Injected twice-daily, subcutaneously while pregnant. Injections were taken in the abdominal area, twice daily, for the duration of pregnancy. Regular treatments were warfarin (Coumadin) while not pregnant. Needles were not very big, but left a lot of bruising because of the thin blood, but that is to be expected with any blood thinner injection. Last month of pregnancy I used heparin injections, I was told they leave the body faster than Lovenox. Just in case of spontaneous labor."

For Deep Vein Thrombosis "Excellent!! The PCP tried to switch me to tabs and will insist this as I have medicare (A&B) as well as medicaid. What is it that the PCP is insisting on alternatives to Lovenox? PLEASE respond? I have a MA in economics and have taken undergrad. Anatomy & Phys. in addition to a course in pharmocology."

" I was given a series of three Lovenox injections in my upper neck. I am on 2 blood thinners. Eloquis and Brillanta both. I was to stop the blood thinners 4 days prior to the injections. The lovenox was 2 the first day, 2 the second day. Then one in the morning . The injection to my neck was given the following day, I resumed the blood thinners the day after the injection. Seven days later I developed blood clots in both of my legs. Almost causing amputation. It has been 13 months since the complications. I am learning how to walk again. The Drs were able to save my legs Thank God. I was told that the Bridge medicine Lovenox failed. Only one Dr said that and now she is recanting her statement. Do you have any comments or history on this drug. Any help would be greatly appreciated"

"I was put on this as a bridge for a cardiac cath procedure from my usual Pradaxa regime. Within a couple of minutes of injection, I had diarrhea, severe nausea, painful numbness and tingling, and sweat through my clothes. Within 20 minutes I was in the bathtub in the fetal position calling 911, hoping I wouldn't have a stroke before they arrived. I have never felt worse in my life. I would have sworn up and down the medicine was switched out with poison or something. Won't go near it ever again. Yes, it does sound overdramatic. But then again, I lived with and got used to atelectasis and having a pulmonary embolism for over six months before going to the hospital with pleurisy...so take that for what you will. If you have any symptoms with Lovenox, take it seriously."

For Deep Vein Thrombosis Prophylaxis after Abdominal Surgery "I have been on this medication since Dec of 2021. It’s now April of 2022. There is bruising and pain at the injection sites. I had a DVT in my left leg. I thought it was a cramp and used a massager to try to work the cramp out. This broke the clot up into three separate clots, one traveled to my left lung. I am not sure how long I will have to be on this medication. It’s not easy to have to give yourself injections twice a day. It burns as well."

For Deep Vein Thrombosis "Works great for deep vein thrombosis! However, I always experience heavy bruising at the injection site."

For Deep Vein Thrombosis "I have been on this since 1995. It has been great for me, with no problems."

For Deep Vein Thrombosis "I found this medication to be very effective, however, extremely expensive. My hospital charged $589.00 per injection!"

For Deep Vein Thrombosis "Pain with the injection"

For Deep Vein Thrombosis, Prophylaxis "I was on this medicine for DVT prophylaxis. It kept me anti-coagulated like no other medicine."

For Deep Vein Thrombosis, Prophylaxis "I've been using this medication for many years. The only problem I've had is bruising at the injection site."

For Deep Vein Thrombosis Prophylaxis after Abdominal Surgery "After being scoped my urologist I was instructed to inject Lovenox twice daily, immediately I had anal or rectal bleed. I was in the hospital three days, I will never take Lovenox again."

More about Lovenox (enoxaparin)

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  • Latest FDA alerts (5)
  • Side effects
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  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • Support group
  • Drug class: heparins
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Lovenox drug information
  • Lovenox (Enoxaparin Injection)
  • Lovenox (Enoxaparin Multi-Dose Vials)

Professional resources

  • Lovenox prescribing information
  • Enoxaparin (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Deep Vein Thrombosis
  • Deep Vein Thrombosis Prophylaxis after Abdominal Surgery
  • Acute Coronary Syndrome
  • Angina