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Generic Name: Metadate CD (methylphenidate)

Metadate CD Reviews

For ADHD "I'm 31 and diagnosed with ADHD for 23 years. When my parents started me on Ritalin in 3rd grade, their only regret was letting me struggle for so long. I was always being sent home from school for playing in the mud, walking out of class, etc. I was talkative and happy, but my grades were well below satisfactory. I had very few teachers encourage me, rather, I was written off as a disruption. My first year on medication was hard, I had no appetite and trouble sleeping. After about 6 months, all the side effects went away. I could eat and sleep with no problem. I have been on Adderall now for 17 years. I graduated college, have an amazing job - not sure where I would be if nobody saw the signs and helped."

For ADHD "My 9-year-old son has been on Metadate 20mg for over a year now. Only side effect is a loss of appetite, so I make him eat a big breakfast. He only takes it on weekdays for school, it has really helped him focus. My son's grades improved from 60s to 90s. I like Metadate because by the time he's out of school, the medication has worn off and he's back to his normal active self. During the summer, I also give him a break from the med and we do not have to taper off in order for him to stop. We've tried other medications that had not-so-good side effects. Metadate so far is the best."

For ADHD "My son has been on this medication for 4 years. He's now on 40 mg, and it has been a godsend! He went from Ds and Fs to As and Bs. It wears off after school, but as long as he makes it through school, that's all that matters to me! I would recommend this medication to any parent. It truly has helped our son and brings out the best in him!"

For ADHD "My son has been on this since 2nd grade. He is now in 5th and is on 60 mg. He has had great success with this medicine. He is more focused, can keep it all together, and as I describe, 'pretty much all that I can ask for' on the meds. Off meds, it's a whole different story. He has no side effects, however, he is not as hungry during the day."

For ADHD "My 8-year-old has been taking this medication since he was 5 years old. He started at 10 mg. I took him to the doctor to see about increasing it to 20 mg. While at the doctor's office, the doctor said he needs 30 mg. We tried that for a week or so. My son lost his appetite and complained of his heart hurting. I took him back and put him on 20 mg. When he started the medication, everyone could see a huge difference in his behavior. They said he was like a different child. Straight A's for the past 3 report cards. The medicine runs out near the end of the day. If he has issues, that's when it happens. At times he hits himself, makes strange noises, and can be moody. He sleeps well, and he is at 85% in his weight. It has worked for him."

For ADHD "My son is 11 and has been taking Metadate CD for 4 years. He is now taking 30 mg in the morning. He is very thin and has no appetite during the day, but when his appetite comes back at bedtime, we always let him eat as much as he wants. When he doesn't take this medication, he says he can't do any of his work at school, so we feel it really benefits him. He still has a lot of trouble with disorganization and being moody, and sometimes aggressive, especially in the evenings when he is coming down off the medicine. He also has some headaches still, but not too much trouble sleeping. His behavior and ability to finish his school work all depend on whether he has had his medication though."

For ADHD "My 7-year-old son was on this for a few months. It wasn't until summer and he was in my care full time when I started to notice his strange characteristics. He became more of a loner, didn't talk much with anyone, and started staring off with a fearful look. At my mother's, I noticed he was staring into the bushes, rocking back and forth while standing. I asked him what he was doing, and he told me he was seeing eyes in the bushes and they were all staring back at him. Well, I immediately called his pediatrician and had him taken off that day. We started seeing improvements by the next couple of days. He became more social, wanted to actually get out of the house, and was my boy again."

For ADHD "My 8-year-old son was diagnosed with ADHD nearly 1 year ago. We tried 4 different medications - 2 gave him side effects of not being able to sleep and high anxiety. 2 did nothing for him. Then we tried Metadate CD. We started with 10 mg, which didn't really do anything. 20 mg was better, but still some issues in the attention area. We are now at 30 mg, and it's great. His teacher has also said that school is much better. He makes sense in his answers, he's not blurting out or disrupting the class. We give it to him at 6:45 am and can get through a bit of homework until 5:30 pm. Then it's worn off. I think that's a great amount of time and no side effects of lack of sleep, lack of appetite, or mood/anxiety issues. I hope it continues."

For ADHD "My 7-year-old grandson has had great progress in school on Metadate 20 mg combined with 2 mg Guanfacine. He is focused, and homework time and evenings are fine. The only drawback is he's very grouchy and uncooperative when he wakes up. He has very little appetite until late evening, and every day at school his belly hurts."

For ADHD "I've been taking stimulants for ADD almost all of my life. Except for high school-man, did I fall apart then. Parents, never take your children off these medicines if they're on them for a reason and doing well. I'd continue the route. This medicine is alright, but I do not like the 'come down' of it at all. Makes me very irritable and angry, then extremely depressed. It does give me a burst of energy, which gets me motivated to start doing things and whatnot-which I like, but just the come down is brutal. I don't like methylphenidate. I want to try Adderall, as I heard it is less intense. Anyway, make sure you drink a lot of water on this medication and try to eat something."

For ADHD "My 11 year old took 3 doses. On the 4th day she woke up (10:15am) feeling weak and dizzy. She came to me and told me her heart felt like it was going to jump out of her chest. Her heart rate was 100. It remained elevated for about an hour. The MD could not see her until 2pm. By then her heart rate was 88. She was diagnosed with dehydration."

For ADHD "My son was having a lot of trouble in school, and we ended up having him repeat the first grade. At the end of his first year in first grade, we put him on the medication and saw an immediate difference in his focus. He is finally above goal in his classwork. So, as far as school goes, he is doing amazing. The con for us is my son is very thin to begin with, so the medication hasn't helped with weight gain. Also, he does strange things like hitting himself in the chest, not hard, just looks strange. He just does odd things at times. But he doesn't have any issues sleeping."

For ADHD "I wrote a former review on this medication a while back. I want to re-edit my review with a new one that's founded upon newer trials. I took the medication, how my doctor told me to (* not how it was prescribed on the bottle *). He said, take this 1x daily (* 30mg *) when you have work or school. Well, having ADHD-PI, I need to take this DAILY - meaning every day. Without it, I'm a mess. I can't focus on social conversations (* I always feel like I'm 'lost in translation' *). With this medication, I am confident I can pursue my studies at college - without experiencing defeat, and hold down a job and friendships. I may not be my wacky, spontaneous self when I'm on it, but it's worth it, I guess."

For ADHD "I was diagnosed with ADD when I was 11 and have been on this medicine for 8 years now. It helped me focus on school and work. When I first started, I lost weight, but I'm pretty sure it's because I did not eat before taking my pills. Metadate has truly helped me out."

For ADHD "I hated this medication. It was so hard for me to sleep in the evening on the day I had taken it. Also I would hear random things and see random things and I would over think. My eating went from eating just fine to maybe a banana and some chips a day . When you take this protein shakes will help . Also drink a lot of water. The good thing about it is it kept me focus. I got stuff done unlike some other add medicines that made me just sit there. Also a little depression and over thinking did occur. The only real complaint I got is ZERO sleep and you may become paranoid."

For ADHD "Please think twice about putting your children on this medication. Children have innately low attention levels, it is 100% normal. The vast majority of people either grow out of this or learn to cope with it without any trouble. I was 12 years old when I was prescribed this drug. I took it for two years before switching to adderall, a very similar medication that is extremely closely related to methamphetamine. I am now 28, and rely on this medication and my tolerance is 3 times the amount I am prescribed, which is the maximum dosage allowed. Please heed this advice parents. My grades improved drastically at first. Then I rapidly developed a serious pill problem and it has caused an unbelieveable amount of harm and damage to my life. As someone who was prescribed this in my preteen developing years, PLEASE- your child does not need this medicine. Do not expect adult level attention spans from your young children... you can end up ruining their lives by putting them on this stuff."

For ADHD "My son is 7 and has been on this medicine for a year now. We tried everything before putting him on medicine. We started out with 10 mg and really saw no effect. He is now on 20 mg, and it is amazing! It does wear off before we get home in the evening. Homework time is a disaster! But we have had no side effects and no weight loss. Without Metadate CD, he couldn't finish anything. He's doing great in school this year! It's so hard to deal with him in the evening; but it helps us get through the day."

For ADHD "My son is 5 1/2. We've always noticed his short attention span, impulsiveness, always in trouble. Last year he started preschool, he to has a July birthday. His teacher asked if I had considered holding him back. We decided not to. Kindergarten has been a roller coaster. We started seeing his pediatrician about a month into school. He was in time out everyday distracting the class, loud outbursts, not able to sit still. Now it is March he's been taking Metadate 20mg for about 3 months, his report cards has improved about 80%. Although it does wear off around 2 or 3 in the afternoon we can really see a difference in school. I still am interested in investigating other avenues. Overall my son has shown a significant improvement."

For ADHD "My son is getting ready to turn 7. He has been on Metadate CD for 2 years. We first started him out on the 10 mg, but after six months, we had to go up to 20 mg. Before he started the Metadate, the teacher would have to chase him around the room and keep him from doing flips during circle time. The school even suggested that I pull him out for an extra year since he was a July birthday. I took my son to the doctor and told them what the school wanted to do, she tested him and then started him on the Metadate. I could tell a difference on the first pill. He has made straight A's ever since. Now that he can focus and sit still, he is the first one done with his work, and the teachers have decided to test him for the Gifted program."

For ADHD "My 5 year old has been on this medication for about 2 weeks now we switched him from Adderall to this because Adderall had to many side effects but other than the side effects he did really well at first. So we switched to Medadate we had high hopes that we found the right medicine for him but we saw no response at all his behavior on the medicine was as if he was not on it. We moved his dose up to 20 yesterday I hope this will help or else we have to try something else."

For ADHD "Hi my son has been taking Metadate since he was 6. He is 8 years old now a complete turnaround in school his grades went from E's to A's and B's straight-A sometimes. He eats very well he gained his weight we haven't lost any weight with this medicine. But I'm make him eat lunch whether it be a pack of peanut butter crackers. He's growing like a weed. The only side effect is he ill when it comes off of it."

For ADHD "My son is 7 years old and was dianosed with adhd. He is on Metadate CD and he has been taking it for almost a month now. It seems to be helping him at school, but at home his behavior is uncontrollable and very irritable. He is on only 10 mg and his appetite is slowed down alot."

For ADHD "I couldn't be happier with how this drug has helped my daughter. She's been taking it for 8 months now, with absolutely no problems. We tried 2 doses of 4-hour methalyn first, but it just didn't seem to help much. She's getting all A's in school and will actually be tested for the 'gifted' program next year because of this medicine allowing her to focus and concentrate on her school work. The only 'slight' con I have is when it wears off, she's a little moody, but she gets over that quickly."

For ADHD "I was on metadate 60 mg from 9-14 and it created a very intense anxiety and paranoia threw out my teenage years. Worst CNS medicine I've ever taken. I was on CNS medication from 6-16 and it did nothing but worsen long term. And leave me like a zombie while I was on it."

For ADHD "My 4 year old son was diagnosed with ADHD and we began the journey to find what would help. We have tried many medications but due to his young age and small size it was hard to find anything that did not come with bad side effects. We tried Metadate 10 mg and he did REALLY well during the day but at 2 it would wear off and we were in for a rough night, the doctor tried Methylin 5 mg, but that just kept him up all night, so we started giving 10 mg of Metadate in the A.M. and a 2nd dose of 10mg at noon. It was like finding the holy grail of medicine. My son is now a funny, loving, calm little boy who the entire family (including our poor dog) loves to be around."

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  • Drug class: CNS stimulants
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  • Methylphenidate (AHFS Monograph)

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  • ADHD