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Generic Name: NP Thyroid for Hashimoto's disease (thyroid-desiccated)

NP Thyroid for Hashimoto's disease Reviews

"I am in a Hashimoto's support group, and there's a big red flag right now about Acella's NP Thyroid. People are reporting a return to hypo symptoms and that the pills have changed in smell, appearance, and taste. I know I was feeling great, but as of my mid-summer refill, I have gone downhill with symptoms. Acella says they haven't changed anything. Then why are the pills different (size and have flecks in appearance)? This would be the 4th NDT thyroid medication to suddenly change, sending goodness knows how many people back into sickness. Don't let this go unresearched!"

"Switched from Nature Throid to NP Thyroid last summer and was delighted, it worked great. However, this new refill, obtained fall of 2019, has been terrible. My body is exhausted, my brain non-functional, all my symptoms came roaring back with a vengeance. Scary. I read somewhere they were getting their raw material (pig thyroid) from a new supplier, which clearly is not working. Please get it together, NP, you are losing customers in droves."

"Manufacturer clearly changed the formulation. Ingredients are different, and it doesn't work--I hate when they do this. In 2017-18, they did it to NatureThroid, and before that, they changed Armour several times. People rely on this medication, and manufacturers could care less! Awful!"

"I'm here today to find out if anyone else has noticed a urine-like taste/smell from their NP Thyroid tabs lately? I've been taking NP Thyroid for years now, and I feel as well on this almost as well as I did on Nature Throid, which is my overall favorite. But I never tasted this before. My thyroid journey: Nature Throid was unavailable in my area for quite a while, and I did Armour, but it was expensive, so I was offered NP. All of the natural options have made me feel better than Synthroid ever did in the 17 years I took that. No one checked my free T3 back then, nor told me I had an autoimmune disorder. My doctor just said you have an underactive thyroid, here, take Synthroid."

"If I could list -1 as a rating, I would. Proceed with caution with this medication. I did not know what was happening to me until I spoke with two mutual friends over the holiday weekend. The confusion, depression, exhaustion, unable to sleep, and rapid heartbeat are the short list. I started NP Thyroid in May of 2019 and reached out to my doctor to switch me back to my RX in October. I've been on my old script for less than a month, but my symptoms are still present. Gained 15 lbs quickly, and joint pains are overwhelming. My life has been affected! Be careful... please!"

"I started taking this medication when I could no longer get WP thyroid. I was happy with the switch until this last refill in the beginning of October. I’ve gained almost 10 pounds, my joints hurt, the medicine smells and tastes horrid. I don’t know what they did, but they did something. If I complain to my doctor, she’s going to stick me back on Synthroid, and I’m going to get even sicker. Please fix this."

"I started out on WP, and after the shortage, I switched to NP. My life has been great. I lost 40 pounds and felt completely normal after going gluten and dairy-free along with NP. I got my refill last week and got so sick after just one dose. I react like there’s something I have an intolerance to. My throat burns, and my stomach hurts, plus the nausea all day. I cannot eat. I had my doctor switch me to Armour, but with all my intolerances plus Celiac, my abdomen blew up, and I was so bloated I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I honestly don’t know what to do now. I feel like I was just given a death sentence. This is so wrong. Acella needs to be held accountable for this. Stop playing with lives! I called them, and the person I spoke to did admit they changed things. I was told they changed their supplier of the active ingredient of pig thyroid. She wouldn’t say where they now get it. Who knows."

"This medication has done wonders for me, good and bad. My energy level went up, and I lost a ton of weight. I’m actually underweight now. But over the past month, my mental health has suffered greatly. I’m so depressed and anxiety-ridden. I blow up over everything and just feel utterly hopeless. It’s scary how much I don’t care about anything anymore. Is there anyone else that feels this way? I honestly don’t know if it’s my regular life stress or this medication."

"I’ve been on Armour thyroid for over 10 years, taking 60 mg daily. My prescription got filled with NP thyroid this last time. When I received it, I saw the change, quickly looked it up, saw desiccated thyroid and figured it was fine. I finished my Armour and switched over. I was also recently diagnosed with type 2 narcolepsy for which I’ve been taking Modafinil for the last 4 months. So when I started developing headaches, palpitations, hypertension, and GI bloating, and let’s just say it-farts-I actually thought it was that. Even though it’s only been about a month of those symptoms. Today as I sat here and pondered why the headaches and increase in BP, I thought of the thyroid medication switch and started poking around. And here I found some answers. Along with reading the differences in Armour and NP. I won’t take it tomorrow or the next day, until they give me Armour back. Be alert to what feels good, right, and normal. Be persistent in your health!"

"NP Thyroid used to be a great, life-changing medication, but now just seems like a placebo pill covered in cat pee. My Hashimoto symptoms are returning, as well as a gratuitous stomach ache after ingestion. I can’t take this medication anymore! I returned the first refill after being told I got a bad batch, and it was replaced by the same smell/taste combo."

"I have been doing well on Armour for many years now. Unbeknownst to me, the pharmacy switched me to NP Thyroid by Acella. Within a few weeks, all of my hypothyroid symptoms came back with a vengeance. I gained weight, got a puffy face, stopped sleeping, was constantly fatigued, and my migraines increased exponentially. Once I switched back to Armour, I felt like myself again. Now I always pay close attention while filling my prescription."

"Was on NP Thyroid and felt like I was seeing results, then the size of the meds looked different the last 2 refills, and yet my prescription was still the same. I have been going downhill since and feeling crappy again, something has changed with this medication."

"Please do not take NP Thyroid when I was first diagnosed with hypothyroidism they prescribe me this medication. I wouldn't advise anyone to take it I almost died from it I was going crazy rocking back and forth filling so irritable heart racing, sweating, wanted to pull my hair out but not just normal side effect - like imagine those side affect x100 and I’m not even being dramatic. I finally had to call 911. I tried to explain to my love ones and all these doctors and E.Rs there’s something really bad with this medication they all said don’t worry keep taking it it’s new and your body is just trying to get use to it. That was rubbish. Please always trust your instincts. I decided to stop that medication on my own it took me like a whole month to recover I was left like I was spinning the whole time I couldn’t walk without holding on to somebody and taking small steps. A year later a get a envelope that it was a drug recall and that they added 100x more of a dose so I was not crazy"

"I started taking NP Thyroid in March 2019 after 20 years on Synthroid. Once my dosage was correct, I began to feel so great. I felt like I was actually a functioning human being again. And then I got the 'new' batch in October and immediately felt terrible. I had zero energy, could barely walk down the stairs, deep hip pain. I examined the pills, and they looked different (speckles) and smelled terrible (now smelled like cat pee, instead of just kind of unpleasant). Thankfully, I had some of my old batch left and resumed taking that and immediately talked to my doctor about switching to a synthetic T4/T3 combo so this wouldn't happen again. I've been on the new meds for 5 days and not feeling well yet. Not sure if it's from the doses of bad NP I took or just getting used to new meds. This is just heartbreaking. So many people having terrible reactions to the 'new' formula while Acella is saying basically that it's all in our heads. I just want to feel better."

"I stopped taking NP Thyroid after my symptoms got the best of me. Aches, dry eyes, fatigue. When I called Acella, they said, 'batches can be different, but the standards are the same.' I told them to raise the bar. Their new 'batch' smells horrible, tastes even worse, has a different size and look, and makes me feel worse than ever. How can that be acceptable?"

"I am glad I checked this page, as I thought I was going crazy. I noticed that the NP Thyroid pill thickness had changed, as well as the color, and it had a much 'sweeter' taste to the pill, from what I had been taking. I chalked it up to a different batch, but since taking the new pill, I have had muscle aches, rapid heart rate, blurred vision, back aches, and joints that are 'out' or popping, along with a bad 'do not care' attitude. I have made a complaint to the manufacturer in hopes of getting my money refunded, to go back on Armour Thyroid. Awaiting the results of that... The biggest issue I have is now I will need to start another medicine and get blood checks ($$$) to get the dosage dialed in, after taking a year to get it finally right this last time! THANKS NP!!! It's all a money scam..."

"I too have noticed a different smell from my new prescription from August. They didn't smell pleasant to begin with, but this is downright putrid. I have also been experiencing heart racing and chest pain. I just recently developed rashes that come and go. What happened to NP Thyroid? Where can we get answers?"

"NP thyroid is HORRIBLE. I have been on Nature Thyroid for 6 years. I have taken two days of this NP and my heart is racing, I can't concentrate and vision changes. I NEED MY NATURE THYROID. What is wrong with pharmaceutical companies. I can't live without my thyroid pill. THE ONLY THAT WORKS IS Nature Thyroid. But now IT IS NOT AVAILABLE. WHAT????"

"Was switched to NP thyroid after Naturethroid was recalled. I was doing really well on the Naturethroid, but I tried to stay positive in taking this one. It smells and tastes disgusting. I noticed unexplained pain in my hip, constant indigestion, upset stomach, random diarrhea. 7 months in and my T3 is off the chart, T4 and TSH are super low, basically hyperthyroid. In the past month I developed horrible anxiety, crying randomly and uncontrollably, trouble sleeping, and fatigue. I barely recognize myself. Had a complete breakdown in the middle of an exam. My professors are mad and think I'm somehow incompetent although I kept trying to explain I didn't know what is going on. Finally went to the doctor and found out she had prescribed Armour but my pharmacy was filling NP instead. Am fighting with insurance to get Armour covered, but I can't continue with NP. My temporary dose of Armour already smells better than the NP. I'm praying this works, cause IDK what I'm gonna do if it doesn't."

"I have been on NP Thyroid since January 2019. BEWARE, I have been in the emergency room 4 times since starting this medication. It started with a racing heart for days, and my blood pressure would rise from 135/90 to 220/110 in one hour. I was very, very ill, went into the ER for this 4 different times. I got off this medicine, no more problems. This batch smells horrible too. BEWARE."

"Finally, a medication that works wonderfully! I have never felt better. So far, so good! Used to be on Naturethroid. Had heart palpitations, highs and lows. The Stop The Thyroid Madness Support Group I follow has its members highly recommending NP by Acella. However, I do not understand the shortages in these thyroid medications when they are so desperately needed! The AMA has a lot of catching up to do because their protocol is counterintuitive and productive for patients like me who have been un and underdiagnosed for years! Time to wake up!"

"I have just changed from desiccated thyroid to the new ones filled at Costco. Now I am having constant GERD. I rarely have had GERD. And this stuff smells and tastes like cat urine! Really strong cat urine. I am sleepy all the time again. Where do we contact someone to look into this? What's going on?"

"I've been on NP Thyroid for over 18 months, after having a terrible experience with Synthroid. For this entire time, it's always tasted like peanut butter. Weird, I know. After some adjustments on dosage, my levels improved continuously. Recently, it's begun tasting like ammonia, cat urine. My stomach rebels, and I cannot keep the medication down. I'm concerned about switching brands, but at this point, it's better than nothing. I'll be contacting the company and my pharmacy."

"I was unwilling to wait any longer for Nature Thyroid to get their new production facilities up and running, so I switched to NP Thyroid. I've been using it for only a couple of weeks, but the transition was completely seamless. I'm sleeping much better and feel well. The biggest surprise is I no longer have problems moving my bowels. On Nature Thyroid, I would need the aid of stool softeners and other products and would still struggle to produce 3 or 4 bowel motions in a week. Now, on NP Thyroid, I go effortlessly a minimum of twice daily like clockwork. I have never been this regular. Very happy with NP Thyroid!"

"Pharmacist substituted Armour RX with NP two months ago. I didn’t notice because I didn’t read the label (12+ years taking the same thing.) Weight gain, headache, equilibrium/balance off, blurry vision, joints ache, picking up a pitcher of water difficult, memory issues. I’ve missed 4 of the last 5 days of work (I rarely take leave) because driving the hour to work is too exhausting. Only realized the switch yesterday when I called the pharmacist to request replacement pills-figured I had a “bad batch” of Armour."

More about NP Thyroid (thyroid desiccated)

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: thyroid drugs
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • NP Thyroid drug information

Other brands

Armour Thyroid, Nature-Throid, Westhroid, WP Thyroid

Professional resources

  • Thyroid monograph
  • Thyroid Tablets (FDA)

Other brands

Armour Thyroid, Niva Thyroid, APur Thyroid

Related treatment guides

  • Hashimoto's disease
  • Underactive Thyroid
  • TSH Suppression
  • Hypothyroidism, After Thyroid Removal
  • Thyroid Cancer