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Generic Name: Nytol (diphenhydramine)

Nytol Reviews

For Insomnia "I used to worry, thought I was going mad in a hurry Gettin' stressed, makin' excess mess in darkness No electricity, something's all over me, greasy Insomnia, please release me and let me dream Of makin' mad love to my girl on the heath Tearin' off tights with my teeth But there's no release, no peace I toss and turn without cease Like a curse, open my eyes, rise like yeast. At least a couple of weeks Since I last slept, kept takin' sleepers But now I keep myself pep Deeper still, the night I write by candlelight, I find insight Fundamental movement So when it's black This insomnia takin'-original-tack(?) Keep the beast in my nature Under ceaseless attack... I gets no sleep I can't get no sleep"

For Insomnia "My friend recommended these, she said she had 2 and had the best night's sleep ever. I've been struggling to get into a sleep where I'm not thinking all the time, so I thought I would try these. I'm normally in bed by 9 and in the thinking/worrying light sleep. Tonight, again before 9, I've taken 2, it's now 1 am and I'm absolutely wide awake, listening to both my husband and my dog in the deepest of sleeps. Both snoring, my husband grinding his teeth and swinging his legs. I honestly can't believe just how awake I am. I have never been like this, feel like I need to go out for a night on the town. I dread the morning when I've got to go to work... who knows when I will finally sleep."

For Insomnia "I tried Nytol 50mg for the first time to ease insomnia, but so far all it has done is keep me wide awake through the night with uncomfortable headache, dry mouth & throat, and leg pains. I should have just taken a chance with the usual three hours of sleep. Taking Nytol is such a waste and a horrible experience."

For Insomnia "Nytol. Where do I begin? If I could give less than 1, I would. By far the worst thing I ever tried. I suffer from mild insomnia. It takes a long time for me to fall asleep and then I wake most nights 3-4 times, zapping in and out of light sleep. I decided to try these as my mum swears by them. I took it an hour before bed as suggested. About 2 hours later, still awake, the restless legs started. I never suffered with this before. It lasted until 4:30 am. Never have I been so frustrated trying to sleep. I tried again the second night. It was WORSE! What a waste of money, don't bother."

For Insomnia "It is now 02:20 am, having taken a Nytol tablet at 22:15. This is the sixth night I have taken one, so I have given it a good go. I started taking them because I wake frequently during the night and have restless legs, but the Nytol has made things worse. Tonight I haven't slept at all."

For Insomnia "So awful! I never have an issue going to sleep, I just wake up too early. I took these as I had a long journey the next day. I was awake till 3:50 AM, really restless and buzzing! Felt like I was wired on coffee! Woke feeling exhausted and just terrible! They have the opposite effect - I’m throwing the rest in the bin and now have to drive for three hours feeling so awful!"

For Insomnia "I have been using Nytol for 7 days, and it has not worked at all. I suffer from chronic insomnia. Apparently, this product is clinically proven to help sleep? Really? I noticed nothing other than a fuzzy head and dry mouth, and I have been awake all night, the same as usual. Sick of people saying they have something that helps when it is rubbish. The only thing that has worked for me has been prescription meds."

For Insomnia "I had been suffering from insomnia and restless legs, so the doctor gave me a week's course of sleeping tablets, which obviously worked brilliantly. When they were gone, I went back to no sleep all night once again, so I tried Nytol as a last resort. I have taken two an hour before I want to sleep for two days now, and they have absolutely done the trick. I'm surprised, to be honest, because most of the reviews are so poor! They make me feel relaxed, and before I know it, I'm asleep. It's wonderful! I did have a slight headache the next day, but no dry mouth and only very minor drowsiness in the morning. I highly recommend them, and I'm so glad to have found something that works."

For Insomnia "I’m nothing if not fair. I tried Nytol twice, and on both occasions, I actually didn’t sleep at all either night. This is unusual for me, I at least get some sleep, but literally on both occasions, I was up all night. Have binned the rest of the pack. Useless product, waste of money, made my condition worse. If I could give a minus rating, I would."

For Insomnia "I bought these Nytol from Boots and the man behind the counter the pharmacist didn't even ask me any questions. They do work but I have anxiety and a history of panic attacks. These made me panic because I was going off to sleep but because I knew it was from the tablet I panicked and felt out of control. I felt shaky and had two panic attacks. These make you feel very strange in a way that isn't nice. That normal internal chatter you have in your head is cut off so you are relaxed but feel disconnected with yourself they make you feel drowsy and not alert. Also gave me diarrhea. So overall horrible experience."

For Insomnia "I have trouble falling asleep. Took this medication as recommended by pharmacy. Had terrible side effects. It made me feel like throwing up, gave me horrific nightmares, made my hands feel numb, I was left disorientated and genuinely had me thinking that life was over. Maybe it works for other people, but for me was more harmful."

For Insomnia "I took the tablets at 11 PM and am typing this at 3:19 AM. They seem to have had the opposite effect on me and are keeping me awake. It usually takes me about an hour to get off to sleep, and then I'm up several times in the night, so I thought I would give them a go, but I'm wide awake and feel absolutely alert. Needless to say, I won't be taking any more of them."

For Insomnia "First off I read the instructions on the box which says 2 things! Firstly you can take one an hour before you go to bed (mistake) as it won't work that fast and your even more awake cause your waiting for the effects!! Now the second point they make is much more advisable where you take one probably around I would say 6pm as it gives your body much more time to acclimatize to the product. For me I only took one just before I went to bed but it's much more a delayed reaction so I found that I was quite groggy the next day (mistake). So it definitely works and I had a few funny dreams but who cares? Probably try not to lay in bed too much when night becomes day and get your self into a good pattern as you will be trying to over compensate with nytol"

For Insomnia "I take Nytol on nights I really can't get to sleep. My experience is that they don't work very fast, but when they do, I sleep pretty soundly. Unfortunately, the result in the morning is that I feel like I have a hangover, and I often sleep through my alarms."

For Insomnia "Worked well for me . You have to be tired anyway , so get some exercise , cut some caffeine , and take a nytol. Maybe they won’t knock you out like a Valium or other , but they give you a gentle push in the right direction. Once you get to sleep you remain asleep . Well I did anyway ."

For Insomnia "I took nytol for the first after months of a lack of sleep and always feeling tired. Worse thing I could have tried. Seems this acts as a stimulant for me cause I couldn’t sleep all night and was wide awake tossing and turning. Now I’m even more tired. Won’t be trying them again"

For Insomnia "I usually takes prescribed medication from the GP, due to constant pain. On asking for medication to sleep from the Doctor she recommended Nytol - got the absolute best nights sleep the first in a long long time of never ending sleepless nights. I think you have to believe the meds is going to work for it to work. I read the reviews about the product being useless. I totally disagree Nytol Blue suits me fine."

For Insomnia "Absolutely useless - did not help insomnia at all. All I got were nightmares / vivid dreams. Nytol blankly refused to refund cost - their attitude was every one reacts differently. No wonder drug companies make money !"

For Insomnia "Couldn’t believe the effect these things had! Rather than falling asleep I was irritated, restless and slept almost zero minutes all night. Never again. Save your money, not only does this product not help you sleep but achieves the exact opposite!"

For Insomnia "I have used this product for two weeks now and have found absolutely no difference in my sleep pattern. I am still taking nearly an hour to get to sleep, then waking two or three times during the night."

For Insomnia "Don't use this medicine if you have any history of mental health issues. Took me so long to realise this was making me so mentally ill, I was as close to committing suicide as I ever have been while taking this at a dose of 50mg. Gave me serious shaking leg syndrome bit that I could deal with the next day I was so knocked out I almost didn't feel alive, the worst feeling I have ever had. I am so happy I read about about antihistamines and how they effect the brain they should be illegal. Crazy drug but hay someone's making a profit so oh well !!! P.S this is my experience my mother uses nytol and has no problem with it what so ever so I'm just pointing out to be careful please :)"

"My last 2 nights taking nytol had opposite effect on me took them to help me sleep for work,I normally dose off at 3 with my insomnia with nytol it was 6 or 7 missed two days work won't be taking these again."

For Insomnia "Don’t work at all. Have used ambien and zopiclone in the past to good effect but wanted something more natural but these had no effect whatsoever. Total waste of money and time and now can’t take anything else tonight as this is in my system! Would have been better to take one of the others in the first place."

For Insomnia "Absolutely useless I took 2 Nytol and I was up all night then I have every single side effect I still have a headache 12 hours after I will not be taking them again be very wary with these tablets they make you stay awake all night xanex and diazepam are the best to get to sleep"

For Insomnia "Have been taking Nytol for 2 weeks now since severe flu knocked my sleep pattern out, having no effect at all, it is absolute rubbish. Don't make me feel sleepy at all, if anything the opposite - spend many hours awake staring at the clock! Have tried taking one early in the evening and one before bed as advised still doesn't work... Oh and they smell funny and taste even worse, they are going in the bin waste of money."

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: anticholinergic antiemetics
  • Breastfeeding

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Professional resources

  • DiphenhydrAMINE monograph
  • Diphenhydramine Oral Solution (FDA)

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Benadryl, Benadryl Allergy, Diphen, Dicopanol

Related treatment guides

  • Insomnia