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Generic Name: Oxazepam for Alcohol Withdrawal (oxazepam)

Oxazepam for Alcohol Withdrawal Reviews

Serax (oxazepam) "I was prescribed 15 mg of Serax to take the edge off my anxiety while trying to stop drinking. I didn't have bad withdrawal (i.e., trembling, convulsions, etc.), but I needed something to take the edge off. Serax was great for that. I knew when I took a dose around 'happy hour' time that I couldn't drink because of the medication, so I simply moved on with my life. It made me sleepy, and I slept well and woke up with a great deal of energy. Then I read about the addictive aspect of Serax. My doctor said it was safe to use for 2-3 weeks, but I was feeling addicted after five days and stopped. Given the choice of alcohol or Serax addiction, I'd vote for Serax. My life was good using it."

"I was prescribed 30 mg oxazepam daily (as needed) for anxiety and insomnia a couple of weeks after I quit drinking alcohol. It worked wonders for me for both of those problems, no 'drug hangover' when I take it for sleep - it lets me sleep rather than makes me sleep, and slows my thoughts down enough when I am anxious or panicky so that I can function. I am also certain that this medication helped me to stick to my decision to become a non-drinker. Have been taking it for over a year, and have not felt the need for increased dosage. Only problem I have with oxazepam is the cost."

"I wrote a comment and forgot to rate 10/10. I don't think anyone else here has commented on its use (under medical guidance) for ACUTE opiate withdrawal from long term opiate replacement therapy drugs such as methadone/suboxone I'd already gotten my life back together due to the opiate replacement (methadone) but I just outgrew the methadone, as it was holding me back from further life successes. This drug made the last week of my titration (dropped 50mg in 5 weeks, of methadone) bearable. If you know methadone, you know dropping 50mg in 5 weeks is basically hell, but I was happy throughout 'cause I'd addressed the underlying issues of my addiction, thus I was ready. I used Serax for one week, on a specific taper, to alleviate the worst symptoms and debilitating anxiety rapid opiate withdrawal causes. It worked. Listen to your doctors and don't play with your dosing. I mean, misusing prescribed Oxy is how I'd got my heroin habit in the first place."

"Received it in jail as I had to withdrawal from alcohol. I drank 12-15 pack cans for 2 years, booted about 2 g a day of meth anxiety ALWAYS and thus REALLY helped in jail and AFTER jail. Highly recommend"

"Unfortunately, I have done several alcohol detoxes. I was given a Librium once and it was a disaster bouncing off walls etc. I have been given Ativan three different places. That works best for me but in my experience they do not like to give that. One nurse told me it’s because it has a short half-life. I was only given oxazepam once. It was a nightmare for me. Gave me insomnia, my tongue swelled up and I got a rash. I can’t really tell you how well it worked for detox as I was coming off 11 1/2 months clean and only trying for one week. So I really don’t need detox I just need to remove myself from my situation or I was going to continue to drink. The place I was in was one of the worst. When I told him I was having a reaction they blew me off. When I refused medication and insisted on Ativan or even Librium and they said they don’t do that. It was the weirdest place I set a refused and somebody came in to hours later and said to pack my bags?"

Serax (oxazepam) "I was administered Serax 10mg HS for sleep while undergoing inpatient alcohol withdrawal. I was also administered Valium 10mg TID/QID to prevent seizure, along with Dilantin. Despite the medication, I experienced a withdrawal seizure of 3 minutes' duration which led to my being treated and released at a hospital emergency room, where I was administered exactly 1mg of Ativan and treated like dirt because of my status as an alcoholic. The Serax helped me to get a little sleep after three nights of total insomnia, which is a common experience for persons in alcohol withdrawal. The onset of seizure is exacerbated by the total sleeplessness. I recommend Serax for sleep during alcohol withdrawal, but benzodiazepines must be used with caution by persons with addictive personalities, as addiction to "benzos" is common, and withdrawal from "benzos" is a serious, life-threatening process due to 'status epilecticus:' a seizure that cannot be stopped, followed by months of severe panic attacks."

"I've been on high dose of opioid for the last 3 years generally 4 x OxyContin 80mg daily plus liquid hyrodmorphone, so got on oxazepam for High dose opiate withdrawal. I've since attempted to cease and the restless legs at night are unbearable I cannot sleep for more than one hour if I'm lucky. This has been going on for 2 weeks and I'm exhausted. I tried clonidine with my dr, I tried pregabalin, gabapentin, pramipexole, rotigotine, but no resolution. Oxazepam helps very minimally when taking it every 4 hours but alprazolam for me tends to work more effectively to stop the restless at night to finally relax those restless legs. Nothing will stop them bar more opioids or alprazolam. Oxazepam made me feel slightly drowsy but no real benefit for me unfortunately."

Serax (oxazepam) "This medicine worked well for my addiction to alcohol. Within a week's time, I was sober and feeling good, and a detox facility was not needed. All from the comfort of my own home."

"I first took this drug to help me quit drinking and it was very efficient. Try not to take it for too long, to be able to stop it easily ."

"I have used to help get off alcohol. No benefit of oxazepam"

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  • Insomnia
  • Alcohol Withdrawal
  • Anxiety