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Generic Name: Pluvicto (lutetium-lu-177-vipivotide-tetraxetan)

Pluvicto Reviews

For Prostate Cancer "I have now had 3 of 6 cycles of Pluvicto. Subsequent to cycles 1 and 3, I developed a severe UTI for which I was prescribed Cipro. My biggest concern right now, 1 week out from cycle 3, is the radioactivity. I have a Geiger counter, and it shows considerable radioactivity emanating from my body. How safe can this be for me or my family? Additional symptoms being experienced are dry mouth, sore lower abdomen, fatigue, and headache. Despite what we were told when we began the Pluvicto, that it was a fairly easy treatment to tolerate, I have found it much more difficult than expected. On the positive side, my PSA has gone from 9.7 to 4.7 after 2 treatments, and I expect it will be lower still now that I have completed 3 treatments."

For Prostate Cancer "I am 73, and have been treated for aggressive prostate cancer for twenty years. I have completed 4 of 6 Pluvicto treatments, and decided against taking the last two. My PSA has dropped to 1.0. The infusion treatment is simple and painless; however, the later side effects have been difficult. I have extreme fatigue, experience dry mouth and eyes during the middle of the night, and have difficulty moving my right leg due to spine compression (may or may not be the Pluvicto). The main reason that I decided to stop after four treatments is the fatigue which generally begins in mid-afternoon and can be very severe."

For Prostate Cancer "No side effects, save dry mouth. Brought my PSA down from 110 to 13. Still on the six cycle."

More about Pluvicto (lutetium lu 177 vipivotide tetraxetan)

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  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals

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  • Pluvicto prescribing information

Related treatment guides

  • Prostate Cancer