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Generic Name: Percocet for Chronic Pain (acetaminophen-oxycodone)

Percocet for Chronic Pain Reviews

"Something needs to be done. 10 mg oxycodone 120 pills. Some are weaker and don't work on the pain. All out of the same bottle. Drug companies should be testing their products to make sure they are consistent! While some are weaker (in the same bottle), some are stronger. For some, this could be dangerous."

"I've been on my meds since 1997. I was in a car accident, crushed against a tree in my car. I didn't start my meds during the craziness. Over 20 years, my pain meds keep me normal. I've been with the same pharmacy for about 4 years. I have never given them a problem. In the beginning of this month, he claimed to have not had my usual brand. I desperately asked him how it will affect me and is this only once. He told me it's the same, different manufacturers, and that he hasn't gotten any of my normal ones. I trusted his word. Then, once I tried them, I called him and complained, explaining this is not working. He also suggested I go somewhere else. I explained to him that is not right, I simply want what I know works for me. I am praying that when it's my next pick up, he gives me what I'm supposed to have. This particular brand of Percocet has been making me sick, it's not a mind thing, it's physical pain. U17 are the markings on the pill. The brand is Aurolife Pharma LLC, and they do not serve their purpose. Please don't make the same mistakes as I did. We have rights."

"I'm so sick on these new pills I got at Walgreens. I've been on generic Percocet for many years, and now I'm going through terrible withdrawals from this brand named MFG Camber. I agree with the others on this site - there is something wrong with this brand. I can't even get myself out of bed. It is making me shaky, nauseous, and unable to function. I'm about ready to go to a hospital if I don't start feeling better. Plus, I'm sweating like I've never sweat before. Don't get these Camber generic Percocet...you will be sick as a dog."

"Many back injuries, as a child and adult. At 40, I had fibromyalgia, degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, and more. On 8 Advil/day, I experienced much pain. Wonderful old doc said I would blow my kidneys on Advil, so he put me on Percocet 5/325 - it really helped. Later, other MDs put me on a variety of antidepressants. They did NOT relieve my pain (some aggravated it). Side effects were monstrous; so was the withdrawal when I quit. I remain on my Percocet. After 2 decades of careful use, I now take a 10/325 dose, cut them in half and take as needed, averaging 3 pills/day. I can walk, function well, and think straight. No side effects! BEST PAIN MED EVER. My heart breaks for people in severe pain."

"I've been taking Percocet 5/325, 1 and 1/2 times a day for a totally messed up lower back in constant levels of pain when moving. Can't stand up straight for 10 yrs. I also periodically get back injections and take small amounts of Methocarbamol for spasms, plus occasionally Diclofenac when extremely bad. I know for a fact I will never get addicted to the Percocet. I don't feel any 'high' or crave it ever. In fact, it makes me nauseous and constipated. Oddly enough, that little bit, spaced right, combined with other pain relief, allows me to get around pretty good, take care of grass cutting, etc. It does cut into the most severe pain, for example, Sciatica, when that flares up. And to be honest, it's safer than any other alternative, especially for those of us who never crave the feeling of the drug!! To be honest, it's overall NOT a physical feeling of well-being for me! It cuts into pain.. PERIOD!"

"I have three bulging discs and a big guy at 240 lbs. The Rhodes brand of oxycodone with acetaminophen 10-325 medication is absolutely useless. It's like taking a placebo or just a regular Tylenol. My doctor said that some people's chemistry binds with the body's chemicals incorrectly with the medication and makes it inert. Does zero. The other Percocet brand that starts with an M, weird name, worked to reduce pain by 50%."

"I have multiple painful conditions such as DDD (cervical and lumbar), sacroiliitis, sciatica, small fiber neuropathy, and have been recently diagnosed by my pain doctor with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. For years, I have been prescribed one treatment or medication after another with poor results. I am now taking high doses of gabapentin for the nerve pain and 10/325 Percocet three times a day, and this is what keeps me functioning daily and working full time. If it wasn’t for Percocet, I would most likely be bedridden and on disability."

"If you find that this medication doesn’t help you, it could be your liver lacks the enzyme to break it down. This medication also made me feel depressed, and I actually am a very happy person, so I knew I wasn’t depressed, but couldn’t shake the feeling of flatness. Also, this medication did almost nothing for my pain from severe facet arthritis, DDD, and stenosis. I found 40 minutes later it felt like I had to take it again. Thankfully, my doctor switched me to something that does work, but I had a genetic test done for medication and found out I lack an enzyme to break the med down to the active form. I also found out that the reason for my mood problems is because this drug interacts with the Kappa receptor, which can cause dysphoria. Not great for me, but I know many people find relief with it. If you don’t or have the above experience, ask for a genetic test for pain medication. It is very helpful."

"I am mid-40s male and had chronic back pain, spondylosis, and degenerative disc disease for the last 5 years to where it became impossible to hardly move without being in pain. I am allergic to codeine, so the doctors tried Vicodin. I saw nothing with Vicodin except tiredness. I was asked to try Percocet 5/325 in place of the Vicodin. Not only has it helped make the pain manageable, I actually had the desire to get out of the house and do things that I have not been able to do before taking it."

"I broke my back at 25. This drug keeps me going. It helps me with my anxiety as well, makes me more social, and I can go to the gym and workout without pain. But my doctor only gives me 75 a month. I go through them in 20 days, but he won't give me more, which sucks. The new laws make it hard for people who actually need this drug. Rappers glorify drugs, and people who need them get screwed. I get 5/325. Miracle drug for some."

"After taking Norco 10/325 for close to 8 months, I was switched to Percocet 10/325 and what a difference! I take 4 a day and I have my life back! I was injured earlier this year and fractured my patella. Even Physical Therapy didn't help as much as it should, because I was left with osteoarthritis in my knee. I'm now able to do chores, go places and enjoy life again thanks to no pain! Thank you Percocet."

"I've tried absolutely everything from nerve pills to antidepressants to help my pain, and this is the only thing that works. Of course, my doctors want to take it away after 11 years because of all of the recent headlines."

"This drug is a miracle for me, but the government has made my life miserable. I get pain relief only on this - no high, no low, no sleepiness, nothing but pain relief. I was on 75mg total a day with extended release and breakthrough, but they have forced me down to 40mg a day of only breakthrough. I spend half my day sitting or lying down in pain until the pills kick in for about two hours. I will be seeking medical marijuana now."

"I have four herniated discs and was prescribed Percocet, which took the edge off. I never went above the prescribed dosage. Then the drugstore switched the generic company to Camber acetaminophen/oxycodone. I felt sick, had headaches, and vomited. I never knew you could be sold total garbage from Walgreens, so I never will go back there. Instead, I will go to mom-and-pop drug stores, Mallinkrodt, maybe spelled wrong, but they work better."

"Percocet is indeed a wonder medicine for pain. I take up to 5 a day and still have some pain, but at least it is dulled to a point of making my life worthwhile. I am in my late 70s, and doctors have told me that back surgery at my age and my condition (Severe stenosis, herniated disc) is risky. I thought my later years would be enjoyable, but back pain has made me lose interest in all the things that I looked forward to, like travel, etc. It has placed a heavy burden on my wife to take care of me in my pain mode."

"I took Percocet for several years then stopped, and just got back on to it but with a different CO. It was like it had no active ingredients and it made me hyper and made me lose sleep. No good, like the company made fake pills."

"Every disc in my entire spine is damaged, all sorts of conditions with chronic pain. I've been on brand Percocet for 10+ years with a few years on the generics. The generics suck and don't do much for pain as I had to keep switching between them (so long on one and then so long on the other), but the brand Percocet does work, for me anyway. I was even reduced from 5/day to 3/day and it's still working. No addiction and no dependence, my strength is 10/325. The insurance company wants to put me on generics again, not because they care about me, it's the cost. Quality of life, along with other meds, is better but far from great. Any side effects are outweighed by how good they work without getting high."

"3 back surgeries resulting in severe chronic pain. I have been taking Percocet 5/325 for over 10 years. 2 to 3 tabs daily, and it enables me to do gardening, lawn care, and other chores around the house. It really allows me to do more and have a better quality of life."

"My experience began when I was a child. I had very strange headaches, eventually diagnosed as 'ice pick migraines'. They had all the symptoms of the normal migraine you hear about, except they were so painful, my feet would draw up, my eyes would roll back, and I went almost stiff from the pain... nothing helped. When I hit my thirties, I started having issues with my spine, my pancreas, and my kidneys. Percocet is the only therapy out there that keeps me from wanting to die. My blood is thinner, and I have issues, as stated, with my pancreas and stomach, so I cannot take OTC drugs, they make me sick. Very sick. But, of course, no one believes that until they see what happens to me. It's kind of a living hell. I say if we can help, help."

"As someone constantly in pain from sports injuries and just general pain from working out 4-5 times a week, minor sciatic recurring pain in my legs, and with no options to discontinue my weekly workout routine, Percocet is perfect. Never has Percocet made me loopy, stupid, tired, or out of control. In fact, I feel more energy when I take Percocet, and I am able to not only make it to the gym but get a much more effective workout. As a 36-year-old with very low-level high blood pressure concerns, family history of heart problems, family obesity history, a history of being overweight myself, and adult ADHD, I have no choice but to workout! Percocet allows me to do so, while working and living a normal life. Thank you, Percocet."

"I have many spine health issues and, as a result, experience the joys of chronic back pain. This medicine works well for moderate pain for me. I did build up a tolerance for it pretty quickly, however, which is typical for any pain medicine. Bad side effects I experienced were debilitating nausea and hot flashes when it was taken on an empty stomach. Also, the all-over 'itchies' when I first started taking the medicine. Both of these can be prevented by eating with the medicine and taking an antihistamine with it."

"I have been on Percocet for 16 years. I started out with low-grade Vicodin. I have taken the name brand with no problems. When they switched me to generic, I had some problems with the way they affected me, they didn't seem to work as well. But when they switched the generic brand to another generic brand, I had an upset stomach and a very bad rash. Sometimes you have to take the name brand instead of generics, even though they say the generics are the same, they are not. I could tell the difference, but I have tried OxyContin and had a very bad itching and a rash, so I guess I'm stuck on them. I have days I take more than I'm supposed to in the morning and do without later, but the pain is so bad it's almost suicidal."

"I have arthritis in most joints, especially in spine, degenerative disc disease & now spondylolisthesis (vertebrae slipping onto next vertebrae - bone against bone). MD just upped my Opana from 10 to 20 mg, 5mg Xanax 3x a day to calm me (no change) & switched from Oxy IR 10mg 6-8 hrs to Percocet 7.5 6-8 hrs due to pain increase. What a difference! I feel able to do the things I like/need to do. Advice to anyone taking narcotics - do NOT mix with alcohol - you'll overdose, don't take more than directions - you'll just build tolerance & they won't work. If your medicine stops working as mine did, don't take more, tell your Doc, a different combination can change everything!"

"After breaking my back and being rated disabled because of the permanent nerve damage and constant pain, this is the only prescription that helps me lead as close to a normal life as possible. I have tried several other options, and none have been effective. I was told to get in the best shape of my life and stay like that, so I am, but that just keeps me at a certain level of comfort. I hate being stereotyped into a group of users, I am not a user. When I have gone several weeks without it, day-to-day tasks are incredibly difficult. Being a college student, having my prescription is the only way I can sit and study. It allows me to put the pain in the back of everything and concentrate on studying. I do make sure I am not addicted."

"I'm 51 years old and have been dealing with chronic pain for the last 20 years. I was put on MS Contin 60mg three times a day, it's long-lasting, but pain still comes through. The doctor added 10/325 Percocet for breakthrough pain. It made my life livable. I give it a 10."

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  • Drug class: narcotic analgesic combinations
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  • Chronic Pain
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