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Generic Name: OxyContin for Chronic Pain (oxycodone)

OxyContin for Chronic Pain Reviews

"OxyContin was life restoring for me. I never got high, and when my doctor left practice, I tapered myself off without any problems or addiction. Of course, I am suffering greatly because I have to deal with the severe intractable chronic pain again. I was hit twice by an 18-wheeler in the same accident. That, along with several autoimmune disorders, and two rare diseases keep me from participating in life. Unfortunately, because some people choose to be stupid and take illicit drugs to get high, those with severe intractable chronic pain are made to suffer, even though we have the lowest rate of addiction and abuse 0.3%. Now it's nearly impossible to get adequate (or any) opioid pain management!"

"My father has been on this drug for over 25 years, and I have been by his side the entire 21 years I have been alive. I have never once seen him misuse the drug, sell it, or abuse it in any way, shape, or form. He has 6 herniated disks in his back, a bad knee, and a bad hip. He is able to run his business and be extremely productive when he has his medication as he is not in pain when he does. But the DEA has started cutting people down simply because some doctors and some patients abused it. Because of the few, the majority are being hurt. I bet if the person at the DEA had anyone they know or themselves were in pain, they would NEVER make such a careless move as to make doctors afraid to prescribe it in fear of losing their license to practice. This drug is a miracle drug, and I have seen so much good come from it. Especially my father being able to live a normal life with the medication (:"

"I am a 62-year-old mom of 5, been a wife for 35 years. About 20 years ago, I was being treated for chronic bilateral back pain with sciatica, a herniated disc, and lumbar degenerative disc disease. That being said, I was prescribed 80 mg of OxyContin 3 times daily with Oxycodone 30mg immediate release for breakthrough pain. It was life-saving! I was able to function, work at our business, take care of my family, and do everyday tasks. Now, because of the 'OPIOID CRISIS', my doctor tells me I can no longer take this medication and has reduced me to 30mg of OxyContin twice per day and 20 mg of Oxycodone up to 2 times daily! By the way, since the very first diagnosis I described, I now have scoliosis of the thoracolumbar spine and postural kyphosis of the thoracic region. So, from someone like myself who doesn't abuse, sell, or give out my medication, why do I, along with so many people like me, have to be taken off a medication that offers them a chance to live a somewhat productive life with almost bearable pain??"

"I've been taking 80mg IR OxyContin for 15 years. With 30mg IR morphine, I have stage 3 lung cancer and colon cancer. My pain doctor stopped the 80s with no warning. I suffered for three months with withdrawals and had to go to the ER a lot. My pain has increased and the pain doctor won't do anything. He's scared of losing his license. Now the ER wants nothing to do with me. So I cry a lot sitting at home, wishing somebody would do something. I don't understand how they can't help me with the pain. I know they closed down Purdue, all those billions the lawyers took, but what about us, the people suffering from pain? Nobody cares about us."

"My problems are like many that I've read on this site. I take 20 mg. oxycodone (not OxyContin) x 4 daily. It does enough so that I can have a life. Still in pain, but as someone wrote, just tamping down the pain is all you can expect. I just wonder why oxycodone worked when pure morphine did nothing for pain, but going through withdrawal from it was pure nightmare. I have tried taking myself off oxycodone a few times because I feel ashamed about taking it, you know, can't just keep a stiff upper lip. Withdrawal from oxycodone was a walk in the park. How can you take a drug like morphine that has absolutely no effect while oxycodone does help somewhat with fewer side effects. It just doesn't make sense. I have come to the conclusion that I am stuck on painkillers for the rest of my life and just don't talk about it. Maybe they will develop a drug that kills the pain and doesn't cause addiction or dependence. Why are we still taking drugs that haven't really changed in 60 years or so?"

"It is a real shame that the OxyContin ER has been reformulated. I started taking 40 mg 3 times a day 5 years ago after having to quit my job after 45 years of service and going on disability. It gave me so much relief that I was able to do things I was unable to do for a very long time. After the reformulation, I went through real bad withdrawals because the medication was no longer as effective as it had been. I finally got through that and now I am struggling with all of the problems I had before I started taking it. I'm still taking it but I am suffering with severe fatigue and can barely get out of bed in the morning and have very little energy. I can no longer work in my garden or walk my dogs & have to learn to live this way again!"

"My doctor prescribed OxyContin after I'd been hit by an 18-wheeler, rolled down an embankment, and fractured my spine. I'd been taking high doses of acetaminophen for years and had liver damage from Halothane gas and then acetaminophen. He wanted me to take a single-dose opioid so that I wasn't taking more acetaminophen. Taking OxyContin was incredible. For the first time in years, my pain was under control. I took it for 3 years... Until the 'guidelines' went into effect. I successfully weaned myself off with no help and without incident. However, I've been bedridden for over two years because I've now exhausted all other things that have been suggested. Injections quit working, I've been to PT numerous times, taken antiseizure meds, psychotropic meds, and now I've given up. Unfortunately, I'm back to high doses of acetaminophen just to take a shower or sit up and chat for 1/2 hr."

"OxyContin seems to work really well for pain. But there are a few cons about this medicine for me. My body would get used to it, and I would need to up the dose. I went from 10mg (2x a day) all the way up to 30 mg (2x a day). It has always only lasted tops 7 hours instead of the advertised 12. It has never lasted 12 hours. When I started taking this medicine, by the 7th hour my legs would really be on fire again like clockwork. So 2 pills would last 14 hours instead of 24 like the manufacturer says. If you take this medicine, make sure you get some breakthrough medicine. Make sure you take Exlax with this medicine. You will be constipated."

"This 'awful drug', as reported by the media and the internet, has become the evil of prescription pain medication. But what you don't read or hear about is the thousands of people whose lives are made bearable by the use of this medication. I have had multiple major surgeries following a lifting injury 18 years ago, which left me with severe chronic pain caused by nerve damage during surgery. I have successfully taken 30 mg of OxyContin 3 times a day for 15 years without ever needing to increase the dosage. The misconception is that pain medication will take away the pain, which is wrong. Pain medication should only be used to take the edge off the pain, not eliminate it. OxyContin can be successfully used to take away enough of the pain over an 8-12 hour period for the patient to be able to at least function. Taking higher doses in order to eliminate the pain is where patients get in trouble, and can have fatal consequences."

"Was taking 10mg oxycodone 6 times a day for an operation that went horribly wrong. I was always dizzy, nauseous, and tired. Started OxyContin 20mg twice a day and changed my life. Less Percs, feel almost normal. Now if the pharmacists wouldn't treat us like dirt, life would be good. Highly recommend."

"I have taken this drug for over 20 years for chronic pain. If I stop 1 person from starting this drug, then it has been worth it. Initially, it was the best pain reliever I ever tried. The problem is it is very addictive and stops working. The only way to sustain relief is to increase the dosage. I started at 60 mg and wound up at 200 mg. Unfortunately, at that dosage over the years causes brain cell deterioration. Remembering things becomes difficult, like family functions. In time, you become a walking zombie and numb to everything around you. You will lose interest in life and become drug sick if you don't take your pill on time. Your relief will no longer be there because it stops working after time. I am off now and have my life back."

"I have Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis that affects everything in my body (organs and joints) but mainly my lower back. Spinal stenosis, bulging and degenerative discs, severe nerve damage from carpal tunnel in both hands, plus both hips and knees need surgery in the near future also. I take 80mg OxyContin 3 times daily plus Percocet 10mg 3 times daily for breakthrough pain. I have to take my pain medication first thing in the morning before I can take on my day. Have tried MS Contin and it worked fine, just did not last the 12 hours that they say it was supposed to, it was more like 6. Lortabs was like taking a placebo."

"I have been on strong pain medication since 2006 due to 13 spinal surgeries. Fentanyl, MS Contin, Roxicodone, were all effective at one point, but side effects and tolerance levels caused me to switch to OxyContin 40mg three times a day, with Roxicodone for breakthrough pain. Finding the correct dosage to avoid withdrawal symptoms was difficult, but finally my body has adjusted. First time in a VERY long time I am almost pain-free, with the least amount of side effects. I HIGHLY recommend giving it a try."

"I have chronic pain in my lower back, and this medication enables me to get out of bed each day and keep working. That said, I don't get the full 12 hours of sustained release. For me, it's more like 9-10 hours of relief before I feel it progressively wearing off (and supplement with a small dose of IR Oxycodone). Side effects? Finding the right dosage was tricky. Too little and I was in pain, but too much and I could barely keep my eyes open to function. I was fatigued the whole time and itchy all over. I've now found a stable balance between pain relief and side effects that is workable with the rest of my life. Overall, it's been a miracle medicine for me to relieve debilitating pain. I'm still in my 30s and am too young to be feeling 80 every day."

"I suffer from degenerative arthritis in my lower spine, which is slowly making its way up my back. At first, I was taking Oxynorm, which is the same as OxyContin but in an instant-release form. I began on 10mg a day, however, due to tolerance issues, this dosage quickly increased, leaving me in a state where I was so stoned I might as well have been drunk. Concerned about this, I spoke to my GP who changed me over to OxyContin, slow-release. After 3 years, once again due to tolerance, I am on 80mg 3 times a day. The pain relief is awesome, sometimes it's so effective I forget my back's stuffed. However, some of the side effects are bad, for instance, I forget to breathe, have trouble swallowing, and the constipation is horrendous."

"I’m a registered nurse and home care. In 2013, my car spun out, and I had numerous injuries, including a traumatic brain injury, three fractured vertebrae, a lacerated spleen, and three broken ribs. Since 2013, up until 2019, I had chronic pain day in and day out, around the clock, even when I took Tylenol. One day, I went to my doctor in tears because I tried taking a night class, but the driving and sitting in my car caused me too much pain. So she suggested I go to a pain center for treatment. Lo and behold, I was prescribed 10 mg of oxycodone three times a day, which I’ve been taking for over a year now, and I wake up in the morning, take my medication, and have level one pain, which is basically not much."

"I have been taking Oxy ER 20mg 3x a day plus up to 8 Oxy IR 5mg for the past 7 years. It has been a Godsend for me. I was in a bad car accident in 2008 in which I suffered from a bruised spinal cord plus it worsened already bad Degenerative Disc Disease, Arthritis, and Spinal Stenosis. In June 2009, I had a spinal fusion on my neck levels 5-7. After both, I was left with horrible arm, shoulder, and neck pain and mobility issues in my neck. I work a lot on the computer and meeting with people. If not for the medication, I would not be able to work. I still have some pain, but it is more of a tolerable background pain instead of a full nerve toothache. Please, folks, use responsibly, many of us need it to live and function. I worry it will go away."

"Severely hurt my neck all the way to my lower back. Was recently prescribed 30mg IR twice daily. I want to say this: For people suffering tremendous excruciating pain, it is an amazing excellent medication because it takes my pain away right away. However, for me, it is way too strong and I can’t function on it. When taken at night, I can’t wake up in the morning. I have made an appointment to go back to my doctor and switch back to Vicodin. To anyone reading: please don’t abuse or take unless you really need it, and for those taking it just to get high out there, stop! You are ruining it for the responsible people suffering and are risking their well-being for your selfish actions. I was responsible enough to see it was too strong for me. Please listen!!!"

"I've had chronic pain for over 9 years now due to fibromyalgia and rheumatoid after I had a neck fusion back in 2005. Every day I have a lot of pain that I couldn't get out of bed without taking my med first. I'm on OxyContin 20 mg 2 a day every 12 hours and Percocet 10/325 4 a day for breakthrough. OxyContin doesn't work for me really well, it lasts about 3 to 4 hours, then I have to take Percocet for breakthrough pain to help me some more. So, altogether with these two medications, I still have a lot of pain that I'm coping with. I wish the doctor would increase the OxyContin, but he doesn't want to, so I have to live with all this pain every day for almost 10 years now. You know it's really bad to live with chronic pain every day. SomeoneHelpMe."

"I have chronic pancreatitis - cause unknown (I do not drink alcohol). The pain from this disease is constant and severe. I take OxyContin 30 mg twice daily, and it is very effective in controlling the pain and keeping it, for the most part, at a tolerable level (about 4-5 on the 1-10 pain scale). For occasional episodes of breakthrough pain, which can be very bad, I have oral Dilaudid 2 mg. I do not take this often, only when needed. It helps me avoid trips to the ER for pain control. Dilaudid is not often prescribed for home use. I'm under the care of a pain specialist. Neither my GI nor endocrinologist can prescribe schedule II narcotics. Chronic pancreatitis is one of the most painful diseases a person can have."

"My PM doc ran me through the gamut of long-acting painkillers before settling on OxyContin. When I started seeing this PM doc, I had been taking 15 mg Oxycodone (IR) 6 times a day, and he told me we needed to get me on a long-acting medicine. We tried Exalgo, Opana, Avinza, Nucynta, and Exalgo again. They all seemed to provide adequate pain relief, just not for the amount of time they claim to. Back to old faithful, OxyContin/oxycodone hasn't failed me yet."

"I find OxyContin very effective, but it took some time to get it to where it was most effective. I found it most surprising that higher doses caused more pain. My doctor is great. He worked WITH me to adjust it many up & down on dosage. Best of all, WE were able to find a low dose of OxyContin & Oxycodone combination that has worked consistently for over a year now without adjustments. Find a doctor that is also a real partner in your health care!"

"I've been on OxyContin for 6 years now. Of course, my PM doc gave me the lowest dose and worked up from there. I am at the maximum amount they will give me, which is 80mg 3 times a day, plus Oxy IR 30mg 3 times a day, and Soma 350mg 3 times a day. It may seem like a lot, but over the years my body developed a tolerance to this medicine. Now I have been on this same dose for 3 years, and it is perfect. No need to take anymore. The bad thing is the DEA inspected my doc's office and asked him to switch all of his patients off of OxyContin to morphine. So now I am on morphine. I am finding that it does not work as well as the OxyContin."

"Degenerative Disc Disease. In 20 years, I have been through all the medicines a regular doctor can write a prescription for. Once in pain management, I started with 10 mg of OxyContin twice a day, then increased to 20 mg twice a day. Now I am on OxyContin 20 mg twice a day. OxyContin has worked for me in the long haul."

"I was on 4 x 5 mg Oxycodone IR for my pain. After a year or so, I felt I needed an extra pill to cover me for 24 hrs. Doctor switched me to OxyNeo 2 x 10 mg every 12 hours plus 5 mg of Oxycodone for breakthrough if needed. The first 2 days I felt great, OxyNeo took care of the pain, and I did not feel drowsy or tired. However, after the 3rd day, I started feeling very agitated and angry after I took my OxyNeo. I'm not sure what's going on. Has anyone reacted like this to long-acting Oxycodone? Too bad because I liked this long-acting one, but feeling angry all day is not worth it either."

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  • Drug class: Opioids (narcotic analgesics)
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Roxicodone, Xtampza ER, Oxaydo, OxyIR, ... +7 more

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  • Oxycodone (AHFS Monograph)

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Roxicodone, Xtampza ER, Oxaydo, RoxyBond

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  • Chronic Pain
  • Pain