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Generic Name: Methadone Diskets (methadone)

Methadone Diskets Reviews

For Chronic Pain "Ok, I was dependent on pain pills and other illegal narcotics. The other pain pills were working pretty good, to be honest, but they caused euphoria, and when it causes euphoria, you chase that euphoria, and I would run out of my script WAY too early and had to go out in the streets for more pain pills or other illegal narcotics. I discussed this with my doctor, he put me on 40mg of methadone, 2x a day, and I finally got my life back on track. You feel good every day on methadone, without raising your dose, like other pain pills. I can honestly say, methadone definitely saved my life. Thank you Methadone for saving me, my family, and my faith. Methadone is definitely a lifesaver!"

For Chronic Pain "Methadone is a lifesaver. It gives me that freedom to get through the day with the pain that I have. It is better than any other pain killer out there, hands down. I don't have to worry about needing more or cravings like other painkillers."

For Opiate Withdrawal "Methadone absolutely saved my life. I know 15 years is a long time to be on a medication but without it, I would be, without a doubt, dead. I lost my best friend in the whole world to me to heroin, as well as my husband. I am now a mom, I work a full-time job, and I go to work every day. I have my own home. I might not have everything everyone would want, but I have everything I need, and so do my children. Without the methadone, I would have nothing, so this drug has done miracles for my life, and anyone with opiate addiction that can’t seem to find another way out, I highly, highly recommend it!"

For Opiate Withdrawal "I have been on Methadone Diskets for heroin addiction for 12 years. Seems like a long time? Not really. This program has kept me from relapsing and enabled me to work and function without cravings or pain. If I have to stay on this program forever, that's okay with me. I love having my life and family back."

For Chronic Pain "I've had chronic pain due to a Whipple procedure/surgery. I had basically half of my digestive system removed: 60% of my stomach and pancreas were removed, along with my gallbladder. I have had five other surgeries done since 1996, including the removal of around 11-12 feet of small intestine altogether and 2 feet of large intestine. I experience serious chronic pain. I've been in the very best pain clinics in Boston, MA. I was lucky that I was there, or I wouldn't have survived. This medication is, in my opinion, the very best if taken correctly. Take it at the same time every day. It works well long-term. I would love for someone to read this and take the plunge instead of me having to suffer for around 12 years. My quality of life is an experience that I was convinced I would never have. You must have the correct doctor. You WILL be happy."

For Opiate Withdrawal "Starting methadone was definitely one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. I look much healthier, and on top of all that, I got an excellent job. Now I don't have to worry about being sick, methadone is amazing!"

For Opiate Withdrawal "It's helped me with my dependence, and it really works well to stave off withdrawal. The negatives outweigh the positives for me. This drug has caused me to gain a lot of weight, mostly from fluid retention. It's very hard to come off, you have to taper very slowly, like a mg a week, or you'll feel like crap. If you don't have insurance, you have to pay $400 a month where I live to go to a methadone clinic. This drug also cuts off your sex drive, I used to be a very sexual person, and now I have little to no desire for sex anymore. If you're on a high dose, on most days you'll feel out of it and very sleepy, so it's important that you tell your doctor/nurse the truth about your dose, you don't want to be on too high, nor too low of a dose."

For Opiate Withdrawal "If I hadn't made the decision to begin methadone, I don't know where I would be. It wasn't an easy choice at all, but now I am so glad I did it. It's literally saved my life, my relationships, and my future!"

For Pain "I was tried on numerous medications for my chronic pain. When I took my first dose of methadone, I was 'nearly' pain-free for half the day, and the dose doesn't need to be increased as often as it did on other drugs such as Oxycontin. For breakthrough pain, I only need an anti-inflammatory or another mild narcotic such as Percocet, and only rarely. I think this is a great drug for pain!"

For Opiate Withdrawal "I've been taking Methadone disks for 5 years after a long battle with pain that led to illicit use of injectables. This has saved my life, family, and health. I have absolutely zero cravings nor desire to return to my previous lifestyle."

For Opiate Withdrawal "I had a bad injury years ago, resulting in a rather large prescription for hydrocodone. So I was like, awesome, a legal script. Little did I know just how quickly I could become dependent. Soon it was oxy, roxy, morphine, luckily, no needles. Then it was all my free time, money, payday advances, check cashing, pure misery to just feel normal and not ill. I'm sure many have been through it. I had heard about a clinic close by, and it took away all the daily stress and saved me probably thousands of dollars. Hours of time and supervised help. It was my choice. I'm at 160 mg, so it will be a while before I'm completely free, but the progress I've made already is unbelievable. I've even told my parents. Best choice ever."

For Chronic Pain "I was born with marfan syndrome which is very rare and affects bones joints have scoliosis a hospital in Lexington ky advised I get a metal rod put in my back to keep mg spine from worsening as I got older this was at 13 yr old, my spine was almost 40 degrees curvature. Pain never stopped and as I got older not only my back but knees feet ankles constant pain it just got worse I have used every pain medication made but methadone 10 to 1 is the best pain medicine out there it literally has helped me so so much"

For Pain "I have been challenged with pain management as a result of acute reflex sympathetic dystrophy for 5 years now. Last year, I had a spinal cord stimulator implanted, and it is working wonders. Thank you, Boston Scientific Neuromodulation. I've weaned off the need for Fentanyl and Oxycodone, and now manage the pain very well with methadone. Its long-acting actions are outstanding, and it doesn't leave me feeling high, as so many of the other opiates do. Overall, an excellent choice by my pain docs!"

For Chronic Pain "The absolute best formula, with NMDA receptor antagonist properties for pain such as severe chronic pain management, for a severe case of RSD/CRPS. My dose was 3 1/2 diskettes twice daily. Dissolve in water. My RSD/CRPS was going into remission thanks to the proper dosing. My feeling is they took away the diskettes to recapitalize by doing away with this tablet and charging more for 5 - 10 mg tablets."

For Opiate Withdrawal "Starting the methadone treatment was the best thing for me. It saved my life, turned my life around for the better, just when I thought I was at the end of the rope, that I just wanted to die. Someone told me about the methadone, I tried it, and it worked."

For Opiate Withdrawal "choosing methadone for me was an awful idea. If you are just orally taking opiates then you can detox ur self. Turning to methadone for opiate addiction is a mistake! Its detox is way worse! then prescribed or unprescribed pain medication! I was taking up to 10 Hydrocodone 1000 mg pills a day. then switched to 25 mg of methadone,i thought it was great until i decided i did not want to be on either!"

For Opiate Withdrawal "Methadone Maintenance Therapy, or MMT, quite literally saved my life. Yes, there are side effects such as weight gain, low testosterone levels, and excess sweating or flushing. But now I am back in college majoring in Psychology with a minor in Neuroscience. I had been treated inpatient at one of the best hospitals in the country. They used Methadone initially to get me over withdrawal symptoms, along with other medicines such as clonazepam and clonidine. Sadly, I eventually relapsed, and it eventually took MMT to help me get back on track. I hope to use what I know about addiction to help others. It's not perfect, but MMT saved me and my relationships with my family. MMT should only be used as a last resort, it is not an 'easy way out'."

For Opiate Withdrawal "I took Methadone for 2 years for back pain. I never use it for Herion addiction. After I stopped using it ( which was 3 years ago) I still can not be medicated with any of the other opiates, or any type of tranq, not even cold medicine All my DR could say was, I've got a lot of patients like you. What the heck does the mean, that I'm on my own? Next time I have surgery I guess I drink a fifth of whiskey and bite the bullet? Does anyone a medicine that can help reverse this,"

For Opiate Withdrawal "I have been on a Methadone maintenance program since May 12, and it has helped me so much! It took my withdrawals away the first day and has kept me from having cravings for the prescription pain medication that I was dependent on. Methadone is a lifesaver!"

For Opiate Withdrawal "It made me be able to function in society like I used to be able to before I got addicted to lorecet. I have more confidence now. I find that 115mg a day fits me. Everyone is different though. I can sleep good through the night also."

For Pain "I have lupus and sciatica and have tried every pain medicine that is available. Methadone has changed my life. I am able to do way more than lay in the bed all day in pain. I am not pain-free, but it is tolerable for once, and that is a huge blessing!"

For Chronic Pain "Best decision I have ever made. Been on 40 mgs for about a week and a half and I already feel better, don't even want the other drugs I was doing, pretty much anything short of a needle. I have more energy and I am already starting to feel like myself again. Just my experience, I know everyone is different. I give 8 out of 10 effectiveness."

For Opiate Withdrawal "I'm a 46 year old male who has been opiate dependent easily over 20 years. Y MAIN drug was Heroin, I've been Methadone on and off since 1993. I live in Greenville SC. I've been on Methadone this time over 12 years. With this "Opiate Crisis" and Fentanyl in ANY HEROIN Around. Yes Methadone is dependent but it's SAVED MY LIFE!!! I was also in a severe car wreck and now I'm loaded with Titanium. Due to the wreck I have chronic right femur pain where I had a compound fracture and it works better than ANYTHING else I've been on like Dilaudid, MS Contin Opana ... Etc . Anyway, it's like everything in this world it's a double edged sword."

"Usage has changed my life for the better 100%. If dosage is correct there is no "HIGH" at all. I have been dosed with methadone daily for 10 years and haven't relapsed or for that matter even thought about going back to that lifestyle. GOOD LUCK WITH THE MEDICATION. "

For Opiate Withdrawal "I have been on Methadone since 2017, off and on. I am currently on the dispersible Diskets. I have also been on the red liquid. I was a homeless addict, and now I am housed, working, and back in school. I could never do that while being a heroin addict. Can't do anything while you are in withdrawal. I'm not going to lie, I enjoy using, but I enjoy my life even better. Being able to pay a bill or buy something I want is a GREAT feeling. You have to make a choice: do you want to keep using or be sick? You don't have to be on Methadone for the rest of your life, unless you want to. Good luck to you."

More about Methadone Diskets (methadone)

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  • Drug images
  • Latest FDA alerts (5)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: Opioids (narcotic analgesics)
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Diskets Dispersible advanced reading

Other brands

Dolophine, Methadose

Professional resources

  • Methadone Hydrochloride monograph
  • Methadone Solution (FDA)

Other brands

Dolophine, Methadose

Related treatment guides

  • Chronic Pain
  • Opiate Withdrawal
  • Pain