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Generic Name: MCT (medium-chain-triglycerides)

MCT Reviews

For Dietary Supplementation "I took a teaspoon daily for a month. Within 5 days, I noticed marked improvement in muscle fatigue and pain. Also, rid of mental fog and weakness. Easy to take in combination with powdered supplement and managed evening fat intake. At 30-day blood testing, triglycerides were back within normal range."

For Dietary Supplementation "you always make sure when you're taking MCT to start with a small dose. 1/2 teaspoon the first day, and if you have a sensitive stomach you may wanna do a half a teaspoon for the week and then in another week go up to one whole teaspoon. I think people trust stuff so fast that they don't realize when you put nutritional values in your body it will shock your system because it's used to getting junk a lot of times. When you start trying to change your lifestyle it takes time for everything to evaluate. You don't ever drink it on an empty stomach, put it in my coffee every day and I love it gives me that extra boost and a clear mind. And I can tell if I have too much. So I cut it down it's just getting your routine. And everyone is different if it doesn't seem right with your system don't take it. There's so many nutritional values that we need to be taking for health sake. Life is only once! Just use common sense. No one's making you do it you're trying something new. I hope you d'best!"

For Dietary Supplementation "Bought a very expensive powder MCT additive from one of the shopping channels by one of the doctors who is supposed to be the best. It took me 2 cups to figure out that it made me violently ill with a leftover stomachache for the rest of the day. On those days, I received no benefits that I was aware of and was feeling poorly, upper bellyache most of the day and into the next day. I left weeks between trying them, and it always happened immediately. Sent the whole thing back."

For Dietary Supplementation "Broke out in a rash and developed a deep hacking cough as soon as I started using this supplement. Doctors could not find cause of rash but the symptoms started shortly after I began taking MCT oil regularly."

For Dietary Supplementation "Took the recommended minimum dose of 1 teaspoon and within 20 minutes became dreadfully ill. I experienced horrendous stomach pain and started vomiting, very frightening indeed. Eventually, after few hours I suffered diarrhea and felt cold and shivery the whole night long. I still felt stomach pains the next day. Definitely would not recommend."

For Dietary Supplementation "Been using MCT Oil since 2017 at the age of 48 and it only did good things for me. Brain fog is gone, fatigue gone, no more getting up for toilet at night, maybe because I sleep better. I lost weight too. I hear it is not for everyone, but for those who are able to have it, that’s a bonus!!"

For Dietary Supplementation "My wife and I bought two bottles from different manufacturers, one glass one plastic. We've been taking one TBSP three times a day for a couple of days either in coffee, cold cocoa or even straight. No serious side effects yet, but after four hours of sleep I find myself writing this and looking into side effects, a bit of insomnia, I guess. We still need more time to determine how MCT treats us—feeling optimistic!"

For Dietary Supplementation "Was introduced to MCT in a coffee creamer. Have used it only one weekend, but happy with the energy increase! Planning to continue. Also, I noticed that a long-time headache is much alleviated, so I am doubly pleased!"

For Dietary Supplementation "Made me extremely anxious, panic attack, I had a tsp of MCT cocoa 8 am and at 8 pm I am still a nervous wreck with nausea and dizziness, I cant wait until this is over, never taking this again!"

For Dietary Supplementation "took it for two weeks, after a week started getting sick as a dog. foul stomach, diarrhea, tired. can't wait to stop using it..."

For Dietary Supplementation "I had one dose in my coffee on Saturday and it is Tuesday today and I still have a very bad diarrhea and pain on my stomach, and I can see my stomach expanded on one side, never go to take MCT again"

More about MCT (medium chain triglycerides)

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  • Reviews (11)
  • Side effects
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  • Drug class: oral nutritional supplements
  • En español

Patient resources

  • MCT drug information

Related treatment guides

  • Dietary Supplementation