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Generic Name: Mydayis (amphetamine-dextroamphetamine)

Mydayis Reviews

For ADHD "I have had ADD my entire life (I'm 30), starting treatment with Dexedrine in kindergarten. I've tried literally every ADD drug there is except Zenzedi and Desoxyn (methamphetamine HCL). I've even tried modafinil. Chemically, Vyvanse, Dexedrine, and Zenzedi are the same, just with different absorption. Adderall is 80% Dexedrine with 20% levoamphetamine, which is more physically stimulating than dextroamphetamine. If you are like me and hate stimulants because of the crash at night and morning exhaustion, I need a drug that lasts all day and is smooth, then consider Mydayis. I only wrote this to help anyone who's considering Mydayis. I would never waste my time helping any pharmaceutical company with a review. Mydayis is unique and different from Adderall and the other dextroamphetamine stimulants because it has amphetamine in addition to other Dex salts. Give it a try. If you have trouble with insomnia from taking it, then your dose is too high. Just drop it. Good luck."

For ADHD "I was put on Mydayis, and for six months, I absolutely loved it. It worked so well. At the time, I had a coupon, so after the coupon expired, even with insurance it is way too expensive every month, so I had to switch. I would have been a loyal customer too, but Mydayis is just way, way too expensive! I don’t understand why you make a drug, and it works for people, but everyday people can’t afford it, even with insurance."

For ADHD "I have been taking Mydayis 25mg for 2 months, and I have experienced ZERO negative side effects. I was previously prescribed Adderall XR & IR and Vyvanse. Those medications were somewhat effective; however, they came with a lot of side effects (loss of appetite, moodiness, insomnia, heart palpitations, dry mouth, dry skin, and anxiousness). The best thing about Mydayis is the way in which it feels 'natural' and the way it steadily tapers off throughout the day. With previous medications, I could actually feel the effects coming and going and I would get these sensations of feeling 'high.' With Mydayis, I never actually FEEL the medication taking effect, but I can tell a HUGE difference in my performance, mood, and ability to focus. I even feel relaxed, as if my mind can finally make sense of racing thoughts and feelings. I usually take my medication around 8 AM and I am easily able to fall asleep by 11 PM. With Mydayis, My Day Is manageable!"

For ADHD "I've only been taking it for 3 days, but I can understand now when people say they feel it running in the background. So far, no side effects other than appetite loss. I do feel energy from this, but not like Adderall, there's no anxiety tied to the energy. It's more like motivation than energy. One thing I've noticed is that I like to always be doing something productive in some way. It's not the type of energy you get and use to dance or work out, you feel driven to get things done. It lasts for the whole 16 hours, which surprised me, I'm an ultra-rapid metabolizer. I have no crash on this like I did with Adderall. I'm just waiting for my period now to see how the cramps are and giving the medicine more time to see if I do have any side effects. So far, none, but no appetite."

For ADHD "I've tried several ADHD meds, and Mydayis has definitely been the best for me. I'm on the lowest dose, and it starts working 20-30 minutes after I take it. I'm then able to be productive and direct my focus easily, compared to other meds (e.g., Adderall), which gave me a burst of intense focus that I had no control over. The transitions are barely noticeable, and it really helps maintain consistent energy levels. After wearing off, it's a very natural 'I've worked all day, and now I'm ready to relax before bed' feeling (no crash). I also noticed it significantly helps manage my depression-something no other ADHD med has done. The only downsides: (1) it does reduce my appetite a lot, and (2) it only lasts about 9-10 hours on my current dose (12.5 mg), but higher doses (25 mg+) give me headaches. It's not perfect, but the positives definitely outweigh the negatives for me. Lastly, you don't know how it'll affect you, so don't let reviews scare you away if you/your doc think it might help."

For ADHD "I am diagnosed with Concurrent Concussion Syndrome with ADD symptoms. I took Vyvanse for over a year, and I thought I loved it, until I realized it gave me anxiety because I was trying to cram 16 hours' worth of homework and chores into the short period of time the medication worked. My neurologist had me switch to taking Mydayis, and I have loved it because I do not feel the 'high' that Vyvanse gives you, and in turn, I also do not feel the medication slowing down either. Now, I still take it at 5:30 am, but I can do homework or concentrate on other tasks well past 8 or 9 pm. Advantages: - long-lasting - continuous feeling throughout the day (no ups and downs) Disadvantages: - makes me not feel hungry - loss of appetite can make low blood sugar hit me all at once if I forget to eat - if I sleep in on the weekends, I can't take it because it will last too long. Hope my experience helps! I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for longer-lasting stimulants, but I know that everyone reacts to things differently, so it might not work for you."

For ADHD "To all the people saying this is rubbish and to use Adderall XR instead, this IS Adderall XR. It's literally made by the same company and contains the same ingredients. It's just a triple layer release whereas Adderall XR is double layer. If you do not feel the effects of Mydayis but do feel Adderall XR, it's because of your own negative expectations and placebo. That's all."

For ADHD "I have suffered my entire life with ADD. For a while, Adderall helped. Then, as I turned 49, it seemed to make me more anxious, irritable, short-tempered, and I had no patience for stupidity! Upon trying Mydayis, I was immediately impressed. I was finishing projects, getting things done right, and able to focus for longer durations of time—long enough to complete tasks at hand. I feel so much better."

For ADHD "I started on Vyvanse about 10 years ago. Eventually, I was taking 70 mg in the morning and 50 mg in the afternoon. I have a pretty hard time with tolerance issues, which led me to abuse the Vyvanse. This led me to switch to Adderall IR twice daily. Still didn’t fix the problem. I asked my psychiatrist about Mydayis, and I can tell you it has an effect all day (definitely more than Adderall XR and Vyvanse). It gives you a more calming feeling, while Adderall caused anxiety, and I felt I needed Valium. My psychiatrist doesn’t mess around, and since I’ve been taking amphetamines for years, he put me right on the highest dose, 50 mg. So far, so good..."

For ADHD "I took Mydayis 37.5 mg for 2 years. I just recently ran out and decided to wait a week to refill. I cannot believe the change in myself! While on it I became withdrawn and too focused on 1 specific thing. I cut out people and ruined my small business. I didn't feel human! I can't explain the feeling but now that I haven't taken it in a week I feel like myself again! I was just flesh living day by day on mydayis! I will NEVER touch it again! Please tell me there's others out there with similar experiences"

For ADHD "I was taking Adderall 20 mg twice a day. It made me anxious and almost paranoid at times. I had extreme highs and extreme lows, but I could focus. I have been on Mydayis for a week now, and I do not have the anxiety I had with Adderall, and I am not super hyperfocused and chatty like I was on Adderall. Mydayis feels more natural, if that makes sense. I feel more like myself now, and even my boyfriend said he notices a change. A good change. Also, I had a bit of sexual blah and found it difficult to be 'happy,' and Mydayis gave me my groove back. I can easily fall asleep, but I noticed if I don't lay down and settle, I can stay up. I can definitely fall asleep on it. I like it. I think it depends on the person. I myself don't like feeling like I am bouncing off the walls, and Mydayis doesn't make me feel that way, but I am more organized and productive. Worth a try to see if it works for you. Feels healthier."

For ADHD "I can't believe all these negative reviews! The only praises I hear are ones that sound like "stage actors" who are planted in to these websites and being paid to boast about the wonders of this medicine. This medication was created because Shire no longer held the patent of Adderall, so came up with a new drug for doctors to push so Shire could make more money again- at the same time, all the generics of adderall that ones were so great, are now weak and inferior. I've never been so depressed and feel there is nothing to look forward to anymore after having adderall pulled out from underneath my feet. I just plug through my days just to get the day over with. My family suffers due to BIG PHARMA GREED!"

For ADHD "I've finally found it. Mydayis, it is that little reminder I never had; the missing piece of my conscience that was never there before to tell me 'stop mucking and go do the stuff you should be getting on with.'"

For ADHD "My experience with Mydayis has been amazing! I am 50 years old and have been taking Mydayis for 2 years. I was diagnosed at the age of 35. After years of trying just about every kind of ADHD medication (stimulants and nonstimulants), my doctor prescribed me Mydayis. It doesn't impact my sleep, nor my desire to eat. It also doesn't have a 'dip' when waiting for the extended release to kick in. Now suddenly it is no longer covered under the insurance plan. It is ridiculous! Will most definitely cost the insurance more money as I will have to go to several doctor appointments and once again try several different types of medications to help me focus. Maybe even some therapy sessions to help with the anxiety. In addition, I never received any notification that this medication was no longer covered."

For ADHD "I tried Mydayis as a substitute during the Adderal shortage as it has become nearly impossible to refill my medication without stress and a complete meltdown lasting for days. I went from 60 mg of Adderal, or combined type ADHD, to 50 mg of Mydayis. I have never taken a more ineffective ADHD medication. I was so disappointed. I thought this would be a good fit because Adderal XR and the other Adderal work wonders for me. I could tell no difference between not taking my medication and taking Mydayis. The FDA and DEA need to address the Adderal shortage by making more Adderal because these other substances are utterly ineffective at treating ADHD."

For ADHD "I asked my doctor about Mydayis because it lasts 16 hours. The first week I was so calm, never been so calm in my life, even with antidepressants. I was able to focus during conversations. I organized my desk (a little). Cleaned my car out (a little). My second week I was still focusing, but I couldn't eat. I was repulsed by anything other than fruits, vegetables, cereal. But then I felt dizzy... sick to my stomach. My eyes seem to move involuntarily (nystagmus), and I got the worst eye strain I've ever had. My neck muscles felt extremely tight, and I just kept massaging my neck, trying not to panic. I tried to tough it out for the next 2 days but could not. It's been 2 days since I quit taking it, and my eyes are still involuntarily moving a little. I had big hopes for this med, but this is how it worked for me, and I was only taking 12.5 mg. I just needed to let everyone know about this possibility because I couldn't find any info about it. It would probably be considered a tic."

For ADHD "I’ve been on Vyvanse 40-60 mg for 8 years and it was no longer effective so I asked my doctor to switch me to Mydayis 50 mg. It took me a few weeks to fully adjust to the medication but once I was used to it there was a big difference and the meds worked the way Vyvanse worked for me when I first started using it. I was actually able to complete tasks, stay organized, and study for school again. Like Vyvanse, and unlike Adderall IR (which I've also tried), Mydayis doesn’t have any noticiable kick or come down for me and doesn’t give me a super dry mouth either. I try to stay hydrated while on Mydayis even though I won’t feel like drinking because I notice a difference in effect when I’m hydrated vs. dehydrated. It doesn’t keep me up late at night and lasts throughout the day. I feel the most composed too on Mydayis in terms of being emotionally regulated and am able to judge my options instead of acting impulsively. It’s the best long-acting med I’ve tried!"

For ADHD "I love Mydayis. It's been the best medication for ADHD I've tried so far. It lasts pretty much all day as long as I keep my blood sugar up (which is hard because it kills my appetite), and it is very effective. It gives a lower, more prolonged peak than straight Adderall and doesn't have as many side effects. The biggest downside is that it is extremely expensive, insurance doesn't cover it, and the 2019 coupon doesn't cover as much as the 2018 one."

For ADHD "Mydayis is truly life-changing. It provides consistent and even focus throughout my long days at work. No highs and lows in my attention to detail and focus at accomplishing my daily tasks. I hated the highs and lows associated with taking the instant release and the relatively short total duration of effectiveness of extended release. It’s NOT for someone looking for big energy boosts but for ADULTS who struggle daily with focus, attention, and productivity. One capsule each day is all it takes to truly give you the life you’ve been missing. Absolutely amazing!"

For ADHD "I’ve been on Mydayis @37.5mg for a year now, and I really liked this med over the others I’d taken. Before Mydayis, I tried Vyvanse, Focalin, and Concerta, and while all of them caused decreased appetite and weight loss, Mydayis never makes me crash or feel anxious, so it’s the best one so far. It gives me a big boost of energy, and I can get a lot of work done (a little obsessively, but still.) Warning though, the withdrawal symptoms for me are god awful. If I miss a dose, I will sleep non-stop (multiple 3+ hour naps throughout the day) and eat just about anything in sight. Generally though, Mydayis has been a very good fit for me, and I wouldn’t be able to keep up academically without it. I know a lot of people don’t do well on this ADHD med, and it definitely isn’t for everyone, but I really would try it if you’re struggling to find a good fit! Kicks in very fast and lasts all day"

For ADHD "I change meds frequently because I build tolerance really fast. Almost every year I switch, and most recently switched from Adderall XR 60 mg + IR 30 mg booster to 62.5 mg Mydayis. I LOVE this medication. It runs in the background, so I feel almost no anxiety anymore- it's not nearly as aggressive. I even stopped needing my anxiety meds. I like to take my pills around 7-7:30, then go back to sleep 'til 9:30 or so. It is perfect timing for my days. And you don't have to eat when you take these, so it's possible to just roll over and go back to sleep 'til it's time for breakfast."

For ADHD "I've been taking Adderall XR for 5 years now, and it's been working fine, but my doctor offered for me to try Mydayis so that it would last a bit longer. I've been taking Mydayis 37 mg for 2 months now and have become increasingly irritable, VERY DEPRESSED, and unmotivated. I even relapsed with self-harm, which I haven't done in 6 years. I also had my first extreme panic attack. I was finally in a good mindset before I took this, which took YEARS of therapy and medications. If you have struggled with depression in the past and still struggle with it occasionally, I would not suggest this drug AT ALL."

For ADHD "I first was recommended Vyvanse, and it worked well for about 2.5 years, but it did not last for 16 hours as I needed to have energy and focus for work until 10 PM. I dislike taking the powder at a different time during the day. My doctor recommended Adderall XR for 1.5 years, which allowed me a pill form that I could break up. That is when I learned about Mydayis, and because my day starts at 6 AM and goes until 10 PM, I felt this would be ideal for me. Honestly, I read the message board and got scared because of all the wild side effects mentioned. None of those things happened to me. Same side effects as the other two for me, but Mydayis allows me to take one pill that lasts 16 hours and has improved my focus, energy, and moods. I used to talk too much when my previous pills were at their peak, but I am less apt to do that now. I feel both pills worked very well, just Mydayis works better. I am unsure why, it just does. I get Mydayis free until January 1, 2019."

For ADHD "My insurance company didn't want to pay for it, and I read that it has the same ingredient as Adderall. So my doc prescribed Adderall XR twice daily. It works fine for me. Use online coupons and save up to 60% of the regular price. Most doctors think if you take it twice daily then you'll have insomnia. But if you take the second dose at least 8 hours apart then you should be fine. I've taken one dose 10 hours apart and still fell asleep, and my mind was at peace. Don't suffer if you are in need of help for ADHD. And I'm not here saying this medication is bad. I just want others to know that if you can't get this med then try what I've done. Don't give up hope."

For ADHD "I am 32 years old. On ADD meds since 3rd grade. Was on 30 mg XR Adderall in am & 10 mg Adderall at lunch. Doctor recommended Mydayis based off lasting period. He prescribed 25 mg. 1 month in, great, not to mention I was able to fall asleep for the first time in my life without taking a sleep aid. But after 1 month, all hell broke loose. Began to notice an odd feeling of like flat line, not happy, not sad. I then got this odd feeling in my chest about 2 p.m. every day plus anxious. Contacted doc & he said it worked great month 1, so let's bump it down to 12.5 mg. Did nothing, called the doc back & said I wanted bumped back up. I am now on day 3 of taking the 25 mg & I am short of breath & I have almost a hollow feeling in my chest starting at approximately noon. I'm clenching my teeth, feel irritable & anxious. I've tried Ritalin, Concerta, XR Adderall & Adderall. Recommendations for someone that has taken a lot, and none of the other meds mentioned above have worked?"

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  • Drug class: CNS stimulants
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Mydayis drug information

Other brands

Adderall, Adderall XR

Professional resources

  • Mydayis ER Capsules prescribing information
  • Amphetamine (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Adderall, Adderall XR

Related treatment guides

  • ADHD