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Generic Name: Paxil for Anxiety (paroxetine)

Paxil for Anxiety Reviews

"Took 6 to 8 weeks for this to kick in fully. I suffered from severe generalized anxiety and agoraphobia. It was hard to do anything. I was in constant fear of my heart rate going high, not being able to get medical attention in certain situations, and overall anxiety levels through the roof. I've tried Citalopram (Celexa) 20, 40, and 60mg and didn't work, Effexor and didn't work, Buspar and didn't work. Xanax helps and Klonopin helps. Out of those two, I prefer Klonopin, but they aren't meant for the long term and only used them when I was really desperate. I've been on 20mg of Paroxetine (Paxil) for 4 months now, and it's like I never had anxiety. I'm able to go on trips planes, cab rides, buses. I'm able to go outside and enjoy myself. I started golfing again, which I love. I'm able to go to the gym and exercise and not freak out that my heart rate is high and start having a panic attack. I'm able to just live life without being in a constant fear state."

"I took Paxil for 19 years, and it relieved my anxiety and depression. I gained 40 lbs over those 19 years, but I was happy. In May, I decided to try Lexapro, and sure enough, I've lost 25 lbs. But at the expense of anxiety and depression returning. My doctor increased the dosage from 10 to 20 mg 5 weeks ago, and now I can't sleep. I'm going back to Paxil, I'd rather be fat and happy than skinny and depressed!"

"Was so anxious about taking this medication due to all of the horrible reviews. It seemed like I couldn’t stop Googling about it because I just wanted to find someone that had a good experience. Well, I have! I went on Paxil for almost two years and it helped me not only get back to myself but a better self. I never gained weight because I exercised a few times a week and I never had the crazy side effects. If you're thinking of going on Paxil, I would highly suggest it. I also did not get the horrible side effects while weaning off. My anxiety was a little high but nothing crazy. I am hoping this helps someone out there because I understand the frustration of reading all of these horrible reviews for the medication you're trying to go on :-/ I did have a bad experience with a medication but I was only on it for two days and got off it right away. You need to do what your body tells you. Never stay on something that makes you feel crappy."

"On this medicine, I feel like I'm actually living for the first time in 24 years. I was worried to try it, but am so grateful I did. For the first month, I would take it at night and would wake up from nausea every night. I suggest taking it during the day! Sometimes I get a little dizzy, especially if I forget to take it, but don't mind that too much. My perfectionism and social anxiety were destroying my work and relationships, and now I am productive, focused, and so stable!! If you are considering, try Paxil out! I couldn't be more thankful that I did."

"I feel very sad, depressed, and above all anxious. I went to the ER here in my country because I was convinced something was really wrong with me. At the ER, they checked my heart, my blood pressure, and everything was fine. My doctor wants me to start Paxil. I took it for three days already, and I have Xanax for when it gets worse."

"I started Paxil over 15 years ago after an unexplained bout with extreme anxiety and depression that did not respond to hypnosis, yoga, nothing! After trying a few other meds that didn't work, my doctor suggested Paxil. When I first started it, I also took Klonopin for the horrible anxiety. Within about 6 weeks, I totally felt the dark cloud disappear so I went off Klonopin. I have never had to increase my dose! I'm still on 10 mg, 15 years later. I tried weaning off of it 3 times already, and each time I would get really weepy and depressed, so I've decided to stay on it! Yes, I've gained weight, but that is nothing in comparison to how I was feeling prior to being on Paxil."

"I've been prescribed and taking Paxil for about 3 months now. At first, I was nervous because of the reviews on it saying there would be no sex life, and I'm currently in a relationship and have been for 2 years. I'm taking Paxil for anxiety. My sex life hasn't changed at all. Paxil has completely taken away my anxiety, and I feel awesome. Give it a shot."

"I've been on Paxil 10mg for 18 years. I used to have severe panic attacks and general anxiety disorder. This has helped me live my life. Anxiety is a debilitating sickness that interferes with everything you do in life, but only the people who have it can understand that. I recommend it to anyone who has anxiety."

"I have been on Paxil since 2001. Many people stop taking this medication before it starts doing its job. It takes around 4 weeks for the full effects of the treatment to kick in. I know it seems like too much to ask when you are feeling like every hour lasts an eternity. Trust me, you're going to feel much better and even forget that you felt like you life was over. I have been on Paxil 20mg since I was 24 years old. I'm 48 right now and I have lived a good life. No brain problems, no liver problems, no diabetes, a little weight gain yes but nothing that some much-needed exercise doesn't help. Stay active, talk and try to help others. I send you all my best wishes."

"I developed an extreme anxiety disorder inside my own home. Every day, my anxiety was at a constant 8/10, and if an 'event' occurred, it would become an anxiety attack (10/10). I was prescribed Klonopin & fluoxetine (which I'd successfully taken before for depression). This lasted NINE MONTHS. My therapist was giving me useful tools to use to conquer the anxiety, however, my symptoms were too high for them to be effective. My prescribing doctor switched me to Paxil/paroxetine, and it changed my life. Within 2-3 weeks, my constant anxiety leveled out to a 3 or lower, and I was better able to use the tools to conquer any spike in anxiety. Paxil helped me to take back control of my life. Anxiety no longer owns me!"

"Let me start off by saying that NOT EVERYONE reacts the same way to the same medication. NOW that being said, Paxil was a LIFE SAVER for me! I am 30 now, and I started taking Paxil when I was 19. The first medication Dr. tried for me was Zoloft, which made my anxiety get SO much worse! I was terrified to begin with, feeling CONSTANT WORRY, fast heartbeat, racing thoughts. So after 3 days of Zoloft, I quit, went back to my doctor, and we tried Paxil. IT SAVED MY LIFE. I felt the unneeded worries of the world lift off of my back, racing thoughts stopped, my heartbeat slowed, and I could organize my thoughts. It was like I had calmed down for the first time in my life AND IT WORKED IN HOURS FOR ME (don't expect same results, but you never know!)"

"After years and years of trying and failing with different medications, my doctor finally recommended paroxetine for my anxiety. No side effects unless I DON'T take it, no groggy feeling or haze over my memories anymore. I can function without feeling tired out halfway through the day. I don't get dry mouth. I don't gain weight on this medication. All of which have been an issue with other meds in the past. I'm very grateful to have found this."

"I used this site and others when I first started taking Paxil as a way to get through the first few weeks of treatment. The positive reviews really helped. I have been on Paxil for 8 weeks now and it is working great. I was experiencing situational anxiety after being laid off. I have always had moderate anxiety and at times it takes over my thoughts. The side effects were tough to deal with and included insomnia, constipation, intrusive thoughts, increased anxiety, and depression. After a few weeks, the side effects subsided and by 6 weeks all of my symptoms were gone. Today at 8 weeks I feel great. I highly recommend this drug. It can feel worse before it feels better, so just be patient. I would wake up in the morning feeling low and start to feel better by the afternoon. Now I feel good 24 hours a day. I am in my mid-40s (male). PS no sexual side effects either. Stay strong everyone. One day at a time."

"About 6-8 weeks ago my doc prescribed 10 mg Paxil (Now up to 20 mg) & 0.25 Xanax. The first few weeks I was very, very fatigued! But since I was depressed, I was okay with sleeping the rest of the day after returning home from school. I did experience headaches, nausea, increased anxiety (Xanax helped alleviate anxiety). Within the last 2 weeks, I haven't taken Xanax, my anxiety has dramatically decreased! Depression has also decreased. A few months ago I was scared to leave the house, be around people, an emotional wreck, no motivation to work out. Now I'm happy to go to school, exercise, and be social again. Keep praying and hang in there!"

"I have been taking Paxil for the past 5 years, and it makes me feel great. I do not get any anxiety attacks since I started. One thing that helps me is the support of my husband, exercise, and good eating habits. These things assist with living a richer and happier life. I do not intend on stopping because the good outweighs the bad."

"Anxiety has always been a big part of my life. A younger me was able to treat it with my brain, but now that I am 45, I was not able to control my fears of what bad thing will happen next. Being the father of 2 kids, including a handicapped little boy, plus my wife that doesn't work, she needs to take care of my little boy. My fears of losing my job, car breaking down, my son's medical condition, and a bad set of eyes were some of my major worries, all things that were unrealistic and mostly out of my control. Living in fear creates more problems than solutions. I started taking Paxil about two months ago, and I will tell you that it helps. I feel normal, no more fear, and able to deal with life's problems."

"I’ve been on Paxil (10mg) for about five weeks. I take it for PTSD and anxiety. After a terrible experience on Lexapro, I was scared to try Paxil. I am so glad I gave it a go because it’s really starting to help. I’m sleeping better, no longer having racing thoughts or panic attacks. And the only side effect I’ve noticed is some minor daytime drowsiness. If you try one SSRI and have a negative experience, don’t give up hope!"

"Paxil worked every time for me. I wouldn't say it saved my life because I believe God saved my life. But let me tell you, it brings you back to normal sanity. When you're not obsessing about your anxiety or depression or feeling sad, that's when you know you hit the jackpot. Anxiety and depression come out of nowhere and Paxil helped every time. Been on for 11 years on and off. This time round about 4th time took longer and a little stronger dose but hang on. I swear to YOU it gets amazing. Not better but GREAT. LIFE IS SO GOOD. SEEK HELP."

"Hi. I have been on 12.5 mg of Paxil for 6 weeks. My doctor said that was the dose for treating anxiety. I have had some mild side effects. I will say the very next day after taking it my anxiety is gone. I don't feel depressed. My anxiety was bad and so was my depression. It's pretty amazing."

"It really works wonders. I've been on it for almost a week and I'm just so calm and chilled. My anxiety started getting really, really bad. To the point where I'd cry over nothing almost. I'd sit and stress over the most trivial matters, but in my mind they were huge and irreparable. I'd stopped eating, it freak out on my own etc. Being social became a huge issue and rationalizing that everything would be okay didn't work anymore. Eventually, I bit the bullet and saw a doctor and since then this medicine has really been an absolute blessing."

"I've been on Paxil since I was 5, I'm almost 20 now. I've had really bad anxiety my entire life. I started at 5mg daily, as I got older, my dosage slowly increased to 20mg, which is my current dose. I had a few bad life experiences when I was younger that caused my anxiety to increase tenfold, so my doctor tried to swap the Paxil for something else. Bad idea, none of the other SSRIs worked; I had a severe increase in anxiety and side effects, so he put me back on the Paxil. Paxil has been the only pill to help my anxiety and I haven't had any side effects from it."

"Have been taking it for approximately 10 years. It is a miracle drug for me. I suffer from Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder and panic attacks, and believe me, it is no fun. I nearly drove my family crazy. I tried several other drugs before the doctor put me on Paxil, and none of them worked for me. I have taken 20 mg of Paxil per day since I started on it, and within 6 weeks, I was a different person. I am told I will probably have to take it for the rest of my life (I am currently 57), but that doesn't matter to me. What matters is that I can enjoy my life and my family again."

"Paxil has helped me immensely. At first, I was really scared to try it because I was reading tons of bad experiences online, but then I decided I needed to do it. Well, when I first started it, I had a few side effects like speedy feelings, restlessness, lack of appetite, and lack of sex drive and orgasm. Now I have been on them for 2 months, and it is working out great! I have not had any really bad side effects, and the ones that were there when I first started taking it are gone. This medicine has made my life so much more bearable and worked out great for me!"

"Only been taking Paxil for a week, but I can tell you that my anxiety and depression are greatly improved! I haven’t gained weight, except for the 5 lbs I needed to gain! Hope you hang in there because it has been very good for me!"

"I have been on Paxil for 16 years now. I have always been really anxious throughout my life, and it came to the point where it was affecting everything I did. Paxil has changed my life for the better and has really worked well for me. I plan on staying on it."

More about Paxil (paroxetine)

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Paxil drug information
  • Paxil (Paroxetine Suspension)
  • Paxil (Paroxetine Tablets)

Other brands

Brisdelle, Pexeva

Professional resources

  • Paxil prescribing information
  • PARoxetine (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Brisdelle, Pexeva

Other formulations

  • Paxil CR

Related treatment guides

  • Anxiety
  • Dysautonomia
  • Anxiety and Stress
  • Depression