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Generic Name: Oxytrol (oxybutynin)

Oxytrol Reviews

For Urinary Incontinence "I'm so pleased with this product. Day one and no leakage. I feel normal again and like it's safe to date again at 53. Pads, etc., don't come even close to feeling like a safe solution. My panties are dry and smell fresh. What a relief."

For Urinary Frequency "Great product. I have been on other drugs that gave me back side effects - rash, itching, dry mouth, constipation, headache, dizziness, back pain, etc. I urinate on average 20-40 times a day, approximately every 15-20 minutes. After using the patch, I went as long as 2 hours without using the restroom. My skin is irritated and red, but it's better than spending my whole day in the bathroom. I can't believe my doctor didn't put me on this over-the-counter drug first before spending hundreds of dollars on prescription medications. I have suffered for over 30 years with the issue of urgency and frequency, this is a miracle for me. Praise the LORD."

For Urinary Frequency "I have been on the patch for a month and am now very pleased with the results. The urgency was very annoying and affecting my work and my life. These reviews were all very helpful, and I referred back to them when I got depressed. My Dr. said to first try Kegels, or muscle exercises. Those weren’t the easiest to learn so I just skipped them and used the patch. I would have given it a 5 at that point, however, it was an improvement. The past 2 weeks I worked on the kegel exercises working from 2 seconds up to 10 seconds—10 reps, 3 times a day and would now give the patch a 9. I believe the combination of the patch and exercises work best for me. As far as the sticky residue it far outweighs the problem. I agree with those that say 3 days works better than 4. This past week has been the best because I’ve only felt the urge when I needed to use the bathroom. These reviews have all been very helpful."

For Urinary Incontinence "I have overactive bladder and uncontrollable go! I bought Oxytrol over the counter two days after it became available without a prescription. It works so great immediately and is just amazing! A real miracle! They do have to do something to improve the patch. I move it around to avoid the red irritation. It doesn't stay on well. It's too crinkly and doesn't stick well. It comes loose when I bend, when my clothes rub, and in the shower. It needs to be softer like a blister band-aid or even plain old band-aid; a more rubber or fabric-type patch. I love it but it feels like a waste of money when it won't stay on. I would give it a 10 if it was softer and stayed on!"

For Urinary Incontinence "I have been on the Oxytrol Patch, I find it a life changer. I don’t get that urge to pee every 20 minutes, and when I need to go, I can hold without having to make an emergency dash to the loo. When I first started, the backing was flexible, and the adhesive was strong. It would easily last up to 4 days if necessary. Lately, I am finding the backing is not as flexible (crackly) and will come off in the shower. I shower daily, so instead of 2 weeks, I seem to be using 7 a week. Not very economical. I know the backing is different compared to what it used to be. Unfortunately, you cannot contact the company to present this review."

For Urinary Frequency "After seeing a commercial for Oxytrol, I knew I had to give it a shot. I have had numerous occurrences that if I had not been wearing a Depend, I would have had a very embarrassing situation. I noticed a difference the very first day. No sudden urges and no accidents (or near accidents). I have gotten my life back! I want to shout it from the rooftops! Very, very happy with this product! So thankful it is now over the counter! I have read reviews about people saying the patch left adhesive residue, I've had no such problem. Also have not had it come off in the shower or pool. I think it might be improved if the patch were a bit rubbery, say something along the lines of a blister band-aid."

For Urinary Incontinence "The Oxytrol patch is a life changer for me. I was up to the highest poise product, short of a brief, and keeping extra clothes at work. I am 57. I woke up the first morning after applying the patch the evening before and knew this was the answer for me. I was able to calmly walk to the bathroom, only feeling a slight bladder fullness, and not the desperate 'it's too late' urgency. All day now, I can walk calmly to the bathroom, and only feel the slight bladder fullness when needing to go. I can't remember feeling this way in a long, long time. I have not had a single 'leak' or urgency feeling while wearing the patch. Thank you, thank you, thank you."

For Urinary Incontinence "I recently started using the patch. I have had to wear a pad every day prior to using it. I'm only on day 6, second patch, and I feel like my life has changed. I can walk, exercise, even sneeze, and have no problem. I was concerned about the adhesive because I have allergies and sensitive skin, but I haven't had an issue. I place the patch on my lower abdomen off to the side. I removed the excess adhesive with baby oil and q-tips. It came right off. I'll definitely keep using this product."

For Urinary Frequency "I have had the patch on for 24 hours, don't even know it is there. I cannot believe its effectiveness. The constant urge to urinate is gone! I have no feeling that I will have an accident and I don't have to visit the bathroom constantly to make sure my bladder is empty! My bladder actually feels calm. All other methods I have tried were failures right from the onset of use."

For Urinary Frequency "Okay. I've been using this for a few months now, and it's changed everything for me. It started working right away for me - I went to dinner with friends on the second night I had this on, and didn't have to go to the restroom once. Then, I walked around a park for a while with no urge. I got home before I even had to pee. AND I DRANK BOTH WATER AND COLA at the restaurant. I notice it starts to lose its effectiveness over time, sometimes well before the 4 days. Not sure if that's because of the chosen locations or what. Now and then, I take a week-long break altogether... Then try again and it works again. I guess I build up resistance over time and it needs to be reset. I use a waterproof bandage adhesive over the top of the patch to keep it on."

For Urinary Frequency "For two years urologists tried six different pill-form medications to try to help me with my 24/7 discomfort, pain, bladder spasms and need to use the bathroom a dozen or more times daily. It was horror, and nothing came close to helping until I was finally given the Oxytrol patch. Over a period of less than one week, it was as if my life was given back to me. Period. I was able to visit places without stopping to 'go' continually, again we enjoyed marital intimacy, and I no longer went sleepless or suffered terrible pain-- or a single side-effect. Thank you for your joint efforts in the launch of this medication. You have given many back a Life. I will be glad to boast your praises anytime, anywhere--for free."

For Urinary Frequency "For me, it took two patches, but on the fifth day they really started working! I am 63 and have had trouble with overactive bladder for the past ten years, off and on. It gets worse depending on what I ingest, food and medication wise. I am now in the bathroom every couple of hours instead of every half hour and always feeling the urge like I was. It's wonderful. Thanks for this product!"

For Urinary Frequency "I want to thank Merck and its scientists that developed this patch, and I am so glad it is over the counter now. I have worn the patch for one month now. I am on my second box and will be purchasing a third and so on... Oxytrol has changed my life back to normal. No more standing up and urine flowing out uncontrollably anymore. No more 12-15 trips to the bathroom a day. I travel, and now I can drive for 2-3 hours at a time without stopping for a bathroom. Now I change the patch on day 4. I did try to hold out for the 4th night, and while I did not have the urgency problem, I did have to urinate more frequently than if I go four days and three nights. The adhesive problems and the crinkling, I DON'T CARE, better than a diaper."

For Urinary Incontinence "I am 23 years old and dealing with a couple types of incontinence. Before I talked to my doctor about it, I came across these in my grocery store. I bought them on a whim and tried them out. It works really well, no more leaking or stress incontinence. Within 12 hours, I was no longer running to the bathroom. The only side effect I have is some constipation. A change in diet and laxatives seem to help. The patch is rather uncomfortable at times, but I'm still experimenting with placement. I change it every 4 or 5 days because the adhesive comes off after a while, usually in the shower. I'd like to see a better material, but I'm content for now. It's a lot better than taking a pill every day."

For Urinary Incontinence "While my problem is not major, I did have issues with the patch staying on and the sticky black residue when I took it off. The patch would only stay on for about 24 hours. I haven't had any side effects. I found a solution for the patches coming off etc. - use an alcohol wipe to clean the skin, leave the skin to dry, then put the patch on, then cover it with a patch of Elastoplast Elastowrap (or similar) bigger than the actual patch (about the size of the Oxytrol packaging) - I cut mine from the roll and make sure you cut the corners to make a curve. When my patch is due to come off, I take my patch off while in the shower with the water spraying on the area as this reduces the redness left by the patch. I found this out by trial and error, and hope this helps you."

For Urinary Frequency "This is my first day of using Oxytrol. Amazing! There is no comparison in the difference. I have not had urgency, leakage, or inability to control. I will continue to buy this product. I tried Azo, and it did not help at all. I am more than pleased with the Oxytrol."

For Urinary Frequency "I tried the Oxytrol patch and liked the effect on helping my overactive bladder, but it irritated my skin and caused such itching I couldn't continue it. I tried placing the patch in a variety of places to no avail. I see on this site that it seems to be a common occurrence."

For Urinary Frequency "What a difference the Oxytrol patch has made in my life. I was having to go to the bathroom 10 to 12 times in an afternoon. Since using the patches, I only go about 4 times. I have had no side effects."

For Urinary Frequency "ABSOLUTELY THRILLED. I'M AMAZED. I just turned 52 years old but have suffered from incontinence for the last few years and seem to go through 2 to 3 'super-plus' Poise or Tena pads each day, plus one at night. I saw an ad on TV yesterday for Oxytrol and bought a 4-pack ($16.99) on my lunch hour and put one on about 1:15 pm. And while certainly NOT recommended for someone with my condition, my co-workers and I go out on Mondays for a few cocktails, and I always make sure I have extra pads in my purse. We're talking LESS THAN 5 HOURS and a few Miller Lites, I stayed totally dry and only leaked when I was just about to sit down on the toilet. THAT IS A MIRACLE."

For Urinary Incontinence "I have overactive bladder and incontinence really bad for being in my late 30s. I never thought a single patch for 24 hours could even function for my dysfunctional bladder. I put it on for the first time after I showered before bed, and waking up I didn't feel as full and didn't have to rush to the bathroom. During the day, no leakage at all when I walk and no urge. I feel normal again. All I know is whoever invented this is a genius because it is so nice to not wear pads, but please just reduce the price a bit."

For Urinary Frequency "I am 19 years old and started using this patch. I had surgery to stretch my bladder a year ago (apparently my bladder quit growing at a young age). Before, I had to go to the bathroom every hour and a half, and the surgery was only a temporary fix. This patch worked wonders! Not only do I go less, but I can also hold it in for a lot longer!"

For Urinary Frequency "All my life, I've had to deal with an overactive bladder. It made me to the point where I was 18 and still wetting the bed at night, as well as leaking throughout the day. When I first tried this, I saw a huge difference. I haven't had any of those problems except for when I keep it on longer than I should. At first, my skin was a little irritated by the patch, but now it's nothing and easy to take off. I spent 1 day without it on, and it really showed me how important it is for me to have it. I felt dirty throughout the day and had to pee all the time like always. I am so thankful for this patch, it really has helped me live with having an overactive bladder."

For Urinary Frequency "Been wearing the patches for a week now. I can tell a difference. The urge to use the bathroom greatly decreased. So glad they are OTC! The only problem I have is when I remove the patch it leaves adhesive on the skin, it's hard to get off. And waterproof would be better. Maybe they will update them sooner or later. But definitely recommended."

For Urinary Frequency "I used 4 patches in 4 days because each morning when I got in the shower, the patch came off. That was a cost of $4 a day since I had paid $16 for the box. I called Merck (manufactures product) and was told they would send me a coupon or another box of patches. That was 4 weeks ago, and nothing yet. But I have decided not to use the product or recommend it to anyone."

For Urinary Frequency "The Oxytrol does help for the urinary frequency, but I am disappointed in the quality of the patch. The patch doesn't stay on for the full 4 days, and it is NOT waterproof. It says it is, but it's not. I've tried taking a shower with it on, and it came off. So, I'm done using them. I tried 1 box of the patches, and I'm not wasting any more money on a low-quality patch that doesn't even stay on like it's supposed to. Very, very disappointed. Wasted money."

More about Oxytrol (oxybutynin)

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  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: urinary antispasmodics
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Oxytrol drug information

Other brands

Ditropan, Ditropan XL, Gelnique, Anturol

Professional resources

  • Oxytrol prescribing information
  • Oxybutynin (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Ditropan, Ditropan XL, Gelnique

Related treatment guides

  • Urinary Incontinence
  • Urinary Frequency
  • Dysuria