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Generic Name: Multivitamin with iron for Vitamin/Mineral Supplementation and Deficiency (multivitamin-with-iron)

Multivitamin with iron for Vitamin/Mineral Supplementation and Deficiency Reviews

EnLyte (multivitamin with iron) "My Doctor prescribed this to help with my depression, along with an SSRI. I took EnLyte not thinking it would do much. Fast forward 2 years later, I have taken it faithfully every day. I’m experiencing crazy hair growth, literally in patches. I’m a 35 year old female, but I always had a small bald spot near my scalp, and my hair was thin and brittle. It turns out, I’ve been deficient in folic acid this whole time. My hair dressers always comments on all my new hair. I’m so happy that I found this vitamin, it has been a game changer for me. I will probably never stop taking it. I do order it through mail order, it was very expensive at the pharmacy. But now a small price to pay for a luscious head of hair, and improved skin. Thinking back, I always felt amazing when I was pregnant with my 2 children. It must have been because of the prenatal vitamins, and I remember my hair looking so good at the end of pregnancy as well. I hope this is helpful to someone."

SSS Tonic (multivitamin with iron) "My lifestyle has been very hectic since having my third child 10 months ago. I have tried several tonics on the market but never got the results they suggested they would give. I always felt tired, fatigued, inability to concentrate, always grumpy, the whole 9 yards. I started taking SSS tonic 5 days ago, and I can say I am back, and I am feeling great. My husband and two older kids have even noticed a change in my disposition."

EnLyte (multivitamin with iron) "My Dr. prescribed this for depression. It never helped. I stopped taking it when I found out that millions of people have unbound iron dysregulation, and also that synthetic vitamins aren't good for us, only good from whole food sources. I may have caused my body damage from taking this...as I will soon find out with HTMA & blood tests. My advice is to thoroughly research everything your doctor prescribes before taking it. I hope this helps others..."

EnLyte (multivitamin with iron) "I am menopausal and my quality of life changed drastically when this happen. A once highly energetic healthy person- I became emotionally and physically exhausted. I see a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine and last Fall 2019 when I was super low suggested I try this. She thinks I may have a genetic problem processing folic acid, folate... I was taken back by the cost, we were struggling financially but our insurance covered it then- they since stopped. But I am so grateful I was able to take it, it has transformed my life- renewed energy and life. Hope I can figure out how to afford it again. Nothing my ND and I have tried touches the effectiveness of ENLYTE!"

EnLyte (multivitamin with iron) "I began Enlyte at the same time that I added Effexor 37.5mg mg to my Lamictal regiment. Depression & anxiety & MFTFR gene mutation detected in gene test I took both for a month, noticing stomach pains & severe constipation. When I discontinued the Enlyte the stomach pains & constipation abated. I was told by the Enlyte people that any adverse side effects from Enlyte were not possible. I wished it would have been effective, but it was not."

EnLyte (multivitamin with iron) "This was prescribed for Panic disorder and folate deficiency. I haven't noticed any difference with using this med. I can't say it is or isn't working. I do feel a lot more tired than I used to so maybe I should take this at night. I took deplin for 2 weeks which really made me feel great but insurance wouldn't cover it so I switched to Enlyte and I do not have the same reaction"

Integra (multivitamin with iron) "I have been taking this product for over three years and will not live without it. When taken, I have more energy and feel great. My stool may turn darker but no other side effects."

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: iron products
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Multivitamin with iron drug information
  • Cyanocobalamin, Folic Acid, Iron, and Vitamin C
  • Cyanocobalamin/Folic Acid/Iron
  • Ferrous Fumarate, Polysaccharide Iron Complex, Vitamin C, and Vitamin B3
  • Iron, Vitamin C, and Folic Acid Controlled-Release Tablets

Other brands

Integra Plus, Integra, Ferocon, Fusion Plus, ... +25 more

Professional resources

Other brands

Dialyvite, Integra Plus, EnLyte, NovaFerrum, ... +12 more

Related treatment guides

  • Anemia
  • Vitamin/Mineral Supplementation and Deficiency