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Generic Name: Ogen (estropipate)

Ogen Reviews

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I've been using Ogen for the past 5 years and really cannot live a normal life without it. I had a total hysterectomy at 32 years of age, was on Premarin for about 15 years knowing the ingredients, then on Estratest for about 2 years before going cold turkey without anything for 2 years. Those 2 years were hard. I just wanted to go to the top of a building and jump off. I tried other natural things, but they didn't work. I finally went to a Doctor in Canada to get an prescription for Ogen. Now I discover that it is no longer being manufactured. Someone needs to start re-manufacturing it - PLEASE !"

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I have used Ogen for over 30 years - following a hysterectomy at 38 years of age. It is absolutely wonderful. I have experienced no side effects. I take the name brand, because generics don't work for me. Following Hurricane Katrina, when my doctor's office was destroyed, and I didn't know where to contact her, I went without my Ogen for three months. I then learned just how beneficial it was to my quality of life, healthwise. I am distressed to learn from my pharmacist that Ogen is no longer being manufactured. At least it isn't available in the Jackson, Mississippi area. I'm going to try the generic brand as a last resort."

For Oophorectomy "I was in a state of shock yesterday when I found out that Ogen was discontinued!!! Have been on it for 31 years and in perfect health, heart and bones are remarkable and bloodwork is of a 20 yr old. No side effects what so ever with this medication. MD had tried several other Estrogens and felt absolutely horrible with many side effects. Why in the world would the pharmaceutical company discontinue this med that provided so much relief to women . In my opinion they should take all the other estrogen meds off the market, esp. Premarin which causes more harm than good. Hope the drug companies re-think this one. So sad, esp for me now!!!!"

For Oophorectomy "I was on Ogden after my hysterectomy and never once had a problem..Since then, I’ve had hormonal hell. I have tried so many other forms of estrogen with disastrous out comes. I am now on the generic form, it’s not even close to the same. My hot flashes have returned and my sleep quality isn’t the same. My once happy personality has also suffered. I have depression when I didn’t have it at all on Ogen. I sure wished that the pharmaceutical company would remake Ogen once again, the Watson Brand of estriopipate isn’t even close."

More about Ogen (estropipate)

  • Check interactions
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  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: estrogens

Patient resources

Other brands

Ogen 1.25, Ogen 2.5, Ortho-Est

Professional resources

  • Ogen prescribing information

Related treatment guides

  • Atrophic Vaginitis
  • Hypoestrogenism
  • Oophorectomy
  • Osteoporosis
  • Postmenopausal Symptoms
  • Primary Ovarian Failure