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Generic Name: Methylphenidate for ADHD (methylphenidate)

Methylphenidate for ADHD Reviews

Ritalin (methylphenidate) "I'm 24 y.o male that self-diagnosed ADHD about 6 months ago. From as far back as I remember, I was restless, inattentive, depressed, and forgetful, but I didn't know what was wrong with me. I thought that everybody has a unique behavior and mind, and so this 'unusual type' is mine, and I should control it by myself! From childhood, I was the kid who study hard but gained little, who is forgetful, who is weak in math, who is lazy. Anyway, now I'm a medical student, and I found out that I have ADD after a long story. I told this to my attending physician, and he confirmed that I have ADD, then prescribed Ritalin 10mg per day and increased that to the dose of 10mg three times a day. The best word I can tell you about Ritalin for ADD patients is 'Miracle'. Now, for the first time in my life, I understand the meaning of being calm, being happy, being focused, being organized, and many other good 'being's'. It was a huge change in my life, and I'm happy for that. The side effects for me were very mild and went away with time, and I want to continue it."

Concerta (methylphenidate) "I am a 35-year-old female. I suspected I had ADHD, generalized anxiety, and depression for many years based on severe mental illness in my family, but have only recently been diagnosed. After the effects of Covid and a family crisis while trying to finish a Master's degree, I was overwhelmed and unable to do anything. I began Concerta, and it gave me hope. Drugs are not a magic pill. If you think only taking Concerta will fix you, that is the wrong attitude. You have to make other efforts like counseling or changing your environment. Concerta changed my life, but it was coupled with a lot of effort to create the right conditions for me. I began waking up early to work in the morning so I would not be distracted by anyone or anything. I made sure to eat my three meals a day, even if the drugs suppressed my appetite. I highly recommend it. It's really worth a try. I'm on the 54 mg."

Concerta (methylphenidate) "My 9-year-old son has been on 18 mg of it for a month now and it truly is a miracle! We literally noticed a difference in him the very first day. His appetite has actually increased! His sleep has not been affected. He actually goes to bed now the first time we tell him to. He will still express that he doesn't feel tired and that he doesn't want to go to bed, but when we tell him that he needs to, he just goes to his bed without the fighting or trying to do anything else to stop from going to bed. He is more loving and affectionate now, whereas before he was always so defiant. He does cry a bit easier now, but it's better than the anger he felt before. He's helpful and considerate and empathetic. We reluctantly gave him this drug, and it has saved my marriage, and our overall quality of life has improved drastically. He did a presentation in school and received an A! Just try it... You will know right away if this works for you... hopefully you are one of the lucky ones."

Ritalin (methylphenidate) "I've always known that I battled with either ADD or ADHD since childhood. I never bothered to get formally diagnosed, but if left untreated, it results in severe anxiety and depression. Due to this, I lost my job and realized that it was affecting the quality of life. I got assessed and diagnosed at the age of 43 with Adult ADHD - severe. I was really scared to take the Ritalin because of the bad reputation it has, but the difference was immediate. I feel calm, at peace, no more anxiety, can focus. It is life-changing. Side effects minimum. I think this med is demonized unnecessarily. I have my life back."

Concerta (methylphenidate) "Having suffered with depression and ADHD as an adult, honestly this medication is a godsend. I'm only on 18mg (Extended release) and take it with Wellbutrin (for the depression) and I must say it's a life changer! The extended release makes a big difference - blood levels are more stable. No more emotional moods, no more crying, no more feeling like dying, no more negative thoughts. Also, you can concentrate for long periods of time and not get frustrated and be very clear-minded. I can study for 6 hours straight! After trying so many medications, this just works. Side effects: Fast heartbeat, lots of energy, and maybe a libido boost. Really good for adult ADHD and depression. Please note. Everyone is different. You might have a different experience."

Ritalin (methylphenidate) "35-year-old adult male, undiagnosed ADD my whole life, depression, and anxiety as well. This drug has completely turned me around. 20mg in the morning, 10mg in the afternoon. When on it, I don't feel high, just alive. I'm awake, alert, focused, and most importantly, out of my shell. I don't dread work, I welcome it, I hunger for tasks. I almost immediately go from insecure introvert to confident extrovert. Unfortunately, it's very difficult to function now without it. I refuse to abuse it, so I am very strict with my 30mg per day. When it wears off, I completely revert back to my old self."

Ritalin (methylphenidate) "I am a 33-year-old male. After years of cycling through pretty much all antidepressants on the market, including SSRIs, SNRIs, and tricyclics, I was starting to get desperate and hopeless and ready to give up on my life. I was stoked to encounter a diligent psychiatrist who concluded that my suffering was caused by untreated ADHD. I have been prescribed Ritalin. This medication saved my career, my relationship, and my life in general. My mind is clear, my anxiety and depression are resolved. I am no longer hopeless about my future, and I finally managed to feel the joy of living. Compared to my experience with antidepressants, I feel very natural and 'myself'. I can experience a full range of emotions again. The side effects are minimal, especially compared to antidepressants. Looking in retrospect at my life and getting a bit more educated about ADHD, I have realized that all my past struggles made perfect sense - I was misdiagnosed and treated with wrong medications for a very long time."

Concerta (methylphenidate) "I am 54, been taking methylphenidate (Ritalin first, then Concerta) for 14 years. I decided to come off cold turkey to see if the doctor made a misdiagnosis, lol. After a month, I was sleeping in the woods, homeless, driving a Mercedes Benz, when I realized something was wrong! I am on meds for the second day now, and after an hour, I could feel myself becoming emotionally and mentally comfortable. I couldn’t stop running for an outside solution to an inside problem. I could not focus, could not engage at work, so I didn’t work, therefore, everything started to crash down around me. I almost lost everything I had and loved. ADHD for me is here to stay! I will end with this: I have no chance at a normal life without the help of medication!"

Ritalin (methylphenidate) "At 48 years old, I was diagnosed with severe ADHD/combined. I started on 10mg of generic Ritalin four days ago. This is the closest thing to a real miracle that I have ever experienced. For my ENTIRE LIFE, I believed that I suffered from major depression and social anxiety disorder. Every last thing in life was difficult. My memory was terrible - forgetting every single day what I was talking about mid-sentence, forgetting why I went into rooms, forgetting goals that I had set just a day or two prior. Years of undiagnosed and untreated ADHD left me with a nervous breakdown and unemployed (after a 23-year, very STRESSFUL, career as a public school teacher). I never thought I would ever work again. That was almost two years ago. Now that I am on the medication? 1) My anxiety is GONE. 2) My depression is GONE. 3) I can remember what I am doing - whether that be in a task I am performing or in a conversation that I am participating in. 4) I feel calm. AMAZING!"

Jornay PM (methylphenidate) "My 15-year-old had been a challenge since hitting puberty. Not surprised, but his ADHD grew with him. We tried different stimulants with non-stimulants, etc., and couldn’t quite get him to where he felt himself. Our pediatrician prescribed Jornay PM at the beginning of the school year, and I was skeptical because nothing worked. The first semester went off without a hitch, and he had mostly Bs and two As! He is amiable, has a few new friends, and is nicer to his younger siblings. He says for the first time in his life, he feels what he thinks is normal, which is not up and down and all over the place. I felt compelled to hop on here and leave a review because after dinner tonight, he gave me and my wife a hug and thanked us for being good parents, even when I was being a challenge. It brought tears to my eyes! I am very grateful for Jornay PM, it has changed our family dynamic!"

Concerta (methylphenidate) "Concerta is WONDERFUL. I’m 24, and I’ve struggled all my life with mental illness. 4 months ago, I was diagnosed with ADHD and Bipolar II Disorder. My psychiatrist said I had to get the mood balanced from the Bipolar before we could treat the ADHD. Once my mood was stabilized, I started to try some stimulant medications. I tried Adderall 5mg and 10mg. It was an absolutely awful experience. I had two friends recommend Concerta to me, so I requested it from my provider. I was prescribed 18mg, and after ONE day, let me tell you, I was feeling like the best self that I knew was there all along—calm, attentive, and enjoying every passing moment with bliss. It keeps on getting better, and I hope it continues to. I'm going to up my dose next month. If you are struggling with ADHD, try this. I feel so amazing I could cry (in a good way), no hassle with multiple doses. I was on the brink of giving up, but I gave this a go. Please, please try it. The only side effect is less appetite, BUT WHO CARES AT THIS POINT."

Concerta (methylphenidate) "I've been taking Concerta for the past 14 years since it came out (24 now) and I don't plan on changing unless I'm forced. I've tried other medications and none work as well with as few side effects. Right now I take the 54mg. Sure, I experience some side effects, but I've learned to manage them over the years (force myself to eat, etc.). The treatment of ADD/ADHD is only effective through a multifaceted approach, medication AND counseling/therapy/behavior coaching. Without Concerta, I would never have made it through school or had successful relationships. ADD makes life hard, but with the right combination of treatments, it is more than manageable."

Concerta (methylphenidate) "I’ve been on Concerta for the past week and a half. On one hand, it works really well when it comes to productivity and organization, as it keeps me energized and focused, and also improves my driving skills! However, taking this medication has significantly worsened my mental health, causing me to experience paranoia, mood swings, anxiety, and even some suicidal thoughts. Although it does its job, I can’t keep taking it simply due to the effect it’s been having on my well-being. I’ll be scheduling an appointment with my doctor to change my prescription momentarily. However, just because Concerta hasn’t worked for me, that doesn’t mean it can’t/won’t work for you."

Jornay PM (methylphenidate) "I can't speak highly enough of this medication. It has absolutely changed my life. Being able to wake up medicated and feel steadily alert throughout the day has been the most incredible blessing. I feel like I can function the way neurotypical people do; being able to move through life in a straight line and without my brain bouncing from side to side (at least not as much). I also love that it doesn't aggravate my anxiety the way that Vyvanse, Concerta, and Adderall did when I tried those. I didn't really notice a major difference until I hit 60mg. It's made me calmer, happier, more patient with others...the list goes on. I hope it is never discontinued because I really do need it. I am finally getting recognized at work and am able to handle being fed tasks without becoming paralyzed. The world seems much brighter. So thankful."

Concerta (methylphenidate) "I am a pediatric nurse and a mother of a child with ADHD. The nurse in me hated the thought of medicating my son with anything, yet the mom in me knew something needed to be done. My son went on Concerta at age 6. He takes 36 mg, and today is 12 and still on the same dosage. It has helped him in so many ways... grades, focusing, decreased aggressive behavior, and friendships, just to name a few. Though I was resistant, this was the best choice for my child. It's been 6 years, and he is great. It does decrease his appetite during the daytime, but he does catch up in the evening with calories. I highly recommend a daily Carnation shake with whole milk or a multivitamin if your pediatrician agrees, to prevent missing any nutrients. Good luck to you all."

Ritalin (methylphenidate) "First off, it was horrible for me. I will never go back to Ritalin ever again. I was on 10mg of Ritalin and it lasted around 2 hours. It was the weirdest experience. I felt simultaneously euphoric, jittery and stimulated, but also lazy and just wanted to sleep (???). It did give me a strong boost of energy which lasted throughout the day. After 2 hours was when things got really bad. I guess this is the 'crash'. It made me horribly depressed, anxious, and filled with rage. The anxiety was so bad that every single thing I set eyes on would trigger me, like looking at the laundry basket filled with laundry. I also felt extremely anti-social and didn't want to talk to anyone, not even my husband. Finally towards the end of the night I would return to my normal self again, but you can imagine the emotional roller-coaster I experienced the entire day. I tried to brush it off and chalked it down to stress. But looking back now, I am 100% certain that it was all due to the Ritalin."

Ritalin (methylphenidate) "39-year-old female that was first diagnosed in my early 20s, but I'd been being treated for anxiety for so long that I assumed it was a misdiagnosis. After a slew of failed benzos, every class of reuptake inhibitor, and a horrible experience with a low-dose antipsychotic, I accepted the ADHD diagnosis, and Ritalin is nothing like I feared it might be. 10mg 2x/daily doesn't give me energy or euphoria, it simply makes me more aware. I have better comprehension skills, move more deliberately, and I don't talk over people. I pay closer attention while driving, haven't even been pulled over for speeding since starting this medication (previously an almost monthly occurrence), I'm patient, and I sleep better. The only side effect I've experienced is drowsiness when it wears off, which is extremely inconvenient mid-day, but that's what calendar reminders are for. Combined with therapy, proper diet, and exercise, it allows me to be authentic with myself and others."

Concerta (methylphenidate) "My son was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 6. I was extremely against trying medications, but after an extremely difficult kindergarten and start of first grade, I decided that it was worth looking into. My son was miserable, and it broke my heart to see him coming home every day in tears. We tried a variety of behavioral interventions, but nothing worked and my son was not happy. We decided, based on a friend's advice (her daughter had success with Concerta), to give it a shot. OMG! It was like night and day! Slight decrease in appetite initially, but other than that, it's been a godsend. Wishing all you parents the same success we had!!!"

Concerta (methylphenidate) "I don't know how I feel about it. I'm 21. I was diagnosed with ADHD this summer. My grades went from C's and B's to A's and Dean's List. I can't say I hate it, but I can't say I love it either. I used to be this free-spirit girl who was bubbly and loved to go out with my friends. Although I did have issues with controlling my impulsive mood swings, I still was really happy. Since taking it the past 7 months, my friends call me the cave dweller. It's sad because I'm actually content with being alone. It used to drive me nuts. I'm almost scared to talk to people I don't know. My social life has gone in the dump. Nothing bothers me. It makes me get really good grades, but it takes away the passion. I feel like a computer."

Ritalin (methylphenidate) "39 years old. Battled with ADHD unknowingly my entire life. Turned to alcohol before getting diagnosed as this would help me deal with constantly being wired for sound! Unfortunately this also caused my liver enzymes to go out of whack. Stopped drinking, this led to depression which led to psychological treatment and ADHD was diagnosed. So gutted I have been so late to get diagnosed and get treatment. Ritalin has changed my life. I am focused and organized for the first time ever."

Ritalin (methylphenidate) "My son has been taking Ritalin for around 6-8 months and the difference in him is just unbelievable. His school work has improved, his spelling and comprehension have gotten a lot better, and he has excelled in maths and can actually remember what he has learned. He socially gets along better with other children and is less destructive when in a group setting. I was very hesitant to put my son on meds but now realize I made the best choice for him."

Concerta (methylphenidate) "I've used Concerta for 5 years and loved the improvements at first - I became successful, in perfect shape, and did most things extraordinarily well. My life did a complete 180. Once unfocused, unmotivated, and disorganized, I transformed to near perfection in everything I did. The price you pay for perfection - I've lost my friends and my social abilities. I used to be fun and full of life! You begin to seclude yourself because you are too focused, too mechanical. You lose weight because your appetite goes away and you are indeed anorexic. I couldn't sleep, had extreme anxiety, headaches, dry mouth, highs and lows....I can go on and on. It changes you and you may think it's great but ultimately you lose yourself in the process."

Ritalin (methylphenidate) "I have been taking Ritalin for 8 years. It worked great for the first 5 years. Then I switched to Vyvanse, which was a massive mistake and damaged my heart. So now I'm back on Ritalin for 2.5 years. My dosage at the beginning was 10-20 mg Ritalin per day. It increased over the years to 60-80 mg per day. But 2 years ago, something weird happened, and I became more sensitive to it again. So now I'm back at 20 mg per day, and it works great. Some side effects I experienced are tachycardia and slight dizziness in the evening. But I really have to say, this drug is a life-changer. Without it, I would have never been able to go to med school and become a doctor now."

Concerta (methylphenidate) "Since starting on Concerta, I have been able to effectively get my life together. I am no longer impulsive, hyper, inattentive, or anxious. The last two years have been the best I've ever experienced. I struggled with procrastination and mood issues prior to being medicated for ADHD. Past inaccurate diagnosis caused doctors to label my ADHD-I with a number of false mental health issues. The wrong medications caused a lot of damage in my personal life. Now, I have finally been able to get my life together. Concerta is a very good medication for those with ADHD/ADHD-I."

Ritalin (methylphenidate) "I'm in my mid 30s & was diagnosed with ADHD approx 4 months ago. I started on 10 mg 2x a day & am currently on 20 mg 3x a day. I tried Daytrana, the Ritalin patch, but it made me aggressive & hungry! In less than a month, I had gained 20 lbs. I'm back on the pill & so far I love it! I wish I had this back in school! Unfortunately, my mom wasn't a believer in ADHD. I am calmer, can think rationally vs. going straight off emotions, the racing thoughts have ceased & I can complete tasks I start now. It's also given me more motivation in my life. Before Ritalin, I was ready to give up on life & did nothing. I can now take care of responsibilities! My mood has even improved & my patience with my children & people in general has vastly improved."

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  • Drug class: CNS stimulants
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  • Methylphenidate drug information
  • Methylphenidate transdermal
  • Methylphenidate Chewable Tablets
  • Methylphenidate Controlled-Release Tablets
  • Methylphenidate Extended-Release Chewable Tablets

Other brands

Concerta, Ritalin, Jornay PM, Ritalin LA, ... +10 more

Professional resources

  • Methylphenidate monograph
  • Methylphenidate CD Capsules (FDA)
  • Methylphenidate Chewable Tablets (FDA)
  • Methylphenidate ER Capsules (FDA)
  • Methylphenidate Hydrochloride (FDA)

Other brands

Concerta, Ritalin, Jornay PM, Ritalin LA, ... +10 more

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