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Generic Name: Naltrexone for Fibromyalgia (naltrexone)

Naltrexone for Fibromyalgia Reviews

"In response to BP, I’ve learned that Naltrexone is most effective at lower dosages for Fibromyalgia, but the smaller dosages have to be compounded individually. Most towns/cities have compounding pharmacies or hospital pharmacies capable of compounding for you. My ‘script runs about $45 for 90 pills. I started at 0.75 mg for a week, 1.5 mg for a week, then 3.0 mg, and finally, 4.5 mg. By increasing it gradually over a month’s time, I avoided much of the “new med” issues. The doc said we could go up to 9 mg, if necessary. I can’t take opioids nor narcotics, so Naltrexone has been a Godsend for me. I have Lupus, Fibromyalgia, and severe arthritis in my neck. Naltrexone is the only drug that has worked - and has worked without the nasty side effects of other drugs. Hope this info helps!"

"LDN saved my life. I spent years thinking I just had bad depression & PTSD thanks to all the trauma. At 25 though, I got hit with a wave of intense brain fog. I couldn't read a paragraph & retain the information, leaving the oven on, front door unlocked, driving my marriage into the ground because I wouldn't remember conversations, getting lost in the grocery store, had to withdraw from my college classes. It was this bad for nearly a year. Getting the Fibro diagnosis only tanked my morale. I felt like an 85-year-old with dementia & have a disease most people think is BS. Yay! I've been on LDN for 3 months now & found those 50 IQ points I had lost in the fog. I'm no longer an elderly young person! I'm reading books, back in school & getting 100% on assignments. I'M BACK & the only change I made is LDN & while I never cared about the fibro pain ('pain is weakness leaving the body, oorah!' - my favorite drill sergeant) the flare-ups are less intense, shorter, & easier to manage."

"I have suffered with mild/moderate-level neuro-inflammation for over 30 years. This includes severe fatigue, brain fog, heart arrhythmia, visual disturbances, and more. Never in these years has anything helped my ME/CFS as well as low-dose naltrexone. I started at 0.5mg and raised it by 0.5mg every two weeks until I got to 4.5mg/day. 30 minutes after my first dose, my brain fog/headache completely disappeared! Nothing has done that for me before. I share my whole story online, and I recommend LDN (Low-dose naltrexone) - more info for your doctors who would prescribe it on the site LDN researchtrust if you need help figuring it out. I don't tolerate other medicines well, but this has been a lifesaver! Good luck all!"

"I have been taking Naltrexone LDN for fibro for about 2 years now. The difference is amazing, like a miracle. At 42, I felt like I was 90. My body was just inflamed and in constant pain. When I moved, everything felt tight, sore, and painful. My inflammation was very high and my doctor put me on 9mg of LDN to start. I was at that dose for about 9 months, and my inflammation was still very high, and I was also still struggling to lose weight. My doctor upped the LDN to the full dose of naltrexone at 50mg to help with weight loss, and it did. Between the 9mg and 50mg, I lost 30lbs. However, the 50mg dose was a little too high for me as it made me so sleepy. So, I dropped it down to roughly 32mg, but I take it in split doses of 16mg, 12 hours apart. That has proved to be my perfect dose. I no longer have any body aches or pains. I wake up feeling 20 again, and the naltrexone gives me energy throughout the day. I also have hypothyroidism, and the lack of energy had been a huge problem for me as well."

"LDN (low-dose naltrexone) has changed my life in almost every way! Cured fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, and Cushing's disease! No more chronic pain, fatigue, or weakness. There’s no detectable testing as far as blood work and was severely disabled for over a decade on multiple RA meds. LDN does not just treat, it cures!"

"I take this for my fibromyalgia at a 4.5mg dose. I had weird night time dreams/sweats, etc., at first, so I switched to taking it in the morning for the rest of the first month. After that, I switched back to taking it at night because I take other medications at that time and struggled to remember my low-dose naltrexone (LDN) in the morning. It doesn’t disturb my sleep anymore, and I wake up refreshed most days. If I know I’m going to have a physically taxing day, I will skip my evening dose and take it first thing in the morning. I’ve found this enables me to go all day without pain or feeling overly tired. I highly suggest people research how the drug works when deciding what time of day to take it, and before giving up on taking it. It took me 3 months to notice improvement, and I’m glad I stuck with taking it. I’ll never go off."

"I was on the verge of leaving my job and applying for a disability pension when I started LDN (low dose naltrexone) for fibromyalgia. It took a while to get the right dosage that works (I'm now on 6mg) but it has saved my life. It stops the pain, most days the tender points aren't tender at all. I also use 5-HTP at night for sleep and in the morning for mood, D-ribose for energy, and am currently testing acetyl-L-carnitine for energy. Feeling extremely grateful for being virtually cured."

"Hi. It is very important to titrate VERY SLOWLY to your naltrexone dose for fibromyalgia. I had pills that were 3 milligrams. I divided it up by thirds the first two weeks, then by half the second two weeks. Then divided up by thirds again, taking 2/3 at a time for two weeks until I was on the whole 3 mg dose. I’ve never gone up from there. I had debilitating hip pain due to Hashimoto’s and it is gone or down to a one or two on the pain scale. It was a rough transition. It really messed up my sleep and I’m already an insomniac. I will never go without this medicine. I’m not somebody who likes to take meds. If you had a bad reaction, maybe try a very low dose for a long time and slowly build up. By the way, when I first got it, I tried the whole dose and I was a mess. That’s why I went slow."

"I got this medication from my doctor after I was telling her the amount of alcohol I was drinking. I always had, when I was drinking or not, extreme restlessness and exhaustion at once. My muscles were hurting, I could sleep 10 hours and was not feeling rested. Could not concentrate very well, had social anxiety, etc. I took 25 mg at night, went to bed and... Wow, I felt like I was high. The pain gone, exhaustion gone, depression gone, everything I described above was nonexistent anymore. I felt like I had helium balloons on my arms and head. Feeling rested after 6 hours of sleep, being awake the whole day... The day feels so long now because I can use every minute. Also, I felt no desire for any drug anymore. I went out with people drinking, drank just mineral water. Impossible for me before the pill. I'm not lying. I also can't believe what happened. I am pure bliss. I was about 10 years like that. Now I'm free. Try this miracle drug! Highly recommended!"

"I have never been this functional before. Eight months ago, my functional capacity was at 50%. All I was doing was work, recover, and burn through an excessive amount of sick, vacation, and banked time. At home, I was almost zombie-like. I would spend all of my time curled up on the sofa in pain, fog, or fatigue. Thanks to LDN: Today, I was able to pool run for 30 minutes! I did laundry and sorted all of the socks. Yesterday we had friends over to hang out for the first time in ages. I was able to go to a movie. I was tired after it all, but it wasn't an all-encompassing thing. I flirted with my fiancé."

"I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia for 12 years (took 5 mg of hydrocodone daily). I was able to work, function as a normal person, and pain was manageable. In June, I had several pulled muscles and a rotator cuff injury - pain was off the charts. The doctors in Tucson will not write pain meds under any circumstances, cut me off cold turkey, and I pulled a neck muscle. For 6 months, my pain level was a 15 (scale of 1-10), suicidal pain with no relief in sight. I was referred to a country doctor in Wilcox, AZ - he said he would write me pain meds, but was I willing to try an alternate prescription that would possibly get rid of my pain. I started out with 4.5mg daily at night and within 4 weeks my pain went down to around 2-3."

"I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2013. I tried the traditional medications, and none helped, and I suffered from horrible side effects. I stopped medical treatment in 2016 because I was so frustrated with spending money and getting no improvement. In November of this year, at the advice of my primary care doctor, I saw a rheumatologist. He listened and recommended LDN. My pain level dropped tremendously. I suffered from burning, aching pain in my back and legs. I have been on the medication for about 3 weeks. I have not experienced any side effects."

"I have a patient with fibromyalgia in Kent, UK, who was given low-dose naltrexone by another physician. Her energy improved, and her pain reduced so much that she was able to return to working 20 hours a week. I am currently trying it on a second patient."

"Since I began taking 5 mg naltrexone at night, I fall asleep quickly. I sleep very well for 8 to 9 hours. I wake up refreshed and without pain. I no longer take antidepressants, sleeping pills, anxiety, or pain medication. My mental functioning is much better but not back to pre-CFIDS standard. I don't have normal energy or drive, but my life is so much closer to normal than it was a year ago. I have no complaints. The only other medication I take is for high blood pressure. The only side effect I have is a slight headache when I wake in the morning, but it always goes away soon after I get up. I would take this medication if the only thing I got from it was good quality sleep."

"Diagnosed 30 years ago with fibro. Pretty miserable. I tried antidepressants, opiates, muscle relaxers, as well as non-medical therapies. For me, the LDN (low-dose naltrexone) gave more energy and less burning pain. It's also much less expensive than Lyrica with fewer side effects."

"After 4 weeks of low dose naltrexone (LDN), it has reduced my fibromyalgia pain from an 8 to about a 2-3. I have fatigue I still struggle with, but it has also given me a boost in energy as well. I am able to keep my full-time job that I almost had to quit and have been able to do more and more outside of work than I was for years. I’ve had fibromyalgia for 4 years and tried many medications, and this is the only one that has helped. I had to go online to finally find a doctor to prescribe it. I currently take 3.0mg and it is absolutely worth a try."

"I developed a condition that had symptoms like fibromyalgia, MS, lupus after a surgery. I was at my worst when I discovered this drug. Low dose naltrexone helps me a lot. I'm on 1.5 mg. I skip doses once in 3-4 days when I start feeling wired and over-stimulated. Works great. Made me feel better, helped with skin conditions no doctor able to cure. Only bad part is that it kind of overstimulates you once in a while. Makes you feel all wired. Have to stop the dose for a day or two and it gets normal."

"I've been taking 4.5 mg naltrexone for about 45 days. It has helped my pain better than anything in the 20 years I have been suffering with fibro. I still have some bad days but for now I'm seeing more good days and even a great day or two and far less bad days. Until now, I was having pain every day of my life. I had to see many doctors and had not even heard of this medicine for fibro. I'm getting my life back on track at last."

"I have Complex Regional Pain Syndrome/Regional Sympathetic Dystrophy. I started LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone, 4.5mg) during a Stanford double-blind trial in January 2016 and received a month's supply. During the first week, I felt some of the muscle cramping associated with Naltrexone, but that and my nerve pain subsided after about a week. The next three weeks sailed by, and my activity level increased as I was essentially free of CRPS/RSD nerve pain. The chronic pain in my lower back was significantly decreasing too. When my supply ran out, I experienced some of the CRPS/RSD pain, but not at the level I'd had before. That wasn't the case with my chronic lower back pain, and that came rearing back. It was a month before my doctor could get me the compounded LDN. Again, my pain has dissipated. Weaning off Gabapentin soon!"

"This drug is a miracle drug for me. I'm currently 24. I've been living with fibromyalgia symptoms since I was 20. The very first time I took a single 4.5 mg dose of Naltrexone, I awoke 4 hours later with no pain. It did, and still does, feel like I have a whole new body now. If you have a condition that causes chronic pain, I highly suggest you give low dose Naltrexone a try. Talk to your doctor about it. I can't promise it will help everybody, but for me it has made an incredible difference."

"I started low dose naltrexone (LDN) for fibromyalgia after years of feeling like a lab rat! It is amazing. I no longer feel like I am in a fog, everything is so much clearer. Pain is minimal. I still have an occasional flare but few and far between, mainly when I overdo it. I feel like I have gotten my life back. I do take it in the morning, 4.5mg, because it had been causing insomnia."

"Started Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN), which is known to modulate the immune system. It calms, sit down if necessary or kicks it in gear. Diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in 2010 with a rheumatoid factor (RF) of 361. Started antibiotic therapy (described at Rheumatic.org/faq) in September 2010. Summer of 2012, my RF was down to 25. Started LDN that fall. RF is now down to 14.9 (0-14.5 is normal). I have NO symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Even my doctor is impressed. The LDN helped boost my health overall. It even prevented my seasonal hayfever. I have found, however, that not all generics are created equal."

"I was diagnosed with MS in Dec 16. Had the most severe fatigue and leg numbness, didn't sleep for more than a few hours for years. Had extreme heat intolerance too. After just 5-10 min of doing exercise or work, felt like I was going to pass out. All of this combined made me so miserable, I couldn't grasp why I would need to go on. Copaxone seemed to help a little but the injection sites were all like a swarm of bees stung me. Researched Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) and couldn't believe the reviews. Emailed doc and he wrote a script without a second guess. Take about 3mg every night around 9 pm. Life-changing decision. No bull. Feel better than I have in 10 years. Heat tolerance is about 90% corrected except for a few off days. Energy is much better, and tingling is mostly gone."

"NO MORE WIDESPREAD MUSCLE PAIN!! Wonder drug!! I feel so GRATEFUL that my doctor has such knowledge about my condition and put me on this!! So happy to be able to get back to doing the normal things in life!! :)"

"I was so looking forward to starting naltrexone for my fibromyalgia and hoping to eventually get off my steroid, Aleve, azathioprine, and gabapentin. But I began to gradually feel worse with joint and muscle pain on the 1.5 mg dose. After 2 weeks, when I increased to 3 mg, widespread pain was off the chart, I lay in bed at night moaning and crying in pain. I stopped it the next day and have been feeling better. I am thinking about restarting at 1 mg and taking it in the daytime instead of PM. I am so very disappointed...."

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  • Naltrexone Tablets

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Vivitrol, Revia, Depade

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  • Naltrexone monograph
  • Naltrexone (FDA)

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Vivitrol, Revia

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