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Generic Name: Namenda for Alzheimer's Disease (memantine)

Namenda for Alzheimer's Disease Reviews

"Mother-in-law has Alzheimer’s and it was severe to where she went into a memory care. Once she started Namenda, within the second week, it was like she was back to her old self. She was able to get up by herself, dressed like she had prior to the Alzheimer's. It was truly unbelievable. This medicine has given us more time with our loved one. She was active, psychotic, delusional, and hallucinating 24/7. Unbelievable. I cannot say enough good things about this medication. She was tired the first week, but that was good, better to rest than to be awake and delusional. I think she is ready for an increase where she is getting her nighttime/early morning bad dreams back again. But it has been 2 years since she started this medication. Please, everyone, give this medication time to work. It is a miracle medicine. Give it at least 2 weeks at the same time daily. I read reviews and it can be a mess just after a few days. The med is fully working, yet please give it another chance and more time. Amazing."

"My mother has been taking Namenda for Alzheimer's for over a year now. She was first prescribed Aricept which made her more anxious/hyperactive & no noticeable positive impact. After 2 weeks of Namenda, there was noticeable improvement in her cognitive abilities. In fact, the light bulb finally went off & she realized she had Alzheimer's. She spent the next several days on the phone breaking the news to family and friends, who had known for over 2 years by that time. My opinion: Namenda keeps her in 2013 - in the present. Her logic, reasoning, problem-solving skills, short-term memory, comprehension, and communication skills are impaired from the disease, but she recognizes this and acknowledges her feelings of confusion."

"It was a wonderful drug for my mother, with dementia, at 77. They first prescribed Aricept, which caused nausea. Asking the doctor 'what other drug may work'? She recommended Namenda. It became a miracle. It did not rectify some of the mental losses, but she no longer experienced hallucinations (in jail; on a boat). It came at the end of the year when insurance wouldn't pay for the drug. So I waited for two weeks without drug to resume insurance at the first of the year. During this time she regressed mentally. As soon as I started it again, she improved-true testament. I was able to have my mom back for two years until a stroke. I swear by Namenda for only my mother. I tell everyone. As with any drug, it may not work for others, but it was truly a godsend for my sweet mother. She and I were lucky."

"We started my Dad on Namenda, and by day 2, he was more confused, lost, and irritable than usual, so my Mom stopped it. The doctor asked her to start again, and the same day, he experienced the same side effects, so she stopped. Last week, she decided to try it one more time to make sure. Dad was VERY confused and not easy to take care of. I guess he is just one of those people that can't take this medication. Too bad. It helps so many people."

"Horrible drug! No help at all, and they wanted my dad to take more! He just passed away from surgery complications, but after being off it, he was NORMAL. The doctor had him on so many meds, this being one along with Zoloft. These mind-altering drugs are BAD! Also avoid Haldol. If you have a loved one, PLEASE get them off these. I don't buy into these did wonders for my mom or dad, probably written by the drug companies' reps. Watch the World News, EVERY OTHER AD is a drug ad. The less you take, the better. I'm sorry we gave these to my dad."

"I have taken it for about 4-5 years. I feel able to cope pretty well considering. I live by myself and manage to do most things. I still have memory issues, but so do most people. I have been fortunate not to have had adverse effects of any consequence."

"My father has significantly improved since taking Namenda and Aricept combined, as well as 24-hour caregiver support at home. We believe that the combination has helped dad's cognitive function not just by medication alone, but because he had companionship 24 hours a day. Dad was confused, always thought he was at work and wanted to go home. He forgot who we were and even made sexual moves towards people he would not have otherwise when he did not have Alzheimer's. The symptoms or behaviors he still has are occasional memory loss but very little. He is still paranoid and thinks people are stealing from him or going on his property when they are not, and he occasionally still sees people or animals that aren't there. But the confusion of who we were, where he was, and the wandering and wanting to 'go home' even when he was home is no longer an issue. My dad is only 73, and he was diagnosed last year with Alzheimer's."

"My mother has been treated with the Exelon (patch) for two years now. Last month she was changed to Namenda. She has become irritable, aggressive/depressed and more confused than before. We are asking the doctor to switch back to Exelon."

"My sister has moderate frontal lobe Alzheimer’s. She was extremely agitated, angry, and weepy. She was withdrawing into herself and had little awareness of her surroundings and had difficulty with dressing and toileting. Literally, after the first day of Namenda 20 mg, it was like someone turned the lights on. It’s been 2 months now, and she is aware and able to go for walks by herself; dress herself and play the piano. Her memory and executive function continue to be poor. Nothing short of a miracle. Not sure how long this will last."

"My mother has taken Namenda twice now. The first time she was so confused after a week, I stopped giving it to her. She has gotten worse over the years and for some reason her doctor had given me a new prescription for the same medicine. I tried it for two days and saw my mother become extremely confused, so I stopped giving it to her. I don't know why he insisted on Namenda after I told him it didn't work the first time."

"My PCP put me on Namenda to supplement my Aricept for Alzheimer's disease. Seems to help my short-term memory. However, my memory lapses happen every 2 weeks or so and only for a short period. When it is working, I can think clearly. I'm 62 and thankful for this medication."

"My mom is 94. We started her on this medication because she was confused to the point of argument, mostly in the late afternoon till bedtime. After 5 days of treatment, she seemed to be worse, starting when she wakes up. Not sure what to do except to call the doctor on Monday to ask what we should do."

"My mom has been on this medication for one year, and her condition (dementia) is getting worse. She's hallucinating, aggressive, and extremely confused. It seems as if this medication is making things worse and speeding up the progress of the dementia. This drug should not be on the market. I will bring her to her psychologist soon, and I will be asking for this drug to be taken off her daily medication intake. Please say no to this drug."

"My wife (74) has been taking Namenda since the first diagnosis of Alzheimer's two years ago. She also takes any supplement that promises to help retain or improve memory. Her memory has stayed about the same or gotten a little worse in that time. She has also taken Aricept during the same period."

"My mother has been taking it for one month and her dementia - which was mild - has gotten worse. She is confused and thinks that my brother lives with her. She was taking samples as she cannot afford the medicine."

"My dad took this medication, and on the 7 mg and 14 mg did quite well. At first, I thought it was a miracle drug. Being time-released was wonderful, but it was so dang expensive. Almost $220.00 for a two-week supply. We got the generic from the VA, which is not time-released, and it was awful. We took him off it, and the hallucinations continue, but at least they are friendly people."

"After 2 years of taking Namenda at age 93, she is no worse. It may have helped by slowing down or stopping this terrible condition."

"Mom has taken it since 2007. Wish it was a time-release medication. Too hard to get Alzheimer's patients to take medicines even once a day. It does help but may cause dehydration."

"My mother has taken Namenda since it was approved. I think it may help slow the neurological decline of a patient."

"Patient exhibits no improvement after 12 months of supervised treatment."

"Wife has taken for 2 years, no improvement, steady decline in symptoms."

"Three days in to this drug and find the condition worsening for mom dramatically."

"My mother has taken Aricept for 5 years. Dr. added Namenda immediately caused two falls. Broken shoulder, then a broken wrist. This drug should not be used!"

"My wife started with two a day in conjunction with Exelon patch. Was dizzy, so went to one a day. After 8 months, her short memory is worse, so we want to go to the two a day routine."

"I have just started taking Namenda. I am only 53 years old. My 98 year old grandmother is on it and has worked very well for her for about 10 years now. I hope it works for me."

More about Namenda (memantine)

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  • Side effects
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  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • Drug class: miscellaneous central nervous system agents
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Namenda drug information
  • Namenda (Memantine Solution)
  • Namenda (Memantine Tablets)

Professional resources

  • Namenda prescribing information
  • Memantine (AHFS Monograph)

Other formulations

  • Namenda XR

Related treatment guides

  • Alzheimer's Disease