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Generic Name: Pepto-Bismol (bismuth-subsalicylate)

Pepto-Bismol Reviews

For Diarrhea "I was so sick from a stomach virus going around my city, including my own doctor's office staff. I literally felt like I was dying. My wonderful neighbor brought me a bottle of Pepto-Bismol, and after the first dose, I immediately started feeling better. I couldn’t believe it, as I had been delirious only moments before."

For Diarrhea "As a college student with moderate IBS symptoms/overly sensitive stomach, sharing one bathroom with four people can REALLY be scary. Instead of having to climb out the window and run into the woods or bang on the door begging for mercy, popping a couple Pepto tablets can REALLY help relieve the symptoms of impending doom. It mellows my stomach out within 5 minutes of taking, doesn't taste bad, and gives me a sense of safety. Sometimes, your stomach still gets upset much later, which at that point is completely fine - it has to come out sometime, right? Generally speaking, it's usually great, and I never get the upset stomach! I recommend it to anyone, it's saved me many times and can do the same for you."

"I have used Pepto-Bismol liquid off & on for more than 10 years because it was effective. But, sadly, the manufacturer has changed the formula, replacing saccharine sweetener with sucralose. Now the liquid is so sickening sweet, I cannot use it and have switched to Kaopectate."

For Diarrhea, Chronic "Let me tell you, Pepto Bismol is the best medicine I have ever taken for my stomach issues, I have IBS-C and sometimes my IBS medicine gives me nasty side effects, and makes me bloat, have indigestion, stomach pain and pepto bismol will literally get rid of all my symptoms. I absolutely love it! It has given me back my life seriously, I do not take my IBS medicine everyday whenever I need it, and then the side effects come and I will take pepto bismol and I feel actually normal! I forgot what normal felt like until I took this medicine! I always recommend it to my friends and family. I call pepto bismol gold in a bottle. Also I appreciate not having crazy side effects from this medicine, it just helps me and no problems. I only take it when I take my IBS medicine and it doesn't stop my IBS medicine from working either! This is great stuff"

For Indigestion "It is a must have in my medicine cabinet, knowing I have it makes me feel so secure. I occasionally (maybe once or twice a year) wake up with very horrible stomach pain, and it used to plague me for up to 48 hours, and I would constantly be worrying about the day it would come. Now, if I do experience stomach pains, taking a dose of pepto bismol eliminates the pain within 30 minutes. It is a miracle drug. I no longer live in fear."

"I had a serious digestive problem and I was given pepto-bismoth on the day it became sepsis so I ignored the symptoms and I spent 10 days in the hospital I was told it numbs the problem and caused sepsis so I thought I was ok but Nope"

For Diarrhea "It worked after I took like 6 of them over the course of a couple of hours. It was a bad decision though as it made me constipated for 5 or 6 days after that. Be careful if you have IBS and have alternating constipation/diarrhea or any other related stomach issues"

For Indigestion "I've found pepto Bismol really useful for when I get acid reflux. It really helps to calm and cool my stomach. Anytime I'm feeling nauseous, it's the first thing I go to! I also take pepto bismol when I've eaten too much, as I do have a binge eating disorder. It helps prevent the reflux before it starts. I only take it when I'm experiencing symptoms."

"Woke up one morning and had a cup of coffee. Half hour later developed the worse stomach ache I've ever had. Couldn't sit, stand, or do just about anything. Drank water, took Tums, Citrucel, Pro-biotics my wife gave me all by 10am. Nothing helped. She had mentioned Pepto but I said that's for diarrhea that won't help. After 7 hours of suffering, I took the Pepto. Glad I did. It worked wonders, within 10 minutes of taking 15ml, I felt better, 30 minutes later took another 15ml. Bingo!! I was fine."

For Indigestion "Used Pepto with Gas-X for my Nausea & Gas about half hour later and vomited severely. I do feel better having vomited but it wasn’t a pleasant experience. I don’t recommend taking the two together."

For Indigestion "I had a minor acid reflux this week. I didn't know which over the counter medicine to take and so I googled. I randomly ended up at pepto bismol and read some reviews. Most of the reviews were quite positive about the drug and so I went to the nearest walgreens and bought one. I took it for the next two days as directed however it never worked or I didn't get better! I got annoyed and ended up throwing it! I went ahead and bought Alka Selzer and got better immediately! In conclusion, Alka Selzer is great and pepto bismol is not!"

For Diarrhea "Relieves my upset stomach, gas, diarrhea, heartburn, and its affordable."

For Diarrhea "Very effective for diarrhea, besides, it alleviates heartburn and stomach discomfort."

For Diarrhea "Excellent stomach flu remedy. Stops symptoms quickly. For bad digestive issues such as the stomach flu the max liquid works better than caplets or chewable tablets. Gives fast effective relief."

For Indigestion "Pepto-bismol is outstanding! I had a severe bout of nausea, and almost immediately after I took a dose of this life-saver, my nausea vanished. I recommend every one of you to try this."

For Diarrhea "Pepto-Bismol did not CURE my problem; but it slowed diarrhea until I was able to get to the doctor. A must have in all medicine cabinets!"

For Indigestion "This Pepto-Bismol stuff works so well in the liquid version. I had a stomach ache for over an hour then took it and I swear after 10 mins it worked, and my stomach does not hurt anymore."

For Indigestion "Very good, very fast."

For Indigestion "It tastes like liquid peppermint bubble gum."

For Indigestion "Very effective for me with both nausea and diarrhea. Works well at preventing vomiting, in my experience."

For Indigestion "Pepto Bismol has saved my life on several occasions. If I could, I would marry it. 10/10 would...NO!!! WILL buy again"

For Diarrhea, Chronic "Terrible, yes it will stop your diharea but it will just hold everything in & make you nauses & after the pill wears over? Diharea again!!"

For Indigestion "I get painful gas and bloating often after dinner, especially if I eat too much or too much fat. Pepto Bismol usually works great and within 20 minutes. Good stuff for sure."

For Indigestion "I can't take pepto bismol, because if I do I get an allergic reaction I will break out in a rash. Shame too, it does help but the rash isn't worth the risk."

For Traveler's Diarrhea "Omg life saver hubby bought me pepto chewable and I literally came back to life I had stomach cramps & nausea due to a stomach bug and it all went away within minutes !!"

More about Pepto-Bismol (bismuth subsalicylate)

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  • Drug images
  • Latest FDA alerts (1)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Support group
  • Drug class: antidiarrheals
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Pepto-Bismol drug information
  • Pepto-Bismol (Bismuth Subsalicylate Chewable Tablets)
  • Pepto-Bismol (Bismuth Subsalicylate Suspension)
  • Pepto-Bismol (Bismuth Subsalicylate Tablets)

Other brands

Kaopectate, Bismatrol, Pink Bismuth, Peptic Relief, ... +6 more

Related treatment guides

  • Helicobacter Pylori Infection
  • Diarrhea, Acute
  • Diarrhea, Chronic
  • Diarrhea